The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Complete

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The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Complete

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

This is the final chapter, hopefully tying up the loose ends from the murders both on Oahu and in LA. Near the end of the chapter, there is a section that recreates the final scene in Ep 4.21, 'Makani 'Olu a Holo Malie' after McGarrett returns from Afghanistan. The scene described and quotes taken from that episode were penned by Peter Lenkov and Eric Guggenheim. The interpretation of McGarrett's thoughts is my own.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 9

LA - Kostan’s Estate - a few days later

Thomas Morton knew his continued existence hung in the balance and right now, it wasn’t weighing in his favor. Then again, after everything he’d done, maybe it was time for it to finally end.

Morton stood in the middle of the room, facing those who would judge him. Josef Kostan was seated behind a desk, flanked by Mick St. John and the head Cleaner. None of them looked happy; grim was more like it.

Josef silently studied Morton, trying to get a feel for the man who was a bit of a puzzle. As far as Josef knew, the man was primarily guilty of being gullible, yet seemed resigned to a harsh punishment. Apparently, there was more on this man’s conscience, something Josef was determined to discover.

“Mr. Morton, we’ve learned a little about this unfortunate affair. The Cleaner persuaded the “proprietor” of that charming club to disclose what she knew before being dispatched. We would like you to fill in the blanks, so to speak.”

Josef stood and approached Morton. “We know this was about revenge for something Lola’s crew did two centuries ago. We’d like to know more about that event and about Ulani, the vamp behind this scheme. All the proprietor told us was that Ulani offered her an ‘opportunity’, one she and a few friends decided to accept, for a fee, of course. It seems Ulani had a score to settle and needed help in exacting her revenge.”

Morton remained silent, nervously rubbing the palm of one hand with his thumb.

“Is there something wrong with your hand, Mr. Morton?”

The hands immediately separated. “No, just a nervous habit. Sorry.”

“Sorry? No doubt, but we’ll get to that later.” Josef drew closer, appearing more ominous than Morton had ever seen him. “When Ulani and her helpers tracked Lola to LA and Club Valis they found the club closed and their prey already destroyed. In the process, they stumbled across Janus Fielding, a human who worked for Lola. Apparently, Mr. Fielding was preparing to abscond with the remnants of Lola’s fortune, in the form of silver bullion. All that silver gave Ulani an idea, so she cut Fielding a deal; she would let him live if he would provide a service for her. Fielding was to find a way to infuse human blood with a level of silver not easily detectable by a vamp. If ingested over time, though, the silver would weaken him and impair his ability to heal. She sent Fielding to Oahu where, in her words ‘someone could keep an eye on him’.”

Morton said nothing, choosing to stare past Josef, angering the elder vampire.

“Fielding used people on that island like lab rats to fine tune his poisonous brew, so besides the countless others whose blood is likely on your hands, you can add ten more. Actually, fourteen, counting Ruby and the three other humans who died here.”

Hearing this, Morton broke his silence. “Ruby’s dead? I thought she got out…I did everything I could to save her.”

“Yes, Mr. Morton, she was rescued from the fire. Sadly, between silver poisoning and your fondness for her blood, Ruby died.” Josef locked eyes with Morton who saw no mercy in them. “A young woman who did you no harm is dead because of your past sins and greed. The community’s safety was threatened as well. What you say in this room determines whether or not you walk out of here. Right now, your chances aren’t looking all that good. Tell us what we want to know and maybe they’ll improve.” Josef turned away and flicked some lint off his sleeve. “Then again, maybe they won’t.”

Morton agreed. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

“First, explain what Lola’s band did to piss Ulani off so much.”

“We abandoned Ulani on Oahu, when Lola was forced off the island.”

“Forced? I find it hard to believe anyone could force Lola to do something she didn’t want to.” Josef paused. “Unless she was afraid of something. What was she was afraid of, Mr. Morton?”

“Kimiko.” Morton then went on to describe Lola’s attack on Natsumi and her family, leaving out some crucial details.

Mick prodded Morton, wanting Josef and the Cleaner to fully understand the extent of their vicious attack. “Let me get this straight; you just destroyed Natsumi and members of her family, right? So why abandon Ulani, a member of your group?”

“No, Lola wanted to make a point. She cut off Natsumi’s head and stuck it on a pole, as a sign that she now ruled the island. When Natsumi’s shisha, Kimiko, returned to Oahu, she gathered up the remainder of Natsumi’s family and drove most of us off the island.”

