A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

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A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by Lilly »

And now for something completely different: Just think of this as what was left behind on the cutting room floor - my take on the “missing scene” that would have been set immediately before the beginning of Episode 15, “What’s Left Behind.”

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight - or its characters. Every once in a while I like to take them out for a spin, but I always try to return them, clean and with a full tank. No copyright infringement is ever intended.

Rating: PG-13

First published: 9/2008

A Night On the Town

3:37 – am. Mick glanced at his watch as he leaned, chin down and arms crossed, against the cool exterior of his building. Josef was nothing if not punctual, especially when he was up to something, and with this mysterious, impromptu summons, Mick had fully expected him to have made an appearance by now. A “night on the town” could mean just about anything to the 400-year old vampire, if past experience was any indication, but there was the hope that this time the invitation involved no more than a quiet drink between friends. As he waited, the private detective mulled over the possibilities like suspects in a police lineup, carefully considering each option before relegating it back to the shadows of his imagination. It wasn’t long before the early morning quiet gave way, however. Mick heard the eight-cylinder snarl approaching long before he caught the flash of red rounding the corner, down-shifting to a low rumbling growl, and stopping in front of the building.

The driver turned with a smirk. “You look like hell. Get in.”

“Nice to see you too, Joz’f,” Mick countered, as he pushed off the building and approached the curb.

“I’m just sayin’. You’ve gone from zero to sixty and back to zero again. You need to get out more.” Josef fixed his friend with a knowing gaze. “And sitting in the gramp-mobile outside some flea-bag motel keeping tabs on a rogue husband…” he paused for effect, “… doesn’t cut it.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Mick opened the door and eased his long frame into the passenger seat of the convertible. As he settled in, he shook off the night air with a barely perceptible shudder.

Josef looked at him incredulously. “Did you just – shiver?”

“It happens. My body’s been all screwed up.”

“Must make sleeping in a freezer particularly challenging.” A slight cough. “Are you still using the blankie?”

“Shut up.”

Josef revved the engine in lieu of further comment.

“So, what’s the big secret? Where’re we going?” Mick narrowed his eyes at Josef, adding warily, “You don’t have a string of freshies lined up somewhere, do you?”

“Boys’ night out, Mick.” He smiled enigmatically. “Private party. No ‘pin the fang on the freshie’ tonight.” At least not for you.

With the flick of two fingers of his right hand, Josef eased the Spider into gear and headed northwest on 5th. As the sound of the 483 horses thundering just behind his ears intensified through a series of up-shifts, Mick ran both hands through his wind-swept hair, pushed it back off his face, and closed his eyes.

The two vampires rode westward through early morning LA, as the Ferrari played cat-and-mouse with green lights along Wilshire Boulevard. Josef cast a sidelong glance to size up the state of his friend, who since his re-turning had been ping-ponging between his usual angst and a new, rather unsettling, vamp-lite that could only be described as - chipper. Tonight, however, he just looked lost. The business with Tierney Taylor had ended badly – on more levels than Mick realized. Not only did he blame himself for her death, he had gone from needlessly exposing himself to public scrutiny to almost completely closing himself off from the world again. He needed to find some balance.

“Soooo…” Josef’s lilting inquiry finally displaced the extended quiet. “How was the date?”

“Fine.” Mick allowed with a nod. Over the years, he had learned a thing or two about the art of understatement from his friend – never provide all of the facts when a minimum will suffice. In this case, given the mood he was in, the less said the better.

“But you took Blondie out for a - bite?” Josef prodded, complete with full-fanged emphasis on the last word.

“Yes - I took Beth out to dinner, Josef.”

“And afterward?”

“I took her home.” A fair measure of tension was starting to creep into his voice.


Silence. Mick’s only response was a puff of air self-consciously expelled from his cheeks.

“That’s it? Still?? Man, no wonder you look like hell.”

Mick steeled himself for one of Josef’s “unwritten rule” lectures or, at the very least, a colorful anecdote from his wild vampire youth. But none was offered. Even after half a century, the elder vampire could still manage to surprise him, not only with his creative use of words, but on occasion with his effective and carefully-timed use of silence.


Less than twenty minutes into their adventure, Josef turned off Beverly Boulevard into the deserted parking lot of a large, modestly lit Beverly Hills showroom and rumbled to a precise stop across three parking spaces toward the back of the building. Mick tilted his head sideways and looked at his friend suspiciously.

