The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall. 140

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The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall. 140

Post by darkstarrising »

Dearest Readers,

This is the ninth and final chapter in my answer to the challenge for a Moonlight Crossover story, challenge 140. Originally, this was supposed to be a relatively short story, but the muse cackled wickedly and off we went. For me the challenge (initially) was getting inside the head of a character I wasn't overly sympathetic (Mary Ann McGarrett) with and change that perception.

From that terrifying beginning, Mary Ann has come home and due to the efforts of Mick, Steve and Danny, she is safe. Those efforts have caused each of the men to think about who they are and what the future holds for them.

A/N 1 - It should be noted that several of the characters in this story periodically fell victim to the muse's warped sense of humor, Danny Williams in particular. Believe me, she meant it as a compliment.

A/N 2 - I loved Moonlight and still do. Before there was the Steve - Danny bromance, there was a similar relationship between Mick and Josef. I'd like to dedicate this little story to Alex, Jason, Sophia and yes, even Scott, for bringing to life the characters I so dearly love to play with.

I hope you enjoy!

The usual disclaimers apply. I mean no copyright infringement on any of the characters described herein. This is all for fun, nothing more.

The Long Journey Home

Chapter 9

Mary Ann McGarrett still had a lot to learn about her brother, but seeing him now, she knew he was hurting.

Just like when we were kids, he’d sit on the beach, alone in the dark, so that no one could see him cry. ‘Real men don’t cry’ Dad would tell him. He was wrong. When Mom died, we all cried, even Dad.

She’d called her brother earlier, but kept getting his voicemail. When Steve still hadn’t returned her calls by evening, she began to worry. Beth had alerted her that the LA trip had been pretty rough, so much so that Danny wasn’t speaking to Steve. At first, Mary thought little of it, having seen the two go at it a few times. When she saw her brother’s solitary silhouette in the Moonlight, though, she knew something was terribly wrong.

Steve heard her approach, his head snapping up, his body tense. Mary wondered if her brother would ever be able to relax again, be normal again. Now, however, wasn’t the time to find out. Now was the time for reaching out and hoping he wouldn’t pull away.

Mary sank down in the sand, sitting cross-legged next to her brother. “I heard it was a tough trip. I got worried when you didn’t return my calls.”

Steve didn’t look at her, continuing to stare at the ocean. “Didn’t get much sleep over the last couple days. When we got home, I just turned off my phone and went to bed.”

“Uh-huh. Try again.”

Steve sighed. “I just needed to be alone, Mare. I needed time to think.”

“Steve, you and I have been alone waaay too long. A wise woman once told that sometimes the only way to get rid of the hurt from being alone is to reach out. I took her advice and it brought me back to you.”

“I’m glad you came home.” Steve finally looked at his sister, seeing her concern. “I’m sorry, Mary.”

“For what?”

For letting revenge for our father’s death make me lose sight of what’s really important – you.

“For everything. I wasn’t there when you needed me. I was too busy with my own life, trying to forget about everything we’d lost and how we’d never get it back again. I was so damn busy that I almost lost my only sister. And that’s something I can never be forgiven for.”

“It goes both ways, big brother. I could have picked up a phone or tried to connect with you, but I was trying to forget as well, just in a different way.” Mary spotted what looked like a short sword in Steve’s hands, sending a chill down her spine. Surely, her brother wasn’t so upset that he’d kill himself. “Uh, Steve, what’s that?”

“A gift from an old friend who twice saved my life, the second time at a tremendous cost. He gave this to me as a reminder that family is precious and should never be taken for granted.”

“As if we needed reminding…”

“I did. I let myself get so caught up in my career, then in finding the man responsible for Dad’s death that I forgot about you. I’m sorry for that, Mary, more than I can tell you and I promise, I’ll never forget about you again.” Steve paused, then asked softly. “Are you going to stay in Hawaii or go back to LA?”

