The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

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The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by darkstarrising »

Dearest Readers,

This is the seventh chapter (of nine) in my answer to the challenge for a Moonlight Crossover story, challenge 140. Originally, this was supposed to be a relatively short story, but the muse cackled wickedly and off we went. For me the challenge (initially) was getting inside the head of a character I wasn't overly sympathetic (Mary Ann McGarrett) with and change that perception.

A/N 1 - It should be noted that several of the characters in this story periodically fell victim to the muse's warped sense of humor, Danny Williams in particular. In this chapter, both Steve and Mick fall victim as well.

A/N 2- Part of this story involves the tattoos that we see on Steve McGarrett's shoulders, but were hidden from view when Alex played Mick St. John. I don't have a flaming clue what those ornate designs mean (if anything), but that's never stopped the muse before.

A/N3 - If you want to see what one of the tats really means, see and thank Kath40 for finding it. The muse couldn't have been any further from the truth. :biggrin:

I hope you enjoy.

The usual disclaimers apply. I mean no copyright infringement on any of the characters described herein. This is all for fun, nothing more.

The Long Journey Home

Chapter 7

Whatever Danny expected, being led into an elegant Japanese styled parlor wasn’t among the options. Having been in a dark cell for god knows how long caused him to squint in the room’s comparatively bright lighting once his silent captor pushed him in then closed the door. Within moments, a very beautiful Asian woman entered, bearing a plate of fruit.

“Ah, Detective Williams. A thousand apologies for your prior treatment. Please, sit and eat whatever you wish.”

Danny remained standing. “Finally! Someone who speaks!!”

“Indeed, Detective. I am Masami, and you are a guest in my home.”

Guest? You can’t have much company, lady, if kidnapping, drugging and imprisoning people in dark pits is the way you treat your guests.”

“Again, my apologies. My associates were to bring you here unharmed. Due to an unavoidable delay in my return, they chose to keep you as safe as possible. Now that I am here, I hope we can put all that unpleasantness behind us.”

Unpleasantness? Lady, you’re crazy if you think feeding me rabbit food is going to make me feel better.”

“I assure you, I am not…crazy. Perhaps this will make amends for your earlier treatment….” At this, Masami held out Danny’s cell phone. “Please, take it. Call whomever you wish.”

Danny hesitated, then took the phone, his fingers briefly touching Masami’s icy ones.

Shit! Another one. If she’s strong like the others, she could easily kill me with one hand.

Danny checked his voice mail; among the messages were a half dozen from Steve, each more frantic than the previous one. The last message, saying that his partner was on his way to the mainland, gave Danny some comfort. Maybe there was hope after all.

“Ah, I see you are relieved knowing your friend has come in search of you.”

Wow! She must have ears like a bat….

“Yeah, well, he gets nervous if I’m not there to keep him out of trouble.”

“Why not call him then? He sounds worried.”

“What? Call Steve? Just like that?”

“Of course.”

“OKaaay.” Danny hit speed dial, praying that wherever Steve was, he’d pick up. His prayers were soon answered. “Steve!!”

“Danny!!! Where are you? Are you OK?”

“Other than being cold, bruised and stinking like a goat, o yeah, I’m just peachy. As for where I am….” Danny looked at Masami and shrugged.

Masami took the phone from Danny. “Commander McGarrett. I am Masami and your friend is my guest. He has, however, tired of his visit and wishes to go home. I suggest we meet in exactly two hours.”


Masami then gave Steve the address. “And Commander? Come alone.”

The connection was broken and the phone pocketed. “Now Detective, please eat something. You will need your strength for your journey to meet your friend.”

Danny sank down into a chair, his appetite vanishing. “Why do I feel like a condemned prisoner with his last meal?”

Masami smiled. “How perceptive, Detective, because that is exactly what you are.”


“Danny!! Danny!!” Steve yelled at the phone, but got no reply. “Shit! They broke the connection!!”

Josef tried to calm his guest. “On the plus side, Commander, your friend is still alive and hasn’t lost his unique sense of humor.”

Steve turned to Takaro. “Does the name Masami mean anything to you?”

“Hai. She was the mate of Hikaru, the blood demon who attacked you.”

“So this is all about revenge?”

“Not just, McGarrett san. It is also about the path a man chooses. The vengeance Masami seeks could spill the blood of many. If you are not careful, the vengeance you seek will do the same, making you no better than Masami. If you lose your way, McGarrett san, you will lose your soul as well.”

Steve knew Takaro was right; if he wasn’t careful, it could cost Danny his life and he’d rather face a hundred blood demons than Grace and Rachel with the news of Danny’s death. “OK. This is obviously another trap. I can’t just go waltzing in there alone.”

Josef agreed. “No, you can’t. But I know someone who can.” Josef turned to Mick. “Up for a little fun?”