“I thought we were going out for a drink. What is this place? Some kind of furniture store?”

“Not a furniture store, Mick. The Roche-Bobois Design Center.”

“They sell furniture, don’t they?” He craned his neck to get a look at the huge glass windows that extended from the storefront around the side of the building.

“Of course they sell furniture.”

“Then it’s a furniture store.”

“And a Stradivarius is a fiddle.”

Mick shook his head, mutely admitting to himself that, of all the venues he had considered, this prospect had seemed about as likely as a trip to the zoo. Although, come to think of it, there was that one night at the San Diego Wild Animal Park back in ’97 when Josef had insisted that the younger vampire needed to blow of some steam by getting in touch with his inner animal. At least, Mick conceded, this evening was less likely to end with him needing to replace a favorite jacket.

The two vampires got out of the car, closing their respective doors almost in unison. When Josef began walking toward the building without as much as a glance back, Mick stood open-mouthed, holding his hand out over the open expanse of the convertible. There was no way his friend was going to leave the Spider exposed like that at almost four in the morning.


Before he could elaborate, Josef raised the remote over his shoulder and, with a click of a button, locked the car.

“Great,” Mick groaned, “No one’s gonna break into it now.”

His sarcasm was immediately answered by the low hum of the hydraulic actuators as the rear cowling lifted slightly and the soft top began to unfurl from its narrow hiding place beneath the twin fairings behind the seats. In no more than twenty seconds, the top had appeared, stretched itself out like a cat after a long nap, and secured itself in place and the cover firmly reseated.

Josef turned toward Mick, beaming with satisfaction. “You were saying?”

“Geez, Josef. This thing’s like a damn transformer. Your toys are bigger, but maybe you and Logan have more in common than I thought.”

The broad grin melted from the billionaire’s face as he pressed his lips together, turned on his heels and muttered a curt and definitive, “No.”

Josef strode toward the back of the building, closely followed by his unsuspecting partner in crime. He stopped in front of the plain gray utility door that marked the employees’ entrance to the store and looked expectantly at the private detective.

“What?” Mick was clearly at a loss.

“On the field trip to Hank Mottola’s house, you said next time we could do our breaking and entering in Beverly Hills.” Josef nodded toward the lock on the door. “Did you bring your lock picks?”

“Josef,” the PI grumbled, “I said I’d find a thief in Beverly Hills – not be the thief.”

“We’re not stealing anything, Mick. We’re just window shopping…” Josef grinned impishly. “…from the other side of the window.”

“Let me get this straight – you ask me to come along for a “night on the town” -- because you need me to break into a store for you?”

‘You’re stressed. I thought you needed involvement. ”

Huffing in exasperation, Mick cast his eyes upward toward the starless sky and wondered to himself why he had bothered to answer the phone at all that night. He should have known that just as often as not Josef had an ulterior motive for wanting his company. His jaw clenched involuntarily and then, with a shake of his head, he focused his attention on the door. He briefly studied the lock and then shifted his gaze to a nondescript plastic panel, illuminated by a single LED, mounted on the outer wall of the building adjacent to the entrance.

“No way, man. This is a keyless, RF system. You need a card that sends a radio frequency signal to activate the lock. You can’t even hot-wire it like a keypad - the code from the access card is routed to a computer for verification. Logan could probably get you in after you brought him a dummy card and he hacked the store’s computer, but it might take a day or two.” The PI turned to the dubious mastermind and added pointedly, “OR - you could just come back when they’re OPEN.”

“So, you’re telling me….?”

“Unless you want me to rip this door off its hinges and probably set off an alarm in the process, you invited the wrong guy to your party.”

Without missing a beat Josef shoved his hand into the pocket of his jacket and with a neat bit of sleight of hand produced a white piece of plastic held casually between his index and middle fingers. He flicked it past the reader with a quick gesture. As the door lock released, his amusement was met with an angry glare. “What?” he shrugged, replacing the card into his jacket, “Marcel was expecting me.”

“You son of a…”

“Careful, pal - you don’t know who you might be insulting there.” He eased the door open and brushed past his cohort, snickering, “When we’re done here, maybe we can go look for your sense of humor.”


Josef strolled dismissively through darkness of the employee work area and emerged into the lighted showroom. He stopped with eyes narrowed and briefly surveyed what he could see of the more than ten thousand square feet of design options.