For a moment, Mary saw the face of a sixteen year old boy as he held his sister’s hand in the airport so many years ago. He was trying to be so brave then, reassuring a scared thirteen year old girl, even though he was scared himself. Now it was her turn. “I think I’ll stay for a while, just to keep an eye on you. But you know, your family is more than just me now; Chin, Kono and Danny are a part of it, too.”

“Not Danny. Not anymore. Danny saw some ugly things in LA, things he couldn’t understand and thought I should have stopped. He’s madder than hell at me.” Steve hung his head. “No, not mad, disgusted. I wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves 50 and goes back to HPD.”

“Did you try to explain …”

“God, did I try! But there are some things, Mare, I just can’t explain. Hell, there are things I can’t even tell him or you."

“I know. That’s because you swore on your soul that you’d keep some secrets and that’s OK. But how did you feel when I didn’t tell you about the attack right away?”

“Pissed. I couldn’t understand why you waited so long to tell me. You’re my sister, Mary. I love you, I care about what happens to you. I don’t want see you get hurt.”

“I love you, too, Steve, for all those same reasons.” Mary gave her brother a kiss. “And so does Danny.”


Chin Ho Kelly smiled when he saw Danny enter the 50 offices. “Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. How you feeling, brah?”

The snarky greeting was followed with a sincere embrace. “Still tired. Jet lag’s a bitch.”

“How’s your head? Looks like you took a helluva shot.”

Danny gingerly touched the purple and yellow bump. “Looks worse than it feels, as long as I don’t touch it. Where is everybody?”

“Steve and Kono are at the firing range. I have to admit, Kono’s long range skills have become quite impressive under Steve’s guidance.”

“Let’s just hope he isn’t too good a teacher.”

Chin chose to ignore Danny’s implication, fearing it would confirm his own budding worries. “I thought you were supposed to take it easy today.”

“Got bored sitting in my apartment. Jeez, did you turn down the AC? It’s freezing in here.”

“Doesn’t feel any different to me. You sure you’re OK?”

“Yeah, yeah…you sound like Grace. Anytime Daddy gets sick or hurt, she gets upset. Good thing she’s still on vacation. I wouldn’t want her to see me like this.”

“Well Steve was pretty upset when he couldn’t contact you. We all were. But I’ve never seen him look as determined as when he left here with that bag full of guns. It looked like he was going into war.”

For me, this was never about starting a war……


“Sorry, something someone said…so Steve only had guns? I guess the bazooka wouldn’t fit in his carry on, huh?”

Special ammo….I came prepared.

“I’ll tell you something. For the first time, I saw Steve’s confidence crack. He wasn’t sure he was going to find you in time. First Mary, then you. He was so worried, he even wanted me to call some guy named Takeo if he needed help.”

The blood demons were behind Mary’s attack. They were going to kill her to lure Steve into a trap. When that failed and you showed up, you became the bait. You’re not of Steve’s blood, but he came anyway.

Danny shook his head, trying to silence the many voices of his conscience. “Speaking of Mary, how’s she doing?”

“She was really pissed when she found out Steve went to LA looking for you. Just about had to sit on her to keep her from going after you.”

“Bet that was fun.”

“Not really. I’m putting in for hazardous duty pay.”

“You got any sisters, Chin?”

“No, but I’ve got other female cousins besides Kono. Why?”

“I have sisters. Our Dad treated them differently from me and my brother, Matty. He told us that it was our ‘sacred duty’ to look out for them, to protect them from guys who would take advantage of them and hurt them. I’ll never forget how serious he was about that. I feel the same way now about Grace. I’d kill anyone who tried to hurt her.”

“Now you understand how Steve felt about the attack on Mary.”

I’ll tell you what I understand, you sick bastard. You stood by and watched a man kill his sister in cold blood and did nothing to stop it. How the hell can you live with yourself?

“I wish I did….”