Eyebrows raised, Josef glanced at Mick, silently acknowledging the warning the PI had given him. “You said most of Lola’s band escaped. We need their names and current whereabouts. I’m certain a stellar bunch such as yourselves have kept in touch over the years.”


“Based on what the proprietor told us, LA wasn’t the only stop on Ulani’s murderous mystery tour. If there are others of Lola’s band still out there, the heads of those communities need to know. With Ulani at large, she’s a threat to us all.”

Morton thought for a moment. “There were eighty-five of us on Oahu. Seventy-one escaped, leaving fourteen behind, most of whom were destroyed by Kimiko. Of those who got away, fifty-three no longer exist.”

Mick interjected. “Make that fifty-six. You’re forgetting the three that Ulani destroyed here.”

“Yes, of course, fifty-six. I’ll provide the names and whereabouts of those that I know of. Is that all?”

A cold expression spread over Josef’s face. “No, Mr. Morton, that’s not nearly all. You never answered Mick’s question about why you abandoned Ulani. Despite intense efforts to find out about her, Ulani seems to be little more than a ghost, one who leaves no trail for others to follow. We need to find and end her before she puts the community at risk again.”

Morton swallowed hard. “Ulani wasn’t a part of Lola’s crew. She was living on Oahu when we first arrived.”

“Living, as in human?”


“So how did she become a vamp?”

“Lola liked to hunt humans, but no one was ever supposed to be turned, just drained.” Morton paused as he relived a moment from so long ago. “Shortly before Kimiko forced us off the island, Lola and I spotted Ulani one night, walking alone back to her village. We made a bet as to who could catch and drain her first. I won the bet, but angered Lola in the process, so she cut me and forced my blood into Ulani, turning her. She said that if I wanted Ulani so badly, I could have her for all eternity.”

“What happened to Ulani?”

Morton knew these next words might condemn him. “We left her. She meant nothing to either of us.”

Eyes flashing, Mick approached Morton. “Bad enough you hunted humans for fun, but to abandon your own fledgling? You brought this hell on yourself, man. You deserve everything that happened to you. Ruby didn’t.”

Morton had both the grace and sense to look ashamed. “I know. She told me that she was being held prisoner, but the proprietor convinced me Ruby was a willing freshie, and being a ‘prisoner’ was a part of her fantasy.”

“And you fell for that?”

When Morton didn’t answer, Mick turned away in disgust.

Josef wasn’t done. “So what happened to the fourteen vamps you abandoned when Kimiko chased you off Oahu?”

“Ulani said Kimiko tortured and killed any of Lola’s crew she found, but that she and a few others managed to hide, then escape. She wasn’t specific about how many.”

“So there may be others besides Ulani who might come looking for your head?”

Morton blinked in surprise, having never considered the possibility. “Yes, I suppose that’s true.”

For the first time, the Cleaner queried their guest. “Why leave the bodies of the murdered humans where they could be found? Why endanger the entire community if her argument was with a few?”

Morton glanced nervously at Josef before he answered. “Ulani wanted to make trouble for Mr. Kostan for depriving her of the pleasure of killing Lola.”

Josef turned to Mick and the Cleaner. “Offhand, I’d say she succeeded. Any other questions?”

Mick replied. “Just one. There were two vampire scents on the bodies of the murdered humans. The stronger scent was probably from the vamp who dumped them. Any idea about the other one?”

“Yes. Ulani said she burned the bodies of the vamp she targeted with the human she used as bait.”

“So the vamp’s body would be ash, leaving a faint trace of his scent on the human.” Turning to Josef, Mick indicated he was done.

The elder vampire continued. “Mr. Morton, I’ve already conferred with my colleagues regarding what we should do with you, or perhaps more accurately, to you. You should know that we unanimously agreed that the Cleaner should have the pleasure of putting you out of our collective misery. Having heard your answers, though, I believe a better decision would be to turn you loose.”

Morton couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I’m free?”

“In one respect, yes, but I wouldn’t get too excited. In my territory, we don’t abuse humans. We prefer to live with them, so that they willingly provide what we need to stay alive and hidden. So, here’s the deal. You have 24 hours to leave LA and never return. If you do return, I promise you’ll be ash within an hour. For your sheer stupidity, if nothing else, you will spend the rest of your miserable existence wondering whether Ulani or any of the others you’ve pissed off has tracked you down. The Cleaner will inform her colleagues of what has happened here. If you do anything to endanger the community, your fate will be in their hands. Trust me, you won’t like it.”