“Why exactly are we here?” Mick wondered aloud.

“The interior design team of Laverne and Shirley had a Manutti suite delivered to my building yesterday.” He looked to his friend for a reaction, clearly expecting more than the blank stare and subtle shake of the head that answered him. “Manutti! I distinctly said ‘Minotti’ – and I believe I was speaking English at the time.”

Rolling his lips to suppress a chuckle, the out-of-his-element PI offered, “And? You don’t like the -Manutti?”

“Mick! Manutti is a Belgian company that makes high end wicker outdoor furniture. Do I look like I need wicker outdoor furniture – in my office??” Flaring the fingers on his raised hand to emphasize his disdain, he pivoted smoothly and focused his attention back to the decision at hand.

Pacing down the center of the store, Josef pronounced swift judgment on the vignettes he passed, much like a general reviewing his troops, “No….no….no…..” He paused momentarily to evaluate a low modular grouping with flowery velour cushions. “NO.” His sergeant at arms followed closely behind, trying unsuccessfully to stifle his amusement.

As he continued to his left, Josef caught sight of a tufted black leather chaise accessorized with a substantial faux-leopard throw pillow. The elder vampire bared his fangs and hissed, flashing momentarily on a past excursion involving cheetah races and a lost bet, but he continued on without stopping.

Rounding a corner, Josef stopped in his tracks, a wistful smile growing as he appreciated a small display of cleanly upholstered sofas and lounges distinguished by broad, sweeping curves and vibrant jewel-tone colors and accented with contrasting round ottomans and throw pillows. The showcase was like a neon oasis in a desert of harsh straight lines and excessively neutral colors.

“Now that,” he said, nodding toward the grouping of bold, fluid forms, “reminds me of some very good times.” He added succinctly, as if it would say it all, “Good ol’ Vlad.”

Mick’s eyes went wide. “Tepes?”

“No – Kagan. Vladimir Kagan. He did some custom work for me in the late fifties. Very avant-garde. Way ahead of his time. His catch phrase is ‘When in doubt, use red.’” Mick caught the twinkle in his friend’s eye and knew immediately that designing for a vampire -and Josef Kostan in particular -had everything to do with the genesis of that slogan.

Realizing that the hunt, complete with detours down memory lane, was likely to take a while, Mick settled into the corner of one of the floor models, his arm stretched casually over the back. As he watched his friend stalk the showroom, it occurred to him that Josef more closely resembled a predator on the prowl for a something to quench his appetite, than a billionaire mogul shopping for a place to sit. The fact that he was actually both was a source of appreciable irony.

“Are you just going to sit there or are you going to help?”

Raising his voice to trail after his friend, Mick offered mockingly, “I’d love to help, Josef. I just don’t know what we’re looking for.”


“Did you ever think you might need a personal shopper – instead of a PI?” Mick paused for a moment before asking, “Leather, right?”

“Of course leather. Leather is timeless – like vampires.”

“Yeah, right.” Mick considered, “What about that cream one over there?”

Josef glanced over his shoulder in the general direction that his friend had pointed. His eyes narrowed and he looked back at Mick. “Where?”

“That one.” Mick insisted. “The cream one.”

“Mick – that’s not cream,” Josef corrected, “It’s ‘mushroom.’ In the eighties, it was ‘taupe’ or, in La-z-boy lingo, ‘tan’ - but it’s definitely not cream.”

Mick shrugged, “It looks like cream to me.”

“Have you ever seen cream that looks like that? It’s been a few centuries, but I’m pretty sure if cream turns that color, it’s time for a new goat.”

Color notwithstanding, Josef approached the sofa in question, flicked open the button of his jacket, and fluidly poured himself onto the not-cream couch. Leaning back, he extended an arm in either direction and, looking from one end to the other, smiled with a measure of satisfaction.

“How many freshies do you think this would hold?”

“Do you really need more than one at a time?” Mick chided, but having been answered with a slight quirk of the head and a wide-eyed, not-so-innocent smile, he continued, “I don’t even want to know. Can you just make a decision?”

“In good time. Sometimes,” Josef said pointedly, “when it’s right, you just know it.” He rose gracefully, casting a meaningful glance in his friend’s direction, and continued his quest.