Chin was getting concerned. “Danny, what’s wrong? Steve has been pretty quiet since he got back.”

“Super SEAL and I had a little falling out in LA. He hit me, I hit him, blood all over the place, scary faces…”

“You’re not making any sense, brah.”

“Yeah, I know. Let’s just say I wasn’t very grateful for what Steve and that PI did for me. No, I was being an incredible jerk, judging people and things I didn’t know anything about.”

“It couldn’t have been all that bad, can it?” Seeing his friend’s sorrowful expression, Chin’s worry grew. “Danny, what did you do?”

Get away from me…I’m done with you.

“I told Steve I didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. I hurt him, Chin, more than I thought possible. The man is like a brother and what do I do when he puts his life on the line for me? I tell him to go to hell. I wouldn’t even talk to him all the way back from LA.”

“And now?”

“Now I’ve had some time to think. I still don’t understand or agree with everything he did or didn’t do, but I need to tell him I’m sorry for all the shitty things I said. Problem is, I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me.”

“Then why don’t you ask me and find out?”

Danny glared at Chin. “How long has Ninja Steve been standing behind me?”

“Long enough, brah. Maybe the two of you should take the afternoon off and have a few beers. Kono and I can hold down the fort a little while longer.”

Chin walked back into his office and signaled a puzzled Kono to join him. Whatever happened in LA had damaged what Chin had thought a solid friendship. With Danny’s apology, repairing that damage had begun, but it didn’t need an audience.

Steve slapped his friend on the back. “C’mon, Danny. I’m buying. Longboards are on me.”

You’re buying? Really? How many times you think I’m going to fall for that, huh? Show me your wallet. And while you’re at it, show me your teeth.”


“How do I know it’s really you, huh?”

“And what, Mick left me alone with his gorgeous wife just so he could sneak up on you? I don’t think so.”

“OK, let’s say it is you. Do you know how freaked I was when that PI grabbed me? One second, Mick, who looked more like you than ever, was normal, the next he looked …. really pissed and really scary. Fangs! The man had honest-to-god fangs, Steven. I nearly wet myself.”

“Actually, you did ….”

“Seeing Mick, you know, do whatever the hell he did… that was bad enough, but on your face? Jesus, I’ll have nightmares forever! The next time you tell me I don’t want to know, I’ll believe you.”

“No, you won’t. OK. See? Here’s the wallet – with real money in it.”

Teeth, Steven.”


“Steven. I am not moving until I see your teeth.”

Sighing, Steve complied. “Happy?”

“Yes. Thank you. We can go now.”

“You do realize that Mick can retract his fangs….”

“You just had to tell me that, didn’t you?”

As the two men walked away, Kono turned to her cousin. “Am I missing something here?”

“Nah…Steve and Danny just had a little disagreement, that’s all. After a few beers, they’ll be fine.”

“OK, but why was Danny looking at the boss’s teeth?”

“No idea, but honestly? I don’t think I want to know.”


Josef handed Mick a tumbler of scotch, a scarlet tendril swirling within. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this fine evening?”

“Nothing special. Just being sociable.”

“I’m honored, but why me when you have a bevy of Beth’s lovely lady friends to while away the time with?”

“Some of those ‘ladies’ are anything but and being sociable wasn’t all they wanted.” Mick shifted uncomfortably. “Their pheromones were …..overwhelming.”

“Stimulating is how I’d describe it. One of the many benefits of being a vampire; knowing who’s hot for you without them knowing you know.”

“Not if you’re married.”

“Beth threw you out, didn’t she?”

“Not exactly. I fled, with her blessing.”

“Wimp. Back in the day, you’d have been in your glory.”

“Back in the day, I didn’t know what I was doing.” Mick took another drink. “I didn’t care, either.”

Just like Mary Ann…

“And now you do?”

“You know I do. If it wasn’t for Beth….”

“Yeah, I know, you’d likely be dust in the wind. You still might be if you don’t do something soon…”

“Turn Beth? Not an option.”