Mick grinned. “Sure. Why not?”

Steve shook his head. “No! It won’t work. You may look like me, but you don’t walk or talk like me. Danny’s met you and he might give you away.”

“I’m a quick study.”

“You’re a civilian, not military.”

“I was an Army medic in World War II. I think I can bring some of that back.”

“World War II? Really?” Steve was impressed. “OK. Maybe you could pull off the charade except for one minor detail – you’re a vampire, I’m not. Masami will sense that before you can get to Danny.”

“And that’ll throw her off balance. She’s expecting a human. I’ll tell her that in order to save Danny, I agreed to be turned.”

“You honestly think she’ll fall for that?”

“Maybe, maybe not. What I do know is that Masami thinks the odds are in her favor, facing a mere mortal. Being faced with a vampire will give her something to worry about, giving us added leverage and time.”

Beth cautioned “OK, but what about Steve’s tattoos? If I were Masami and had any doubts about his identity, I’d want to see them.”

Steve didn’t say a word, but he was beginning to understand why this human woman was held in such high esteem; she was not only bright and beautiful, she was cunning, something that seemed to please Kostan.

Josef replied. “We thought about that and Mr. Takaro was kind enough to bring the designs which can be transferred to Mick. Temporary tats, if you will. As long as Masami doesn’t look too closely, they should do the trick.”

Steve still wasn’t persuaded. “OK, let’s assume Mick convinces Masami he’s me. That’s still not good enough.”

“Agreed, Commander. What Masami doesn’t know is that you have friends in the LA vampire community. When Mick goes in, my people will surround the building and quietly deal with Masami’s men. That way, your Detective Williams is neither harmed nor any the wiser as to the true nature of his saviors.”

Steve had run out of objections and his friend was running out of time. “OK. Let’s do this. But….when you see Danny, call him Danno. It’ll help convince him you’re me.”


“It’s a long story, but it’s a nickname ….aw, hell. Just do it.”

Mick shrugged, then removed his jacket and shirt while Takaro prepared to apply his temporary tattoos using Steve’s as a guide. While the three men were thus engaged, Josef quietly approached a fascinated Beth and whispered “Having a little ménage-a-trois fantasy, are we?”

Beth blushed scarlet, then swatted Josef, while Mick shot his friend a venomous look. Takaro, for his part, wisely chose to ignore what he’d just heard. While McGarrett didn’t actually hear Josef’s comment, Mick and Beth’s reactions were enough for him to get the general gist. Following Takaro’s lead, McGarrett kept his eyes down and his mouth shut.

Beth hissed back. “Josef! For heaven’s sake, I’m a married woman.”

“And that’s an issue, why?”

“Because I’m in love with the vampire who is my husband. I’m not interested in anyone else, nor will I ever be.”

“Pity, the constraints of human sensibilities. Still, the possibilities….”

After Takaro finished with the application, Mick and Steve stood side by side, allowing Takaro to assess the resemblance. The blood demon nodded his satisfaction, then asked McGarrett something in Japanese.

Steve blushed, shifted uncomfortably, then muttered a brief answer. Josef, for his part, broke out into a wicked grin. Seeing both men’s reactions, Mick wanted to ensure whatever Takaro said had nothing to do with Beth.

Fixing McGarrett with a icy stare, Mick demanded. “You want to tell me what all that was about?”

“Not really. It’s kinda personal.”

“Don’t make me ask you again. You won’t like it.”

Steve relented. “OK, OK. Takaro wasn’t prepared to duplicate another one of my tats. I told him I didn’t think it was necessary.”

“Hey, if this is to work, I need to look like you as much as possible. What if Masami wants to see it?”

“She won’t.” Turning away, Steve muttered under his breath. “Not unless she wants ‘Magic Mick’.”

Mick grabbed his human twin by the throat, lifting him off the ground and snarled. “What did you just say!!?”

Takaro remained impassive, but Josef was nearly beside himself. “Mick, put the Commander down. I’m sure he didn’t mean any disrespect.”

Once released, Steve apologized. “No, I didn’t. I’m sorry.” Risking a brief glance in Beth’s direction, he pleaded. “I’ll explain, but can we take this somewhere a little more private?”

There was no way Josef was going to miss seeing Mick’s reaction to Steve's 'explanation'. “Actually, you two stay put. Beth, in order to preserve you delicate sensibilities, not to mention the Commander’s life, I suggest you go powder your nose. Give us a few minutes while these gentlemen exchange clothes.”

While her curiosity was piqued, Beth heeded Josef’s request. The conspiratorial look in his eyes told her that whatever was about to happen, he’d share the details later.

When Beth was safely out of the room, Steve turned his back to Mick and unzipped his pants. “You were going to see this eventually…”

Mick’s eyes grew wide. “I don’t even want to know what that tat means… and I agree, we don’t need to duplicate it.”

