UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business PG13

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UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business PG13

Post by Lucy »

Uneasy Glider // Part Deux Slow Ride

PG13, no sex-talk, violence or adult situations

Disclaimer: If you recognize them……they are NOT mine.

Beta: :rolling: HAH! So far no one has had the bare knuckle grit to sit down and help me out, so it’s just me and Spellcheck.

The first interpretation of our "Unfinished Business" theme is as a typical story prompt: you are challenged to write a fic, set in the Moonlight universe, with the theme of "Unfinished Business." What kind of business could it be--an unfulfilled promise? A stock deal that falls through? A long-held grudge that is finally being dealt with? We know you'll come up with some great ideas. The story can be any length, any rating, with the only limitation being that it must feature at least one Moonlight character. All of these stories should be new compositions, inspired by the Challenge prompt.

The second interpretation of our theme is intended for those of us who have a bunch of half-written fics lying around. :whistle: If you choose to accept this part of the Challenge, you will haul those poor, incomplete stories out into the light of day (or maybe into the Moonlight) :mooncat: and finish them! :teeth: If the stories you finish were originally inspired by another Challenge, please post links to them twice: once in this thread, and again in the thread for the other Challenge. That way, they will be included in the list of stories written for that Challenge--since that is what originally inspired you to begin the story.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Uneasy Glider // Part Deux Slow Ride

The ground was a long way down. Mick had leapt there when the sanity had leaked out of his night. It was a different conscience that had driven him to the tops of the tree, to hide amid the sound of the owls and the nightjars. Mick had bottled up all Beth’s invitations and stowed them far, far behind any of the glass displayed in his kitchen.

Too much had happened between them since Mick had watched Beth lay Josh into the cold, cold ground. Static had filled the air between them since that sunny day when he walked mortally. There had been crossed wires and misconceptions involving Josh that only culminated in Beth trusting Mick had levied a death sentence that January day in Griffith Park.

It had been an eon since Mick had been true to himself. Standing within those billowing curtains he had wanted to tell Beth, he lived because of her. Why couldn’t he say those words the night she sat crumpled by Josh’s death? His heart held simple words that could not leave his lips. Could his lips trade those words for her lips? If only her intoxicating lips could swallow his words and absolve his darkness…….

Squandering time Beth did not have, she waited. Yes, Beth had shaken her mortality at him one night on his roof yet his only physical reaction? He caught her hand for a silent second before he drew her in a full body embrace and a lip searing kiss. He remembered her words like they had been branded on his undead flesh and not dissolved to heal. Her intent had seared him and he understood her, yet lacked all ability to respond.

Nights ago, watching Beth bored out of her mind at a table in the Queen Mary’s lounge Mick had felt his yearning stretch to a keen hankering. On the deck, by the life boats her casual tone at asking, “Where does a vampire take a girl on a date?” knocked the lump right out of his stomach, how could he save any sort of macho Vamp-face if he admitted he’d never tire of watching her eat?

It sounded down right clinical to say that he hadn’t exactly been in a romantic relationship with a human since he had become a Vampire. Mick’s eyes sought the dust motes in the night air as he spilled his mechanical confession. Couldn’t there have been more socially articulate way to admit his social shortcomings? Damn, he’d botched that!

Didn’t he welcome her laughing declaration of sleeping with a vampire “Maybe once in College, but I was really drunk”? Her smile, her ease, her searching blue eyes had plucked his desire to this side of a craving lust. With the proliferation of vamps in Los Angeles, what where the chances that she had been ‘really drunk’ and slept through a bloodsucker of a date? With her blood type, probably not, they’d have drained her dry.

If there was an Angel in the tree behind him, he didn’t feel heavenly wings surrounding his burdened shoulders. He was Vampire again and envied the walls of stone that separated Josh’s dead body from the loam. His heart had felt as cold and hard as that tomb. Weeks had passed, the days as tedious as a metronome.

Dean Foster had inflicted a seemingly irreparable rent into their relationship’s delicate fabric. As Mick and Beth made their solitary walk down the Studio alley he had felt a subtext in her questions about ‘exposed’ vampires. Yes, he had admitted he had existed in L.A. these many years, “But I’ve been careful and lucky. I suppose one day my luck will run out….” [1]

Mick should have suspected something. The pieces fell too quickly. At dinner that evening Beth made her announcement, “I quit BuzzWire.” Beneath the ‘vampire’ humor and the fresh vegetables the undercurrent had hummed disquietly.