“Says who? This isn’t just about you anymore, Mick. Beth is your wife, one who wants to become your mate. Don’t you think she has something to say about this?”

The stubborn expression on Mick’s face cracked just a bit, but that was all the opening Josef needed. “You can’t protect Beth 24/7, and if you wait too long, might you lose your chance. Face it. It could have just as easily been Beth in that alley instead of the McGarrett woman.”

Mick remained silent, but the crack had widened; at least he was listening. Josef knew his friend was struggling with the wants and needs of the vampire he was with the human sensibilities he so desperately clung to. The seed had been planted, but Josef knew it was time to back off. “Speaking of McGarrett, have you heard anything from your Hawaiian twin?”

Mick relaxed, grateful for the change in subject. “Yeah. The trip home was long and a little icy….Danny shut him out all the way back to Oahu and then some. Once he had a chance to calm down, the ice began to thaw.”

“Glad to hear it. The good Commander doesn’t deserve condemnation, especially from the likes of Williams.” Josef grew serious. “Don’t you think it was risky revealing our little secret to him?”

“There’s always a risk, Josef, but if Steve trusts Danny, so do I. Besides, there wasn’t any other way of shutting that man up. You should have heard him! He bitched and moaned for an hour and would still be at it if I hadn’t told him the truth.”

“OK, so you scared him speechless, which, by the way, I’m sorry I missed.”

“You know, for once, I actually enjoyed doing that. The look on that man’s face before he passed out is something I’ll never forget.”

“Nor will he likely forget the look on yours. As incredibly irritating as I found Williams, I wouldn’t have stopped with just a visual demonstration. A little fang on flesh might have really taught him some manners.”

“Irritating doesn’t begin to describe his behavior. Torture is more like it. I don’t know how Steve puts up with him.”

“I believe Navy SEALS are trained to withstand torture. Anyway, I can understand why Williams was upset, but why was he taking it out on McGarrett? I thought they were friends.”

“They are friends, close ones. Finding out there’s more to a man you think you know is always unsettling. Finding out there’s a lot more to someone you’re close to, some of it pretty scary, was more than Danny could handle. He felt betrayed thinking Steve didn’t trust him with the truth.” Mick fixed Josef with a pointed look. “Something I’m sure we don’t have to worry about.”

Josef sighed. “We all have secrets, Mick. You and I are no exception. Like the good Commander, there are reasons we can’t share those secrets, sacred trust and all, but that doesn’t mean we can’t trust each other. Williams needs to understand that if he wants to keep McGarrett’s friendship, although at the time, thinking Masami was murdered in cold blood probably didn’t help matters.”

“Probably not, but that’s what makes me believe we can trust him. He’s an honorable man, Josef. Give Steve some time with him and Danny will be all right.”

“For all our sakes, I hope so.”

Mick finished off his drink. “What about Takaro? Is he still here?”

“No, he left for Japan shortly after McGarrett and Williams headed home. He did, however, leave this for you.”

Josef handed Mick a rectangular case which contained a kai gunto similar to the one used to destroy Masami. Along with the sword was an note, written in an elegant Japanese script.

Mick looked at Josef. “Any idea what this says?”

“Something that roughly translates into ‘I protect the one who protects my brother’ only a little more poetic. You impressed Takaro, Mick, something not easily done, just as Commander McGarrett impressed me. As such, you and Beth now enjoy the protection of Takeo’s blood demons, just as the Commander enjoys mine, whenever he’s in LA.”

“What about Williams?”

“He’s on his own.”


On the other side of the Pacific, a short incoming text was received:

Masami failed. McGarrett lives.

Wo Fat sighed; he would have to try again.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by r1015bill »

Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!!! :hearts: :rose: :flowers:

Great job! I really liked this story.