At Josef’s signal, the Cleaner grabbed Morton by the arm and dragged him from the room.

The elder vampire poured drinks for himself and Mick. “I take it you disagree with my decision.”

“Not really. He may be free, but you took away his peace of mind. Kinda fitting, actually.”

“Yes, Morton now has his own private hell on earth. For his part in this tragedy, he deserves no less.”

“No argument there. It’s just that it’s not like you to leave loose ends.”

“Don’t think of Morton as a loose end, exactly. Think of him more as bait.”

“To draw Ulani out?”

“Ulani and anyone else who might have designs on his head. Understand, I’m all for revenge, enjoy it, actually. But if done poorly, it results in a lot of collateral damage, something we can’t afford.”

“Like Ruby and the others.”

“Yes. With the eyes of our world on him, if anyone goes after Morton, we’ll be ready.” Josef took a drink. “You have to admire Ulani for her creativity, though. Appealing to a vamp’s baser nature, only to have what he desires and pays for destroy him. You know, the proprietor said that when each of their targeted vamps arrived to bid on their ‘Fantasy Freshie’, Ulani threw in a few of her crew as ringers to drive up the bidding. So besides getting revenge, she pocketed over a half-million dollars in the process.”

“I don’t know about the other three, but Morton didn’t strike me as particularly bright.” Mick grew serious. “One thing I don’t understand, Josef. If Morton fed from Ruby, why didn’t the cops or doctors see any fang marks?”

“When I got the call that Club Valis was in flames, I alerted some vamps who work as EMTs. The cops didn’t see anything when they pulled her out, too much smoke and all. The EMT who treated her said the fang marks were, in his words, ‘obscured’. In his estimation, with so many cuts and abrasions on her exposed skin, the wounds would easily be attributed to injuries incurred during her rescue.”

Josef grew silent, a sign that he was still troubled.

“Something wrong, Josef?”

“Not wrong, really. It’s just that there were so many indications Lola was behind this fiasco, the silver, Club Valis, the fact that Fielding worked for her, that I really thought she might still be with us. Maybe even hoped.”

“Be careful what you wish for. Vamps like Lola give the rest of us a bad name. You’re just lucky Kimiko doesn’t know about the two of you.”

“As I now understand. Thanks for the warning, by the way. Still, if Lola really is gone, how could someone like Ulani, an abandoned fledgling, have the skill, resources and power to pull off this revenge scheme?”

“Maybe she had help. Maybe one of the other vamps on Oahu took her under his wing after she was abandoned.”

“Perhaps. I just wonder which one.”

Mick’s glass stopped halfway to his lips. “You think Kimiko had a hand in this?”

“It wouldn’t surprise me, seeing as how she’s the one who really wants revenge. Ulani may have her own reasons, but Kimiko’s trumps them. And just who on Oahu was keeping an eye on Fielding? One of Ulani’s flunkies or someone in Kimiko’s family?”

Mick countered. “OK, Kimiko may be vengeful, but I can’t see her letting Fielding use humans like guinea pigs. She’d be taking a huge risk if anyone other than McGarrett worked this case.”

Josef waited for the penny to drop. It didn’t take long.

Shit! She played me!”

“No, she played us. Again. Don’t feel so bad. Kimiko has had a lot of time to hone her skills.”

“But why now? Why wait 200 years to get revenge?”

“What makes you think she waited, Mick? Morton said that most of the vamps that escaped Oahu ‘no longer exist’. My guess is that Kimiko had a hand in most of those destructions.” Josef knocked back his drink. “Then again, we may be slandering the old girl. Maybe she had nothing to do with this at all.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“No, but it makes me feel better thinking she didn’t hoodwink me twice in as many years.” Josef poured another drink. “Speaking of hoodwinking, how is your Hawaiian twin dealing with the authorities?”

“McGarrett said they found enough evidence of criminal activity to shut Onyx Specialty down for good. He also learned from Fielding’s accomplices that he was getting ready to disappear to Asia with the remaining silver. He was re-melting and forming it into pipes which he planned to ship as plumbing supplies, leaving Ulani no trace of where he or the silver had gone.”

“No honor among thieves. What’s the world coming to?”