Then there was G’s phone call the next evening. “Mick, good to have you back on the bag. Got a good one for you.” His voice dripped acerbity.

“G, say no more.” Mick palmed his car keys and made tracks for the morgue.

Anticipating Mick’s appearance, Guillermo slid into a fresh pair of gloves and waited by the drawer. The two of them nodded a silent greeting and ‘G’ began, “So, my man, the main event the day is a certain paparazzi, found early this morning by a jogger.”

“You didn’t catch any trace, you know?” Mick stepped closer and caught the fear Dean Foster radiated as his life’s blood drained away. Mick saw young lips drawn back, anxious aching fangs descending in predatory pleasure and finally what would have been Dean’s last glassy eyed stare. Mick wanted to hear G’s honest appraisal, because he was afraid of what he saw.

“It’s vamp, not calculated enough for them to call for cleanup. This is bad, Mick.” Guillermo hissed in sub-tones as the generally smooth moving morgue attendant began the complex ‘hacking’ job to obliterate the paper trail in the database.

Mick flew to G’s side, “You don’t consider I had anything to do with this?” Mick slowed his roll as he felt his blood run colder, his eyes silver.

With a nod, Guillermo responded, “Hey, hey, hey, I know you better, but the vibe on the streets is they have their eyes and ear wide open.”

“They?” Mick hooked his thumbs into his trouser pockets, “What street? What have you heard?” Mick nearly held G by the front of his scrubs, but caught himself.

Guillermo’s dark eyes narrowed, “After that little snafu with Leni Hayes there was some rumble about Lindsey putting some dogs on you, I didn’t believe it initially. Then Talbot came sniffing around, asking questions about you and your human. He wanted to know if we handled the bodies from the plastic surgeon’s office.”
Mick paced around Guillermo, on the defensive, wrapped in frustration, “We had that cleaned up.”

“We?” G’s brow arched, “As in borrowed one of those Men in Black pens and erased Talbot’s memory? That was the clean-up you needed my man.” Turning from Mick, Guillermo drew off the gloves and washed his hands, partially from habit, partially to step away from Mick’s space. Over his shoulder, he continued, “When Talbot couldn’t find records he wanted to know why. He was like a two year old, why this, why that, why, why, why?” Then Guillermo beamed a semi-fanged grin, “I was this far from shutting him up but I don’t eat on the job.”

Now as Mick steadied himself amid the dark waxy leaves of the magnolia tree he recalled that taut meeting in the morgue. He let himself fall under the scent of the voluptuous ivory flowers. Pungent and sweet he was mesmerized as he settled his back against the trunk of the tree, adjusting his feet on different branches, swaying with the gentle night breeze. If he could blink and return to that night at the fountain would he? Could he? He shook his head at the simplicity of elementary school playgrounds, what was the rule? No Take-backs, No Do-Overs.

How unbelievable was it that Beth loved him from neither gratitude nor his enthrallment? While Mick gazed at a mantle of light from her bedroom window he watched her, ashamed of his voyeurism. It wasn’t that she paraded before the window like Coraline; he felt shame at watching her painfully slow steps around her bedroom. She was absorbed in the music.

Beth was an uncomplicated young woman at a complicated time of her life. Her heart on her sleeve, she had declared herself to him in so many instances. Hadn’t Beth tipped her hand when she talked about her confliction at whether or not she could have accepted Josh’s ring? How dense had Mick been as he sat on the sofa across from her? Pretty damned dense.

A gust wafted through the waxy leaves and rustled a melody out of the boughs. The tune was so even that Mick would have chosen it as a heartbeat if he could have. He closed his eyes again at the sight of Beth mindlessly rambling in the pastel bedroom, sucking on a Werthers candy and brushing her hair. STING repeated on Beth’s iPod docked by her bed, the same song over and over, Desert Rose. It was a song of tortured desire, of a heart’s suffering for something that could not be. Mick’s chest pounded at the lyrics, ‘Nothing’s as it seemed’, and he knew that, he hadn’t spent 80 plus years on this earth in total ignorance, or had he?

Before…., before Coraline, Mick had reveled in the mysteries of women. Most nights Mick had been thoroughly intoxicated by a single aspect, the curve of a blonde’s hip or the lilt of a brunette’s laughter and awakened in many a bed. Drawn into Coraline’s darkness Mick was exiled from a life filled with so much flavor and titillation. Wasn’t it ironic that now, as a hyper-sensed being he had lost the flavors of the things he had savored? Gone was the sensational taste of rare prime rib enjoyed beside a comely titian haired lass in a corner red banquette. Buttered toast shared across the breakfast table was just a memory.