In this chapter, I really enjoyed the conversations. ..And why am I not surprised that Danny ended up apologising without knowing it. :snicker:

But the greatest part was the ending
Masami failed. McGarrett lives.

Wo Fat sighed; he would have to try again.
It is almost haiku! And what deep ramifications it has. (As well as the possibility of a follow up story. :cheering: )
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by jen »


Oh, wow!!!


The first thing I noticed was an interesting shift in focus I saw at least once before in earlier chapters--you are writing a very intense scene and the reader is complete immersed in the story. The chapter ends in what I would call an evil cliffy and the readers wait for the next installment expecting the action to pick up at the same place in the story, but instead you chose to move a bit down the timeline and leave clues for us to decipher what took place in the missing scenes. When this chapter starts, we see Mary Ann in Hawaii worried about her brother, seeing patterns in his actions she remembers from when they were young and something hurt him badly.

Danny Williams certainly takes a pivotal role here, and while I have found him slightly annoying when I watch 5-0, this turned the dial up quite a bit. Steve may be protected, but as Josef has said 'Danny's on his own.'

Still, underneath the attitude and the hairspray is a decent guy, and once he gets past the whining, I think he will do the right thing. Maybe Steve, Chin and Kono are just a good influence. Grace, bless her heart, has a lot of work to do bringing up daddy.

And sure enough, Wo Fat did have a role in this. Danny may be faced with blood demons again sooner than he wished. Do I sense a sequel in the works? :whistle:

Wonderful story showing us different facets of family, growth and honor. Truly excellent addition to the challenge!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by Moonlightsonata »

DSR - I was really hoping that there was a new chapter of this today, and there was. Thank you so much. Even though it wasn't all about Moonlight, I really enjoyed this story a lot. In this chapter, I particularly liked when Steve's sister said

"A wise woman once told that sometimes the only way to get rid of the hurt from being alone is to reach out. I took her advice and it brought me back to you.”

I have mentioned it in the past regarding Moonlight stories but want to mention it again - you definitely could have been a screen writer with all the dialog you include. A script just waiting to happen.

I have some more that I want to say, but may need to put it off until tomorrow. But I didn't want to put off thanking you again for all your wonderful words.
Thank you Coco for the lovely banner.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by allegrita »

DSR, what a fabulous ending to this story! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: There's just so much to love and I don't have time right now to go into detail, but I had to let you know how very much I enjoyed it. Totally satisfying... and a wonderful little shiver of an ending. :chair: I loved it! :notworthy:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by Marigold »

:gasp: What an ending! And here I thought things were wrapping up nicely... :laugh:

Thank you, DSR! This was a wonderful response to the challenge, and I really enjoyed reading it! :rose:
Fantastic banner by Kath40! Thank you!
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!!! :hearts: :rose: :flowers:

Great job! I really liked this story.

In this chapter, I really enjoyed the conversations. ..And why am I not surprised that Danny ended up apologising without knowing it. :snicker:

But the greatest part was the ending
Masami failed. McGarrett lives.

Wo Fat sighed; he would have to try again.
It is almost haiku! And what deep ramifications it has. (As well as the possibility of a follow up story. :cheering: )

Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Glad you enjoyed the conversations, 'cause I really enjoyed trying to imagine what the characters would say, especially after Danny recovered from the shock of seeing a blood demon's face :snicker: Having Danny bare his soul to Chin, not knowing Steve was behind him, seemed a good way of easing him into a difficult apology.

As for the near haiku, believe me, it wasn't intentional, but it would have bee cool if I'd done it properly.
jen wrote:DSR

Oh, wow!!!


The first thing I noticed was an interesting shift in focus I saw at least once before in earlier chapters--you are writing a very intense scene and the reader is complete immersed in the story. The chapter ends in what I would call an evil cliffy and the readers wait for the next installment expecting the action to pick up at the same place in the story, but instead you chose to move a bit down the timeline and leave clues for us to decipher what took place in the missing scenes. When this chapter starts, we see Mary Ann in Hawaii worried about her brother, seeing patterns in his actions she remembers from when they were young and something hurt him badly.