“At least it gives the authorities an explanation for silver poisoning that doesn’t involve us.”

“So what’s McGarrett’s explanation for the workers’ deaths?”

“He’s saying Fielding killed them to keep the authorities from finding out about their poor working conditions. Otherwise, he might be arrested before he could escape.”

“Sounds reasonable. What magic did McGarrett perform to explain Fielding’s death?”

“As you said, no honor among thieves. McGarrett is claiming Fielding’s two accomplices killed him hoping to keep the silver for themselves. It didn’t hurt that the cops found silver in their possession.”

Josef’s eyebrows shot up. “McGarrett planted evidence?”

“He didn’t have to. It seems that after Fielding mysteriously disappeared, his two accomplices decided to help themselves. The final touch? Since Fielding is dead, the medical examiner is asking the court to appropriate the remaining silver for a new free clinic for Oahu’s poor. McGarrett thinks the court will agree.”

“Well, at least some good will come from this.” Josef poured himself another drink. “You know, I like McGarrett more and more. He really would make a helluva vampire.”

“Maybe, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. He has too much to live for.”

“Miss Rollins, I presume?”

“Yeah, she’s a good match for him, Josef. She’s strong, fearless and they love each other. He can be himself around her. I know how important that is. I just hope he doesn’t blow it.”

“Says the man who found every reason possible to keep his future mate at arm’s length. Speaking of whom, you should be proud of the way Beth handled herself, running interference with the cops while still leading us to Ruby.”

“I am proud, but it cost her. By shielding us, she lost a friend.”

“The human detective, Davis? If he’s any kind of friend, he’ll get over his wounded pride soon enough.”

“What really worries me is that Beth has seen a side of us that she maybe wasn’t ready to. I just hope she doesn’t regret being turned.”

“Trust me, she doesn’t. Beth chose to become one of us, knowing full well what we are and what we do, both good and bad. My guess is that she’ll learn from this unfortunate episode and try to foster the good in our kind, just like her sire does.” Josef grasped Mick by the shoulders. “Go home, my friend. Help your wife through her grief and be grateful that you have someone who loves you so much.”

“I am, Josef. Believe me, I am.”


LA – a local mortuary

A simple wooden box was pushed into the furnace that would turn the remains of the deceased within to ashes.

When Ruby informed her parents of her decision to be cremated a few years ago, they’d agreed, almost absentmindedly, knowing full well they’d likely never have to worry about it. Now faced with that promise, they were finding it difficult, adding to the already unbearable pain of losing their only child.

When Ruby’s body was incinerated, that would make her loss undeniable and complete.

Earlier, her parents had said their final goodbyes, grateful that their daughter was as presentable as possible before cremation. Grace had marveled at just how good Ruby looked, considering all she’d been through. Most of the cuts and abrasions seem to have either faded or disappeared altogether likely due to the efforts of a skilled mortician. She made a mental note to thank the staff for their efforts when they returned to collect her ashes.

Later, in an area restricted to staff, a supervisor and his young assistant checked the temperature of the furnace, making sure it was hot enough. Before he opened the furnace door, the supervisor excused himself to take a call, telling his assistant to continue with the cremation. The young man did as he was instructed, stopping only when he heard a strange noise. Looking around, he saw nothing unusual, then shrugged and resumed his duties. As he started to roll the wooden box into the furnace, he heard another noise, this one seeming to come from the box itself.

Rolling the box away from the furnace, the young man listened intently. After a few minutes of silence, he scolded himself for his overactive imagination, knowing the grief his supervisor would give him if he ever found out. He shut the furnace door again, to allow it to get back to the proper temperature.

When the supervisor returned, he found the furnace door closed, the flames engulfing the box within. The absence of his assistant didn’t surprise him, as it was near the end of his shift and the kid wasn’t a ball of fire to begin with. Still, he shouldn’t have left the furnace unattended, as the process would take several hours to complete. The supervisor made a mental note to remind his assistant not to do so again, then went about his tasks, never noticing the few drops of fresh blood decorating the floor.


LA- Mick and Beth’s loft

Cocooned in their bed, Mick held his wife close, recalling his earlier attempt to ease her pain.

‘I wish you hadn’t seen what you did, but it’s a part of what we are. Some vampires suppress the desire to inflict pain. Others can’t get enough of it. But humans can be as bad, even worse. A human on Oahu tortured and killed his own kind to save his own hide. A vampire used Ruby as a pawn, not caring that she would die. Yet you, another vampire, did everything you could to save her. You should be proud of what you did. I am.”

