Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

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Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

Disclaimer: See chapter 1.

Chapter 5

Mick entered SICU with some trepidation. When he got to Beth’s corner he was saddened to see her with so many IV lines and medical equipment. She looked so pale, with dark circles under her eyes, but her vitals looked good and the beeping of her heartbeat was comforting. He sat down heavily at her bedside and took her hand carefully in his.

A doctor moved closer. “Mr. Jenkins, I’m Dr. Adams, I performed the surgery. Let me tell you first that everything went fine and she will recover, barring any complications. She lost a lot of blood but we pushed lots of fluids into her and she’s stable now. Her rare bloodtype was a bit of a problem but we gave her O negative and she’s been handling it great. When it was clear that her vitals were improving we decided to immediately repair the damage to the blood vessels and muscles in her leg instead of having a later follow-up surgery. Her artery was sliced open and it took some time to suture it, but she should have no problems in the future. We’re giving her antibiotics to intercept any infection. She’ll wake up soon and could be out of the hospital in maybe a week.”

Mick thanked the doctor and watched her sleep for a while. With the worry for her life taken from his soul, he thought about what to do with Steve and his team. He really should have taken care to not leave any traces in the hotel, and to have a better cover story for why the helicopter crashed. But he was really taken by surprise by everything. He would need help.

With a heavy sigh he left the room to seek out a quiet corner to make a phone call.

In a mansion in L.A. a grumpy vampire answered his phone. “Mick, you promised not to use this number unless it’s an emergency. Did Hawaii burst into flames or what else happened?”

“I really need your help, Josef. I messed up.”

Josef sat down and got comfortable. This could be a long story. “What’s new, Mick? Tell me about it.”

Mick leaned against the corner of the small storage room and talked as fast and as soft as possible. He didn’t want anyone to overhear this.

Mick and Beth had a good time despite the trying circumstances. They had needed to relocate quickly but their stay in Hawaii, enforced by the need to cover their tracks, had proved to be a welcome time for the couple. They had fun pretending to be on their honeymoon, even when no formal wedding had taken place.
Mick had planned to put his mouth where his heart was, and had taken Beth to dinner. Afterwards he suggested a walk at the beach. He planned to ask her for her hand there, even though he didn’t have a ring. He would give her his St. John ring that he hadn’t had the heart to throw away when they fled L.A. for San Francisco and then Hawaii.

The moon was full and it was light despite the late hour. At the boardwalk there was a woman of about 50 years searching for something in the sand.

The woman asked the couple for help as she had lost her hotel key. Her husband was standing by the side but didn’t move a finger. Mick started looking out, when suddenly the woman staked him. The man held Beth in a hard grip. They gagged and bound her and put them both into a van, then drove to the harbor. There they put the unmoving body of Mick and the wiggling package of Beth into a warehouse structure. A third person came to help. They bound Mick to a plank leaning at a wall, and fastened Beth to a chair. Then they removed her gag.

“Who are you and what do you want from us?” Beth asked with fury in her voice.

“We’re part of the Legion. We will kill this vampire who brought you with him, and free you”, the woman answered.

“If you want to free me, why am I bound to this chair?”

“You are still blinded by him, devoted to him, you would want to help him and give him your blood. We know that the vampire throws his thrall upon humans to make them willing to feed him. We will need to break his spell first.”

Beth laughed bitterly. “I’m not enthralled. I love him.”

“See?” the woman said. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. We will wait till the morning and then we will take you both to a secure location where we can burn him and keep you with us until the spell is broken.”

Beth slumped in her bonds. This was worse than she thought.

“I know that there is a treaty between the Legion and the vampires. You are supposed to leave them alone as long as they don’t overpopulate certain areas. The Legion notified the L.A. tribe that there would be a purge, but gave them a deadline. We met the deadline and left. So, what more do you want?”