Danny Williams certainly takes a pivotal role here, and while I have found him slightly annoying when I watch 5-0, this turned the dial up quite a bit. Steve may be protected, but as Josef has said 'Danny's on his own.'

Still, underneath the attitude and the hairspray is a decent guy, and once he gets past the whining, I think he will do the right thing. Maybe Steve, Chin and Kono are just a good influence. Grace, bless her heart, has a lot of work to do bringing up daddy.

And sure enough, Wo Fat did have a role in this. Danny may be faced with blood demons again sooner than he wished. Do I sense a sequel in the works? :whistle:

Wonderful story showing us different facets of family, growth and honor. Truly excellent addition to the challenge!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna for your wonderful comments :hug: especially about the facets of family, growth and honor. I believe the character of Danny Williams is meant to be irritating, and that behavior is a cover for the hurt he's experienced with his divorce and having to leave home and travel half-way around the world just to be near his little girl. And I absolutely agree that Grace will be challenged in bringing up Daddy :snicker:

As for not resuming a chapter immediately after an intense ending in the previous one, the idea is to let the reader mentally fill in some of those blanks. For example, what did you think Danny did when Mick transformed? How do you think Steve and Beth reacted? I'd be interested to know.

After writing this, I do have more sympathy for Mary Ann. She was a lonely soul well on her way to self-destruction, just as Mick had been years earlier. Because of Mick and Beth, Mary Ann's long journey home was finally completed after being gone nearly 20 years. She reconnected with her brother and is on the road to recovery. Masami was another lonely soul, and her journey home was much sadder.
Moonlightsonata wrote:DSR - I was really hoping that there was a new chapter of this today, and there was. Thank you so much. Even though it wasn't all about Moonlight, I really enjoyed this story a lot. In this chapter, I particularly liked when Steve's sister said

"A wise woman once told that sometimes the only way to get rid of the hurt from being alone is to reach out. I took her advice and it brought me back to you.”

I have mentioned it in the past regarding Moonlight stories but want to mention it again - you definitely could have been a screen writer with all the dialog you include. A script just waiting to happen.

I have some more that I want to say, but may need to put it off until tomorrow. But I didn't want to put off thanking you again for all your wonderful words.
Thanks, Moonlightsonata :hug: Appreciate the comments about being a screen writer.
allegrita wrote:DSR, what a fabulous ending to this story! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: There's just so much to love and I don't have time right now to go into detail, but I had to let you know how very much I enjoyed it. Totally satisfying... and a wonderful little shiver of an ending. :chair: I loved it! :notworthy:
Thanks, alle :hug: I'm glad you enjoyed the story, especially the ending.
Marigold wrote::gasp: What an ending! And here I thought things were wrapping up nicely... :laugh:

Thank you, DSR! This was a wonderful response to the challenge, and I really enjoyed reading it! :rose:
Thanks, Marigold :hug: Glad you enjoyed the story. The muse and I had fun with it.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by moonlightlover60 »

What a fabulous story this was. :yahoo: I too was expecting to pick up right where we left off and was surprised to find Steve and Danny were back in Hawaii and not speaking at the moment. That was a lovely and long overdue heartfelt conversation that Steve had with his sister. He realizes what is really important in life and so does Mary now too. I knew that Danny and Steve would eventually patch things up they really care about one another just as if they were real brothers.
Steve and Danny, Josef and Mick, you don't get any closer than those kind of friendships. And being the good friend that he is Josef is trying to help Mick see that he has to make the decision to turn Beth someday because he knows his friend wouldn't be able to go on without Beth in his life.
Lastly, AH HA! :evillaugh: you put Wo Fat behind all of this, thus creating possible more danger and drama for our 50 team. Will there be maybe a sequel to this story? :pray:
Thanks DSR this was just a wonderful little crossover story. :thanks:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by darkstarrising »