That’s when he’d asked a question to ease his own fears.

‘Do you regret being turned, Beth?’

‘No, never! Being a vampire doesn’t make someone a monster. As you said, human or vampire, people choose to be what they are, to either love or hate, to help or hurt. I chose to be your wife and mate, to love and be loved for all eternity. How could I possibly regret that?’

That’s when he’d made gentle love to her, renewing his bond with the woman who made him complete. Now, they lay together, content, each holding the other close.

After the fire at Club Valis, the story of Ruby’s kidnapping and subsequent death finally became known. The press was up in arms that the public hadn’t been made aware of murders of three other people while the police hunted for the killer, labeling both the cops and the mayor as irresponsible. As far as Mick was concerned, there wasn’t a spin doctor on the planet that could put this situation in a positive light. The mayor blamed the police chief for his department’s incompetence. The chief blamed the mayor for putting his political career above public safety. Both would likely be looking for new jobs after the next election.

With the destruction of Club Valis, there was little evidence to explain how or why the killer had chosen his victims. Any hopes of identifying him died with Ruby. No progress had been made in identifying the two men shown on video abducting her, nor would there likely be.

Based on the account provided by Carl and the other officers who rescued Ruby, it was thought the victims had been kidnapped for sexual purposes and were murdered when their captor tired of them. It was also thought that the victims had been given Black Crystal, a drug known to make its user uninhibited, which would explain the silver found in Ruby’s system. Given Ruby’s attire and that four poster bed in the room where they found her gave credence to that theory, although the mayor and the police chief distanced themselves from it. Bad enough the killer was still on the loose, but a sexual predator who murdered, then burned his victims made a horrific situation even worse.

Beth stirred in her husband’s arms, glad to have him safely home, finding comfort in his strong embrace. The days they’d been apart had been unusually hard, something she wanted to ask him about.

“When you were on Oahu, did you feel badly without me?”

Mick kissed the top of her head. “Of course I did.”

“No, I mean did you feel bad… physically?”

“Actually, I did. I thought it was the heat, but Kimiko explained that being separated from you was the problem.”

“So I wasn’t imagining it?”

“No, but don’t ask me to explain it. Kimiko didn’t elaborate.”

Beth hesitated for a moment, wondering if she really wanted to know the answer. “Did you feel this way when you were apart from Coraline?”

“No, not that I can remember. Why?”

“I don’t know. It’s just that I’ve never felt this way before. It’s like I was missing something and wanted to get it back, but didn’t know how.”

“That’s how I felt, like I was missing a part of myself. The best part.” Mick kissed his wife deeply. “I don’t pretend to understand it all, but when I was away from you, I wanted nothing more than to come home again. We’re soul mates, Beth. You are the only one who could fill the emptiness I felt, to make me whole again. Despite all the barriers, real and imagined, we were meant to be together. And I promise, we will be together, always.”

Beth smiled as she drew her husband’s lips back to hers. “I’ll hold you to that promise, St. John. Always.”


Oahu – a few days later

Steve McGarrett sat in the dark, his body bruised and beaten, but no more than his soul.

The phone was still in his hand, as if putting it away would break the last connection to the woman who held his heart, now half a world away. Catherine was putting herself in danger, to find and return a kidnapped boy whose family had once saved her life. Like himself, Catherine understood the meaning of honor and wouldn’t rest until her debt had been paid.

When she called, Steve had struggled to tell her what he should have said more often.

‘I love you, you know.’

There was a pause before she answered, her voice shaking as she tried not to cry.

‘I love you, too.’

A few more words, and then she was gone.

As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t go back to help her. He’d been warned what would happen if he did. Even Catherine told him to stay away, saying she could keep a lower profile without him.

Steve felt helpless. Worse, he felt like a coward. But most of all, he felt empty and alone.

Mick’s advice on Kauai haunted him now.

‘If I lost Beth, I don’t think I could go on… If you love Catherine as much as I think you do, tell her what she means to you and that you want a future together. If you wait too long, you might lose her, and that’s something you’ll regret forever.’

And now she was slipping away from him.


Catherine’s final word. Often a greeting, yet now a farewell.

The woman who understood and loved him more than any other was gone. Deep in his soul, Steve feared she’d never return.

He’d waited too long. He’d lost his chance.