As they moved silently through the showroom, Josef caught Mick looking - with more than a passing glance – at a leather-wrapped bedroom suite. As he stopped to pass his hand appreciatively over the rich chocolate calf-skin surface of the dresser, he contended, “There are some compelling uses of leather in the bedroom - but this isn’t one of them.

“You know, pal -” he continued, nodding toward the sizable bed, “sooner or later, you’re going to need one of those.”

Mick shook off the image and turned to scowl at his busy-body best friend, who added mischievously, “I know you got that small dirigible when you were human, but I’m telling you, Mick – fangs and air mattresses? Bad combination.”

Mick laughed off the unsolicited advice and proceeded to another seating area closer to the front of the store. There he examined a sleek sofa with twin bolsters that each ran half the length of the back of the sofa. With a simple maneuver either piece could be pivoted up to form a substantial lateral headrest or folded away out of sight behind the back of the unit.

“Hey – did you see this?” he asked as he flipped the bolster up and down. “It’s kinda like the top of the Ferrari.”

“Does it have a remote?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Not interested,” Josef called from another part of the store. “Marcel said there was something around here in aubergine that might work.”



No response.

“Sheesh, Mick - purple?”

Mick joined his design mentor at the model in question. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

“Sit down.” Josef directed.

“Why don’t you sit on it? It’s for your office.”

“I don’t need to sit on it.”

It was a losing battle. Mick complied, lowering himself onto the designated sofa until his seat rested significantly below the level of his knees. Even so, his shoulders remained a good ten inches from the severely angled backrest of the couch. Leaning back did nothing to improve his position - he looked awkward and felt worse.

“Cozy.” Josef sniffed. “Now get up.”

Easier said than done. Perpetual coolness was no match for this piece of furniture. Even with his usual strength and grace, it was impossible for Mick to stand up without looking like an inebriated fraternity pledge struggling to his feet after an exceptionally thorough hazing.

Josef smiled. “Form over function – I like that.”

“What about the Manolos?” Mick suggested, “Maybe they’re more comfortable?”

Josef snickered, shaking his head slightly, “I think you’d have to ask Beth.”

Mick stared at him, bewildered.

“They’re shoes, Mick. Manolo Blahnik designs shoes. And I have no idea how comfortable they are.”

“I thought you said…”

“Minotti.” Josef stated impatiently, emphasizing each syllable, “Mi - nooo –ti.”

“Fine. Which one is the – Minotti?”

“Mick. Roche-Bobois.” Josef made a sweeping gesture with his hand. “Focus. The Minottis are in the Minotti showroom a couple of blocks down Beverly.”

“Dammit, Josef – just pick something comfortable so we can get out of here. The sun’s gonna be up soon.”

Josef sighed, “Mick. This is for my place of business. I don’t necessarily want it to be comfortable. When I offer a visitor a seat, I decide how comfortable – or uncomfortable - I want him to be. It’s about control.

“You know,” he added, “people don’t always want what you think they should want. Sometimes, they surprise you. Hmm?” Lowering his chin, he raised his eyes and fixed his friend with a penetrating gaze.

Mick flopped down in the nearest club chair and scrubbed his hand over his face in frustration.

Josef stepped back and studied Mick with a sardonic grin. “Didn’t you used to have a leisure suit that color back in the seventies?

“It was brown.” He raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Better than bright green polyester.”

“It was hunter – and silk.”

“Right. And who designed it –Ernie Keebler?”

“This from the guy who doesn’t know Valentino from Armani or Minotti from Roche-Bobois? You’ve got a lot to learn, Boy-o.” Josef slapped his hand down on Mick’s shoulder, laughing. “But, for now, I think our work here is done.”

“Done? But you haven’t -,” Mick stopped mid-sentence, pausing momentarily before closing his mouth. As he wrestled with a growing suspicion that the night’s activities were not solely about window shopping as Josef would have him believe, Mick just sighed, thankful that it was only breaking and entering this time, and followed the master manipulator to the rear exit.

“I’ve worked up quite a thirst. Too bad you don’t have anything on tap,” Josef announced as he smoothly opened the back door. “You don’t have any more of Michele’s finest that I sent over the other day, do you? Private reserve, my friend – best of the best.”

The quality was not at issue. Ever since Mick’s re-turning, Josef had insisted on having regular deliveries of fresh blood made to his friend’s apartment – bottled straight from the freshie du jour. Mick wasn’t sure whether the gesture was motivated by some perceived step-sirely obligation or misplaced guilt, but either way he knew it was his friend’s way of showing his concern without actually having to say so. Not unlike this spontaneous “boys’ night out.”