moonlightlover60 wrote:What a fabulous story this was. :yahoo: I too was expecting to pick up right where we left off and was surprised to find Steve and Danny were back in Hawaii and not speaking at the moment. That was a lovely and long overdue heartfelt conversation that Steve had with his sister. He realizes what is really important in life and so does Mary now too. I knew that Danny and Steve would eventually patch things up they really care about one another just as if they were real brothers.
Steve and Danny, Josef and Mick, you don't get any closer than those kind of friendships. And being the good friend that he is Josef is trying to help Mick see that he has to make the decision to turn Beth someday because he knows his friend wouldn't be able to go on without Beth in his life.
Lastly, AH HA! :evillaugh: you put Wo Fat behind all of this, thus creating possible more danger and drama for our 50 team. Will there be maybe a sequel to this story? :pray:
Thanks DSR this was just a wonderful little crossover story. :thanks:
Thanks, moonlightlover60 :hug: and you're very welcome. I really enjoyed writing this and part of the reason I had the snark/conversations go back and forth between Mick and Danny as well as Steve and Josef was I was imagining / fantasizing about how the respective actors would handle this situation. It would have been a challenge for Jason and Scott as they are used to playing off Alex as Mick and Steve, respectively, and get to play off him as a different character. I think it really would have been a fun/ mind blowing for Alex for the same reason as well as a challenge to slide back and forth between two different characters in the same piece. Sophia would end up having the most fun, I think :snicker:

Of course Wo Fat was behind this, and we both know he doesn't give up that easily :whistle: and maybe, just maybe, he'll hatch another plot.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by Kara »

Well, I'm glad Steve & Danny are bff's again. But trouble continues.

This was a great story DSR. :notworthy: Thank you so much for sharing with us. :clapping: :hearts:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by darkstarrising »

Kara wrote:Well, I'm glad Steve & Danny are bff's again. But trouble continues.

This was a great story DSR. :notworthy: Thank you so much for sharing with us. :clapping: :hearts:

Thanks, Kara :hug: I'm glad you found and enjoyed this crossover story. The muse had some fun at Danny's expense, but in the end all came out well.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by maggatha3 »

I have printed this story out and read it on paper and sorry, but I couldn't and wouldn't stop reading to come and leave you a comment ,dear DSR! I was pulled deeply into the story and I loved so many things about it! I loved your Danny and your Josef, the OC's were great! But ,above all I love the fact that you wrote Steve with the same detail and the same love that you wrote Mick!

It was a real gift to have them written both in such an amazing way!

By the way, you totally changed my mind about crossover stories! I love it!

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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by darkstarrising »

maggatha3 wrote:I have printed this story out and read it on paper and sorry, but I couldn't and wouldn't stop reading to come and leave you a comment ,dear DSR! I was pulled deeply into the story and I loved so many things about it! I loved your Danny and your Josef, the OC's were great! But ,above all I love the fact that you wrote Steve with the same detail and the same love that you wrote Mick!

It was a real gift to have them written both in such an amazing way!

By the way, you totally changed my mind about crossover stories! I love it!

:flowers: :flowers:
Wow and thanks, maggatha :smooch: I had fun writing this story and I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much that it changed your mind about crossover fics. I really appreciate the comment about the characters - I tried to make them as true to what we've come to know and love from both Moonlight and H50.
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by francis »

This was a wonderful story, combining two worlds that I love. Josef's remarks were so spot on. I love how their friendships mirror each other. Thank you for this. :hearts:
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Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 9 (complete)- Chall.

Post by darkstarrising »

francis wrote:This was a wonderful story, combining two worlds that I love. Josef's remarks were so spot on. I love how their friendships mirror each other. Thank you for this. :hearts:
Thanks, francis :hug: and you're very welcome. I enjoy both worlds as well and had a blast writing this.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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