Far too long Mick felt condemned to satisfy his many thirsts. His undead nature drove the feeling his desires are unquenchable. Somehow, connecting with Beth at that fountain the ability to give voice to his dreams had been reborn.

He had spent those months sifting through emotions in a rabid frenzy of appreciating art and music, anything to squelch his desire for Beth. Mick found this turbulence pressed him to follow emerging artists, acquiring statement pieces. Conflicted, as his thoughts of Beth increased, Mick searched for whatever humanity he could recollect. In that dark night, as Sting’s melody hypnotized him he grew to appreciate Beth’s choice of this particular song.

Now, months following their post-fountain reunion the lyric "Nothing is no longer as it seems," was stridently true. Lyrics hinted at physical veils and shadows in a Middle Eastern melody, yet these weren’t a harem girl’s veils of silk or shadows on a moonlit oasis. Did the lyrics conjure her inability to see the reality that existed within their relationship? Beth had confessed all she remembered; she had avenged her kidnapping with bloody vengeance.

Even as a callow young man Mick understood part of a young woman’s heart sought for love in the midst of the desert harshness of life. Lilah had, hadn’t she? Well of course Beth would also. And this is where his heart drew the line, torn at the memory of cuckolding Ray, hadn’t he almost done the same thing to Josh? Damn, Mick surmised, he was on the road to being a serial cuckold.

Beth lay down the brush and braided her hair while she swayed to the distinctively crisp and scintillate sound of the dumbec. Her focus strayed as she French braided her hair for bed, and then disappeared to wash her face and brush her teeth. Her evening’s habits prolonged as she couldn’t release from the trance of the tune.
Now as he steadied himself in the towering magnolia she emerged from the bathroom and headed to a corner of her bedroom he hadn’t really realized from being in her living room. He viewed this corner with fresh eyes as Beth caught a book off the minute table next to a wooden glider and sat in the sheltering cove of a small lamp’s light. Her blond head tilted toward the crescent of light as she drew her feet up under her. Leaning on the arm of the glider somehow her body weight began the chair’s graceful level movement.

Mick watched so closely he thought he saw her eyes darting across the page of the small hardback book. More than an hour ticked away as the single song droned and Beth relaxed reading Wuthering Heights. The sturdy piece of furniture moved back and forth in a gentle horizontal motion, the rocker arms of the glider had mimicked the rhythm of the song at half time, the wood producing almost a ‘white noise’ that became more evident than Sting’s steady lyrics.

The chair was old, Mick could tell by the smooth motion resonate in its own ‘song’ of wood against wood. He would have watched her all night had she not suddenly raised her head to the bedside clock and closed the book. Beth’s flipping off the light hadn’t dampened the chance for Mick to watch her raise the comforter and top sheet to slip into bed.

The warm mantle of light gone Mick’s undead eyes savored her grace at lowering onto the mattress she had shared on many occasion with Josh Lindsey. Hadn’t Josh been there the morning that Beth was supposed to meet him at BioAnalysis? Mick recalled that that morning that very thought dashed any warmth from his soul. Hah, did he even have a soul he wondered as he hung to an awkward branch in the silent moments as he watched her eyes close. With the hushed settling of her breathing he knew her to be asleep, and now Mick could go home.

Mick hadn’t heard from Beth in days. He had sequestered himself, passing Josef’s calls to voicemail, answering by text messages. He’d felt fairly conflicted, blanched by days in the bright light of working with Tierney Taylor and then shocked by Beth’s accepting a job with Ben Talbot. Who did Mick think he was kidding? Ben’s pussyfooting around the morgue had taught Mick that discretion was not only the better part of valor, it was necessary for his existence.

The crushing blow of seeing Beth on the steps of the Fordham home across the TV launched Mick back a few decades. Without remembering the drive he found his way back to the old neighborhood, to the scene of his own crime.

Mick’s words rushed as he shook Robert’s hand. When the Detective nearly gave him the bum’s rush Mick couldn’t fathom why Ben came to his aid. All the shadows in the Victorian painted lady couldn’t hide Mick’s reactions to the couple huddled on the settee. As Mick left Beth he realized he was acting ‘odd’, odd for the man Beth ‘knew’ or natural for a man who had taken a war wife’s virtue?