Josef composed himself long enough to ask. “Are you sure, Mick?”

“Don’t even think about it, Josef.”

“Then it’s time to shear those locks of yours.”
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by r1015bill »

You are a very clever girl! How fun that Steve has another tattoo that, um, "hasn't seen the light of day"? :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

And that little fantasy you have Beth scripting? She probably would have enjoyed it more if Josef hadn't caught her in it. :winky:

But Mick's hair cut off? :hankie: I suppose it has to be done to save Danny.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by jen »



No kidding Danny's rescue was coming up quickly!! He is clearly not one to take being kidnapped, tossed into a dark hole and drugged very well. Not that anyone should!

I read somewhere that Alex was not fond of the his long hair as Mick, but they did look wonderful on him. He'll just have to grow them back out once Danny is safe and sound. Wonder if Beth will have anything to say about that.

Steve seems to be fitting in very, very well but I can still see when he and Danno return to Hawaii, they agree to not only NOT talk about vampires, but the subject of L.A. will not ever come up again! We shall see...

Thank you!


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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by allegrita »

:coffee: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: Oh, your muse really was having fun at everyone's expense! :winky: I'd love to see Mick's face when he explains that third tattoo to Beth. :snicker: And, ummmm... did your muse tell you what it looks like? (The tattoo, I mean--don't look at me like that!) :blushing:

I loved Danny's conversation with Masami. Our guy does not get less cranky under imprisonment, does he? :teeth:

I'm really looking forward to the showdown between Mick-as-Steve and Masami. I won't be surprised if Danny figures out that Mick isn't Steve. He's very observant, and he's spent time with Mick. Even with a haircut and fake tattoos, I'm not sure Mick could fool Steve's best friend. But I do think Danny is quick-witted enough to realize that Mick is working in tandem with Steve, and would keep his mouth shut, even if he did recognize Mick.

Danny has already figured out a bunch of stuff about the vamps... so I wonder what sort of story Mick, Josef, and Steve will tell him to explain the strength, coldness, and super-hearing of certain people he has encountered? :chin: And will he believe them? :brow:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by Moonlightsonata »

Continuing to enjoy the story and the whole business about the tattoos. Sorry to have Mick cut his hair. I guess for purposes of this story, even vampires can grow hair back? Heck anything can happen in the fanfic world.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by Marigold »

1. :gasp: :eek2: :no: Noooo! Not the hair! :Mickangel:

2. :rolling: Josef's comments, 'Magic Mick', and another tattoo! :brow: Too funny! :coffee:

I wonder what Masami will think of "Steve"...

Well done, DSR! :rose: I can't wait for chapter eight! :hug:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by Claudia »

Pure fun again!!! I want to see M's reaction to vampire Steve!!! :yes:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:You are a very clever girl! How fun that Steve has another tattoo that, um, "hasn't seen the light of day"? :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

And that little fantasy you have Beth scripting? She probably would have enjoyed it more if Josef hadn't caught her in it. :winky:

But Mick's hair cut off? :hankie: I suppose it has to be done to save Danny.
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Yeah, well since we've caught a glimpse or two of it during the show, I figured it was fair game :snicker:

And Beth? Come on, faced with two men looking as they do, who wouldn't dream a bit :cloud9: despite her protestations.
jen wrote:DSR


No kidding Danny's rescue was coming up quickly!! He is clearly not one to take being kidnapped, tossed into a dark hole and drugged very well. Not that anyone should!

I read somewhere that Alex was not fond of the his long hair as Mick, but they did look wonderful on him. He'll just have to grow them back out once Danny is safe and sound. Wonder if Beth will have anything to say about that.

Steve seems to be fitting in very, very well but I can still see when he and Danno return to Hawaii, they agree to not only NOT talk about vampires, but the subject of L.A. will not ever come up again! We shall see...

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna :hug: As much as I like the long, curly locks, Alex is one of the few men I know who can pull off looking good with it long or short (not overly fond of the shaved head look, though :no: ) And Beth will definitely weigh in on Mick's hair.

Steve is used to weird situations, Danny not so much. But even this one has got to be up there on Steve's weirdometer. The return trip will not be as pleasant as you might think.
allegrita wrote::coffee: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: Oh, your muse really was having fun at everyone's expense! :winky: I'd love to see Mick's face when he explains that third tattoo to Beth. :snicker: And, ummmm... did your muse tell you what it looks like? (The tattoo, I mean--don't look at me like that!) :blushing:

I loved Danny's conversation with Masami. Our guy does not get less cranky under imprisonment, does he? :teeth:

I'm really looking forward to the showdown between Mick-as-Steve and Masami. I won't be surprised if Danny figures out that Mick isn't Steve. He's very observant, and he's spent time with Mick. Even with a haircut and fake tattoos, I'm not sure Mick could fool Steve's best friend. But I do think Danny is quick-witted enough to realize that Mick is working in tandem with Steve, and would keep his mouth shut, even if he did recognize Mick.

