Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

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Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: I have been working on this story off and on for almost a year. Many thanks to Moonlighter for being my beta, idea bouncer and cheerleader. Love ya! :hug:

Chapter 11 - Final

On their ride back to the inn, Josef called the Cleaners in Chicago to have them tie up the loose ends of Aaron Walker’s existence there, including the vehicle he left behind in the U.P. It was up for grabs, but none of them wanted anything to do with it.

Jason walked into Fire & Ice Bed & Breakfast with his arm around Savannah’s shoulders, holding her close to him. “It sure is good to be home,” he sighed.

“It’s wonderful to have you back here,” she replied happily.

Jason paused in the hallway leading to his office and Savannah felt him stiffen at her side. “What is it?” she asked gently.

“My office. My desk. I don’t know if I can go in there,” he said sadly.

“Come on, I’ll go with you.”

“We’ll all go with you,” Beth said. “It will be okay, you’ll see.” She couldn’t keep the smile from her face, but Jason didn’t seem to notice.

Everyone followed Jason and Savannah down the hall and into the office. They suddenly stopped just inside the doorway.

“SURPRISE!” the others shouted from behind the couple.

Jason barely noticed how his office was neat and tidy, with everything back where it belonged because he couldn’t take his eyes off of the desk in the room. “My…my desk! It’s my desk!” he choked out. “How?” He looked around at the others and then settled on Josef.

“I made some calls,” Josef said with a shrug, avoiding his gaze. “There are some expert craftsmen in the area. They couldn’t repair it, so they made it into two desks. You can push them together to make one big desk, like it is now, or you can separate them and make them at right angles to each other.”

Jason ran his hands along the oak surfaces of the desks and smiled. Then he went over to Josef and put his hands on his shoulders. “Thank you, my friend,” he said softly. “Thank you.”

Josef gripped Jason’s elbows and nodded. After a moment Jason stepped back and looked around at everyone. “All of you are my friends. Please, make yourselves at home. Freshen up, rest, and then we will gather at the table together.”


Beth leaned back against Mick as they stood together under the shower spray. “It was so dirty down in that mine,” she commented. “It’s hard to believe people dug down there day after day.”

“It wasn’t an easy life, but it was the livelihood of a lot of people in these parts,” Mick murmured while nuzzling her neck. “Families depended on the mines.”

“You know, it’s sad what happened to Aaron’s family.”

“Yes it was, but I don’t think either Josef or Jason were to blame.” He began to rub the luxurious body wash on the front of Beth’s body, hardening her nipples with his caresses. “You don’t really want to discuss copper mines, do you?” he whispered into her ear as one hand dropped lower.

“What copper mines?” she replied as she pushed back against him, causing him to groan. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. “Are you hungry?” she offered softly and moaned when his fangs scraped along her neck.


“Jason, I was so worried about you,” Savannah said as she helped him out of his filthy clothes and threw them into a pile in a corner of the master bathroom. She turned the water on in the shower.

He gently began removing her clothes. “I knew you would be able to find help. You are a brave woman, Savannah my dear.”

“What happened when you and Josef left? I – I have to know,” Savannah asked as she looked down at the floor.

Jason brushed her hair off of her shoulders, pushing it behind her back. “You shouldn’t worry about such things, my pet. He won’t bother you, me or anyone else ever again.” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to one of the marble benches inside the large shower where he sat down and settled her onto his lap, facing him.

“He’s not in some sort of eternal purgatory, is he?” she asked nervously.

Jason stopped rubbing her back and with a finger under her chin tilted her head up to look at him. “No, Savannah. I would not do that to one of my kind. It was swift, but it had to be done. Do not let it trouble you, nor think on it again.” She nodded acceptance and he kissed her forehead as he felt the worry leave her.

“How are your burns?” she asked as she raised his wrists and tenderly kissed the fading scars.

Jason smiled. “They are fine and nearly healed,” he replied as he ran his fingers through her wet hair.

“They will be better after you feed some more,” she said seductively as she lifted her damp eyelashes to look at him. His only answer was to cover her mouth in urgent kisses.


Josef scented Kylie outside his door before she even knocked. “Josef?” she asked tentatively.

“Come in,” he responded, opening the door wide. Kylie was wearing one of the inn’s thick terry cloth robes, her hair in damp ringlets from her recent shower.

“I thought you might be hungry,” Kylie said as she stepped inside.

“That’s very thoughtful of you, but you already fed Jason and I have a glass right here,” he said as he raised his glass of blood for her to see. “Besides, you did not accompany me on this trip as my personal freshie.”

Kylie blushed. “Oh, Josef. I’m sorry about all that. It’s just that – and then you – I mean – and anyway he didn’t take that much.”

Josef set his glass down and took Kylie’s hand. “It’s alright, doll. I am the one who owes you an apology for my behavior.” He drew her over to the love seat and they sat down together, Josef still holding her hand. “Savannah just had me riled up.”

“She did good, though, didn’t she, Josef?”

Josef looked at her and stroked her cheek. “Yes, she ‘did good.’ Better than I ever expected.”

Kylie smiled and leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Will you let her come back to LA?”

Josef kissed the top of Kylie’s head and rested his cheek on her damp hair, inhaling the sweet scent that is uniquely Kylie’s. “She will be welcome in Los Angeles whenever she wants.”