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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by francis »

Wow, this is great writing! Mick is so uneasy, his thoughts jumping from one issue to another, yet there's this underlying theme that comes across so strongly. I totally love this and can't wait to read more. :howdy:
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Shadow »

Lucy, this is just stunning! I was so immersed in the story, I nearly went into shock when I came up against the end, and kept scrolling down looking for more. Thank goodness for TBC! :laugh:

So much here, I have not the time or the words for a proper comment just now . . . but I'll be back after a few re-readings. Mick is so into his old self with Beth here, watching her from afar There was something truly extraordinary about seeing Beth through Mick's eyes on that glider...... :melts:
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Emerald »

Those opening lines were a sucker punch in a good way. You sure know how to set a scene. This was awesome, high quality as always. :flowers:
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

Amazing start s beautiful and powerful. Mick back to being unseen. Can't wait for more.
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by jen »


This is truly outstanding!

Nothing is ever simple anymore--Mick's introspection is quite wonderful. Is he seeing patterns that aren't there? Probably, but that doesn't stop him from seeing them.

I truly look forward to the continuation of this thoughtful piece.

Thank you!


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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Lucy »

francis wrote:Wow, this is great writing! Mick is so uneasy, his thoughts jumping from one issue to another, yet there's this underlying theme that comes across so strongly. I totally love this and can't wait to read more. :howdy:

:phew: :notworthy: Thanks, I knew I wanted to finish the Uneasy Glider story and I knew there would be so many 'issues'. Glad to leave you wanting more, there will be some for sure.
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Lucy »

Shadow wrote:Lucy, this is just stunning! I was so immersed in the story, I nearly went into shock when I came up against the end, and kept scrolling down looking for more. Thank goodness for TBC! :laugh:

So much here, I have not the time or the words for a proper comment just now . . . but I'll be back after a few re-readings. Mick is so into his old self with Beth here, watching her from afar There was something truly extraordinary about seeing Beth through Mick's eyes on that glider...... :melts:

:notworthy: Thank-you, so much. So glad to stir the emotions with my written words..... :notworthy:
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Lucy »

Emerald wrote:Those opening lines were a sucker punch in a good way. You sure know how to set a scene. This was awesome, high quality as always. :flowers:
:notworthy: I'm humbled by your words.... :thanks:
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Lucy »

BlueEyedMonster wrote:Amazing start s beautiful and powerful. Mick back to being unseen. Can't wait for more.

:thanks: :notworthy: Glad to have you 'visit'
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business

Post by Lucy »

jen wrote:Lucy

This is truly outstanding!

Nothing is ever simple anymore--Mick's introspection is quite wonderful. Is he seeing patterns that aren't there? Probably, but that doesn't stop him from seeing them.

I truly look forward to the continuation of this thoughtful piece.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna-
When people are in that grey area it's easy to 'see' things that aren't truly there...... I hope to entertain with the remainder of the tale!
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business PG13

Post by allegrita »

I can see Beth comforting herself by reading and rocking in the glider... and it's a great link between them, even though they don't know it. Mick needs to get out of that tree and start telling Beth the stuff he's thinking. Silly vamp.
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business PG13

Post by Lucy »

allegrita wrote:I can see Beth comforting herself by reading and rocking in the glider... and it's a great link between them, even though they don't know it. Mick needs to get out of that tree and start telling Beth the stuff he's thinking. Silly vamp.
Indeed! :snicker:
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business PG13

Post by darkstarrising »

Lucy, this is truly a great story :hug: Mick's introspection after the events of the last few weeks is so very well written, conveying how conflicted he is about his relationship with Beth. So much of his past with other women influences him - he's more careful with Beth, both because of his being a vampire and because of Josh's recent death.

Spirits of the dead surround him, but will he be able to break free of their hold?

HavingBeth read 'Wuthering Heights'was a really nice touch. Mick as Heathcliff certainly came to mind.

Looking forward to the next installment!
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Re: UG/#2 Slow Ride-Ch Ch #149: Unfinished Business PG13

Post by Lucy »

darkstarrising wrote:Lucy, this is truly a great story :hug: Mick's introspection after the events of the last few weeks is so very well written, conveying how conflicted he is about his relationship with Beth. So much of his past with other women influences him - he's more careful with Beth, both because of his being a vampire and because of Josh's recent death.

Spirits of the dead surround him, but will he be able to break free of their hold?

HavingBeth read 'Wuthering Heights'was a really nice touch. Mick as Heathcliff certainly came to mind.

Looking forward to the next installment!

Thanks, DSR!
His my addiction..... :whistle: I'm bring this barge home with hopefully a few more twists.
I am humbled by your kind words!
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