Danny has already figured out a bunch of stuff about the vamps... so I wonder what sort of story Mick, Josef, and Steve will tell him to explain the strength, coldness, and super-hearing of certain people he has encountered? :chin: And will he believe them? :brow:

Thanks, alle :hug: I told you the muse has a warped sense of humor :giggle: And yes, she did tell me what they look like :teeth:

Danny doesn't like being in situations beyond his control and this is certainly one of them....but this is only the beginning of his crankiness. As for the explanation about vampires, Mick can get cranky as well and let's just say the discussion is brief and to the 'point'.
Moonlightsonata wrote:Continuing to enjoy the story and the whole business about the tattoos. Sorry to have Mick cut his hair. I guess for purposes of this story, even vampires can grow hair back? Heck anything can happen in the fanfic world.
Thanks, Moonlightsonata :hug: In the world of fanfic, indeed anything can happen. Since Mick's hair was short when he was turned and it eventually grew long, I guess it can grow back.
Marigold wrote:1. :gasp: :eek2: :no: Noooo! Not the hair! :Mickangel:

2. :rolling: Josef's comments, 'Magic Mick', and another tattoo! :brow: Too funny! :coffee:

I wonder what Masami will think of "Steve"...

Well done, DSR! :rose: I can't wait for chapter eight! :hug:
Thanks, Marigold :hug: The hair had to go, but it will return. Yeah, I couldn't resist Magic Mick :blushing: , but Steve was sorry he voiced it.

In chapter 8, you'll see Masami's reaction - tomorrow.
Claudia wrote:Pure fun again!!! I want to see M's reaction to vampire Steve!!! :yes:
Thanks, Claudia :hug: Glad you enjoyed the morning's story. Tomorrow you'll get your wish.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by moonlightlover60 »

Oh no! not the hair :mdrama: all those beautiful curls that a girl, um I mean that Beth runs her fingers through will be cut off??? :hankie: :hankie: I see even facing eminent death that Danno can still make sarcastic remarks. But he knows Steve is coming so he probably figures that they'll get out of this one crazy way or another, boy he has no idea just how crazy it can get. Yeah, Magic Mick... :cloud9: I'd like me some of that.
Thanks DSR, loving it. :thanks2:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by darkstarrising »

moonlightlover60 wrote:Oh no! not the hair :mdrama: all those beautiful curls that a girl, um I mean that Beth runs her fingers through will be cut off??? :hankie: :hankie: I see even facing eminent death that Danno can still make sarcastic remarks. But he knows Steve is coming so he probably figures that they'll get out of this one crazy way or another, boy he has no idea just how crazy it can get. Yeah, Magic Mick... :cloud9: I'd like me some of that.
Thanks DSR, loving it. :thanks2:
thanks, moonlightlover60 :hug: Believe me, I didn't want to see those gorgeous locks get shorn either :mdrama: Danny is hopeful, knowing what Steve is capable of, but he also knows they're dealing with something really weird that may be out of Super SEAL's league.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by Kara »

No! Don't cut Mick's hair. :gasp: I don't like McGarett's short hair.
While the three men were thus engaged, Josef quietly approached a fascinated Beth and whispered “Having a little ménage-a-trois fantasy, are we?”
Heh. That Josef is so naughty. :snicker: Can't wait for Josef to tell Beth where & what is the secret tatoo is.

Great chapter. Thanks. :hearts:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by OnceBitTwiceShy »

I thought you were going to say that Steve was cut and Mick was uncut:) Lovin this story!!
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by francis »

Well, this had some humorous bits and pieces. :rolling:
I guess Mick won't need to copy all of them. What about the one on the back? And the gecko, did they copy the gecko?
The hair will grow back. Mick now is the stunt double of Steve. I so enjoy this.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by darkstarrising »

francis wrote:Well, this had some humorous bits and pieces. :rolling:
I guess Mick won't need to copy all of them. What about the one on the back? And the gecko, did they copy the gecko?
The hair will grow back. Mick now is the stunt double of Steve. I so enjoy this.
Thanks, francis :hug: Yeah, the muse was having way too much fun with some of these characters, mostly Danny, but in this chapter, she picked on Steve and Mick a bit. Alex's chest tats are covered when he plays Steve, so they weren't an issue. We've caught glimpses of the one on his 'lower back' when he plays Steve (although unintentional) and that was the one that Mick didn't want to duplicate.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 7- Challenge 140

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

The hair? The curls? :mdrama:

Well it's going to be worth it to see Mick impersonate Steve. I wonder if he will fool Danny?
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