Kylie sat up and smiled brightly at Josef. “Really? Oh, thank you, Josef!” and she kissed his cheek before snuggling back against him.

Josef picked up Kylie’s arm and pushed the sleeve of her robe up, scenting along the inside of wrist. “You know, I could use something fresh before I take a nap in the freezer…”


They were all gathered around the table at the inn, well rested and now well fed.

“That was delicious!” Beth exclaimed as she set her fork down and leaned back in her chair.

“I should never have eaten that dessert,” Kylie bemoaned as she pushed her empty plate away from her. “But it was too tempting to pass up.”

Savannah beamed. “I’ve always said we have the best chef in the U.P.!”

“Will there be anything else, Miss Savannah?”

“Nothing more tonight, Georgio. Thank you again for coming in on such short notice. We really appreciate it.”

“It was no trouble at all,” the chef replied. “I’m glad your friends enjoyed their dinner.”

“All of it was wonderful!” Savannah said as Georgio nodded and took the last of the dessert plates away into the kitchen.

Jason poured more drinks for everyone. “I want to thank you all for coming to Savannah’s aid and my rescue. I want each of you to take the terry robes from your room home with you, as a small token of my appreciation and thanks.”

“We also have these for you,” Savannah said, passing out gift bags. She stood next to Jason grinning as Mick, Beth, Josef and Kylie opened their bags.

“‘Yooper?’” Mick said, confused as he pulled out a t-shirt.

Savannah giggled. “Yes, you all have your very own Yooper shirt now. It has just been added to the latest edition of Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, so it’s official.”

“Oh, I get it,” Kylie said. “Yooper, as in U.P., for Upper Peninsula.”

“That is correct, young lady,” Jason added. “Its official definition is ‘a native or resident of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.’ And I want you to wear them proudly.”

“In LA?” Josef questioned and the others laughed.

Jason turned serious again and took Savannah’s hand. “I know you want to fly back tonight. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me – for us – and I want you to know that all of you are welcome here at any time, as our guests.”

Josef stood. “And I will take this opportunity to say that all restrictions on Savannah traveling to the Los Angeles area have been lifted, by me. You are free to return at any time, for any length of time.” Kylie smiled at Savannah. “I also want to extend my thanks to Beth, Kylie and Savannah,” Josef continued. “I didn’t want you to come along on the rescue operation originally; it was an error in judgment.”

“Josef Kostan, admitting he was wrong?” Mick chuckled. “This will go down in history.” Josef glowered at Mick.


As their luggage was being loaded onto Josef’s private jet, they all said their goodbyes. “Come see me soon, Savannah,” Kylie said as she hugged her friend. “The other girls would love to see you.”

“And you must return up here,” Jason said to Mick and Beth. “It is a perfect romantic getaway,” he added with a wink.

“I’d like to,” Beth replied. “Maybe this winter, if I can talk Mick into it,” and she smiled as Mick and Jason shook hands.

Savannah stepped up to hug Beth. “Thank you, for everything. I’m glad I can count on you,” she said with a catch in her throat.

“You can always count on me, Savannah. And now you can count on Josef, too.” The two women smiled at each other and Savannah nodded.

“Good bye! Good bye!” Savannah waved as they boarded the plane and the door closed behind them.

Beth looked out the window as the jet climbed into the evening sky. “It is a beautiful area, Mick. I really would like to come back some time and see some more.”

Mick lifted her hand to his lips. “Whatever you want,” he said with that little half grin that Beth loves so much.

The end.
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Once again, my thanks to Moonlighter for sticking with me on this one. I hit a lot of walls along the way.

Thank you also for reading and commenting. I hope you enjoyed it!

The original video I found where I got most of my information I can no longer find online (I neglected to bookmark it when I first found it, simply assuming I could easily find it again.) But here are two videos to give you an idea. One is a company video of the Quincy Mine. The other is a tourist's video of the mine tour.

I have been on cave tours, but I have never actually been to the Quincy copper mine. So a lot of the underground scenes are poetic license. (And a little bit Lord of the Rings. :snicker: )
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by librarian_7 »

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Good story, MLC.

And for the record, I've been on several mine tours in Colorado, and your descriptions sounded fine to me!
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by allegrita »

I loved this story from beginning to end! :clapping: It felt so realistic--well, as realistic as a vampire story can be. (And hey, I'm a Moonlight fan, so it seems perfectly realistic to me!) :teeth: I've learned a lot about Michigan and copper mining, and gotten a ripping yarn to boot! I'm glad Savannah has found a real home in the UP (she's a Yooper! :laugh: ) and also that she'll now be welcome to visit LA and her old friends when she wants to. :ghug:

Mick had better take Beth back to the inn for a romantic vacation. Those two need more dates where nobody dies! :rose:

Thanks so much for this great story, MLC, I enjoyed it very much! And thanks, Moonlighter, for being her wonderful beta! :yahoo:
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you Lucky and Alle for your wonderful comments all along the way. I'm so glad you liked the story! :ghug:

Oh, and Alle....
allegrita wrote:Mick had better take Beth back to the inn for a romantic vacation. Those two need more dates where nobody dies!
Did you think you could just walk into my office and leave that plot bunny behind???

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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by librarian_7 »

You mean, it might inspire another story? Oh, darn.

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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by allegrita »

Oh, gosh, how awful! I gave you an idea!! :laugh: :batseyes: :smooch:
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 11 - Final

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:giggle: No promises.
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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