“It’s been in the refrigerator for a couple of days,” Mick offered with some apology.

“Still - better than that reconstituted freeze-dried stuff Guillermo keeps pawning off on you.”

“Whatever you say.” Dad.

Mick’s “not-your-sire” best friend whipped his head around as if hearing something he didn’t quite catch, but dismissed the thought and continued across the parking lot to the Spider.

“Maybe we should try and crack Minotti security next week,” he suggested with a smirk, “– while we’re at it, we can pick out a king-size for you and Blondie. Although - any vamp worth his bloodline would be creative enough not to need a bed. But I guess it’s a good place to start for a…” Cough. “…beginner.”

“Thanks, buddy.” Mick slapped Josef on the back with enough force to drop a mortal to the pavement. “But I don’t need shopping advice from the Don Juan of the undead.”

“Trust me, Mick,” he offered as he reached for the driver’s side door, “frustration is not the vampire’s friend.”


6:28 am. The sky had begun to blush with the anticipation of a new day as the two vampires rode off into the morning. Although no design decisions had been made during the pre-dawn shopping trip, the “night on the town” had served its purpose - and they both knew it. Nothing more needed to be said.


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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by mitzie »

I read this before on the other site. Loved re-reading it!! Great Josef snark and the clueless Mick!! :lol:

Love it!!!! *scream* *scream* :lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by coco »

I loved this when I read it before Lilly. It's still brilliant :D
The Josef / Mick dialogue is spot on. Very funny indeed :D
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by Lilly »

coco and mitzie -- thank you so much for commenting here! It's wonderful to hear that this still brings a smile to your faces. :)

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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by wpgrace »

Ah Lilly... this is one of my favorite ones... I love their dialogue, I love Josef's playfulness with a purpose, I love MIck's long-suffering but adoring attitude with his friend... and of course I love how you snuck his inability to tell tan from cream in there.

This whole piece was just clever in all kinds of ways and was one of the fics, post-cancellation, that made me soooo regret the dang show was gone. At first read it was almost painful, because you had captured their vibe together so incredibly well... but now that we've had time to absorb it all, it is a wonderful addition to the scene in WLB itself. To me, this is now part of the canon of their night out.
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by MoonShadow »

This piece was so well written Lilly that I still refer people to it. Minotti, Manolos, Manutti, and Mattola thrown in just for literary measure. Beautifully researched, written and executed. The voices are spot on, I can see the two of them interacting this missing scene. Thank you for posting this one again.
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by Lilly »

Grace - thank you so much for your kind words! I had a lot of fun with this. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thought the banter rang true.

Thanks, Moonshadow! You know me and my research. :roll: The funny thing is -- I have a copy of the sides for the scene when they get back to Mick's apartment and Josef's line is written with "Manutti." I'm guessing someone on their toes knew enough about furniture to correct it, because in the episode he clearly says "Minotti." As for the Manolos, I just threw those in for good measure. ;)

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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by MoonShadow »

You will have to forgive me; but the phrase threw in for good measure reduced me to giggles, given the current uhmm... social climate and the subject of shoes. I just got the funniest mental picture. okay, um back to being serious...
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by Trixie »

MoonShadow wrote:...I just got the funniest mental picture...
Josef wearing Manolos while furniture shopping?

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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by Lilly »

Trixie wrote:
MoonShadow wrote:...I just got the funniest mental picture...
Josef wearing Manolos while furniture shopping?
:shock: NOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

(poor Josef)

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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by ari »

I loved this one from the second I first read it! You've captured their relationship so well! Just completely amazing
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by MoonShadow »

Did anyone ask Lucky if she was missing some shoes? :lol:
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by news »

This was so beautifully written! You've definitely got the gift. I've read it before and always enjoy reading it again. Thanks so much Lilly. I love the way you write. 8-)
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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by Lilly »

news - thank you so much for your sweet comment! Image I can't tell you how happy it makes me that this stands the test of time.

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Re: A Night on the Town ("Window Shopping" from Ep.15) - PG

Post by greenleaf9 »

LOL, this was great!

You captured Mick and Josef's banter perfectly. Gotta love all that Josef snark! :lol:
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