“We are no part of that treaty. We believe our leaders are weak and have been bought by the vampires. Their deadline only managed to spread evil over the whole world. There have been no vampires in Hawaii up to now. You brought evil here. We followed you to make sure he won’t spread it further.”

“But we aren’t staying. We will leave in a week. Mick never turned anyone into a vampire, he won’t. Let us go and we won’t bother anyone.”

The woman smiled. “That’s what he told you, dear. He’s a lying monster. We can’t let you go.” She put the gag back into Beth’s mouth and motioned for the two men to leave with her.

Mick was paralyzed by the stake and incapacitated by the silver. He was unable to do anything. Beth tried to move her chair over to him but it was bolted to the floor. They could only wait for a later opportunity to come free.

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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

O wow!! The Legion is behind all of this!! How on earth is Mick ever going to explain this to 50?

Josef can't be too happy either...any investigation into Mick will shed unwelcome light on the community. But what can Josef do to help?

francis, this story has been the bright spot in an otherwise dismal day :hug: :hug:
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Oh, no - the Legion? :gasp: I didn't expect that twist! Worse, a faction of the Legion not party to the LA group who signed a treaty. This looks bad for Mick and Beth, so it's a good thing we alreadyknow they manage to escape. :phew:

A little disappointed it's not their real honeymoon, but at least Mick is planning to propose! :hearts:

On edge waiting for more! :thanks:
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Not their real honeymoon was a bit of a letdown for me, too, but those two are together and will stay that way. This is just another bend in the road.

Now we have a renegade sect from the Legion intent on saving Beth from herself. Come on, people--can't we all just get along???????

Guess not. Now I'm starting to wonder if it is Beth that caused that crash. She pulled the stake out of Mick, Beth broke Gary's neck and the helicopter crashed.

A little long distance help, Josef? Kostan to the rescue...

Anxiously awaiting Chapter 6!

Thank you!!


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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Wow, what a lot of revelations! I'm really dying to know how you're going to tie up all these fascinating little story bits!!! And mostly, I'm hoping that Mick and Beth will be able to celebrate a real honeymoon. Maybe a less hectic one next time. :winky:
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by AussieJo »

Me too. I'm looking forward to more.
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by Marigold »

Three chapters in one day!?!?!? Francis, your muse is on FIRE!!!! :yahoo: :hot: :clapping:

I would be worried about the Legion, but we already know that Mick and, barring any complications, Beth survive their attack. Now all we have to worry about is Steve. I'm not sure which is more dangerous... :eek2:

I really hope that Mick and Beth's real honeymoon is a lot more relaxing than this one! :hearts:

Thank you, Francis! I'm on the edge of my seat! :flowers:
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

dsr, I’m sorry you had a dismal day. Josef knows someone. He always does.

MLC, the Legion is a dangerous bunch, but this fraction is even worse. Mick didn’t have time yet, but he will make sure to let her know what he’s thinking.

Jen, they needed a front quickly and this worked well. It might be a letdown for Beth too.
Beth was bound and gagged, so she had no chance to do all that much.

allegrita, thanks for reading. A real honeymoon without dead bodies – when they already don’t have real dates without dead bodies? You’re dreaming, right?

AussieJo, I’m so happy that you like it.

Marigold, I was inspired and had some free time, and there it was. Hope I will have some time during the week too. Steve can be dangerous, but he’s also a nice guy, basically.
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by cassysj »

Oh my! Legion is just evil. What a pickle they got into
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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by MoonlitRose »

OMG, ... a renegade faction of the Legion! No wonder this is such a mess for Mick and Beth!!!!

Good thing that Josef "knows somebody", because it sure looks like it's going to be needed!

Maybe the H5O bunch will have to be "let in on the secrete"? Guess we'll see? :giggle:

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Re: Dangerous Trails chapter 5 (PG-13)

Post by nutmegger911 »

Poor Beth! Her kidnappings are getting more and more injurious. You've got me on the edge of my seat here.
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