Alone in the dark, Steve McGarrett hung his head and cried.



Alone in her private chamber, Kimiko contemplated her options. She recalled the day when she’d found Ulani, an abandoned fledgling, terrified and confused as to what she’d become. Once she told Kimiko her story, Kimiko brought her into her family, using Ulani’s need for revenge to accomplish her own. Over the decades, Ulani had efficiently sought out and destroyed Lola’s crew, but her current methods were twisted, leaving Kimiko worried.

The slaughter of innocent humans was regrettable, of course. Kimiko had been unaware of what was happening until Kioshi informed her of what he’d witnessed. Like Josef, Kimiko could and would kill when necessary, but she understood the need for restraint and respect for the humans who sustained them. The continued survival and well-being of her family, not to mention her business empire, hinged on this delicate balance.

Ulani had threatened that balance.

Ulani had put her own thirst for revenge above the safety of her family.

For the sake of all, it was time to put an end to Ulani.

But how to do it….



Who says there isn’t life after death?

A young woman gazed down on the city, embracing the sights, sounds and scents around her. Everything was so incredibly vibrant and exciting, beyond anything she’d ever experienced. Her passing was something she’d never have imagined, not at her age, and certainly not in that manner. The pain it caused her parents was regrettable, of course, but still, this new form and all that came with it might literally be worth dying for.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

And so she would, figuratively speaking, of course. She’d never backed down from a challenge, and wasn’t about to start now. Once she got oriented in this new world, though, the possibilities were endless and she’d have all eternity to explore them. But first, there was some unfinished business to attend to.

“Come out, come out wherever you are, Ulani. The game has changed and we’re going to play by my rules now. I may be new at this, but unfortunately for you, I’m a very quick study.”

In a flash, the woman disappeared into the night. She had much to learn and needed someone to teach her, but who would that be?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Thomas was a possibility, but two other names she heard Ulani mention as she floated in and out of consciousness warranted investigation.

Kostan or Kimiko, which would it be?
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by r1015bill »

Great ending! I'm looking forward to hearing about Ruby whenever the muse strikes again. But I suppose we'll need to wait until we know if Catherine ever comes back first. :9to5:
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by allegrita »

Oooooh, so very twisty! :devil: I love this ending, and the possibilities it opens up for more stories. (Yay, more stories!! :yahoo: )

Thomas really was under Lola's influence when he abandoned Ulani. What a creep--he deserved worse than he got in the end, but I get Josef's motive for letting him live. We shall see what happens, at least I hope so! :fingerscrossed:

Steve... :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: I hope it isn't too late. I really do. :sigh:

As for Ruby... eek! :eek2: I guess we know who's being cremated. :gasp: That was a total shock to me. Who turned her?? And when did it happen?? :shrug: :?: The vamp EMTs would have been able to tell if she were already a vampire, no? So it must have happened after that... or did one of the EMTs do it? Or did it happen at the funeral home? Was it Ulani?!? Would Ulani do that to someone, after what was done to her?? :gasp: Gah! You are driving me nuts. :witsend: :snicker:

Speaking of turning, I wonder what the effect is on a vampire, to be turned with a lot of silver in her blood. Maybe Thomas took enough of her human blood that she won't be poisoned by it as a vampire. :chin: But the big question is, will she go looking for Josef, or Kimiko?? :dizzy:

So um... I sure hope there's gonna be another story in this sequence... :teeth:
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Twisty ending indeed! I wasn't expecting Ruby to end up turned. My understanding is that Ulani did it? Ruby said she heard Ulani speak the names of Kostan and Kimiko while she was floating in and out of consciousness.

This does indeed open up new possibilities for more stories! :fingerscrossed: I hope you will consider continuing this crossover universe. I love it!

A wonderful story, dsr! :twothumbs: It was terrific having new material (fresh blood?? :snicker: ) to read!!

Thank you so much! I hope there is more in the near future!
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by PNWgal »

This is me right now:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hug: :hug: :hug: :Mickangel: :Mickangel: :Mickangel: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

Excellent, excellent, excellent!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you should be writing for the show, DSR. THIS story arc, I would watch with bated breath!

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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:Great ending! I'm looking forward to hearing about Ruby whenever the muse strikes again. But I suppose we'll need to wait until we know if Catherine ever comes back first. :9to5:
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Glad you enjoyed this summer series!! I'm still holding out hope Catherine returns and she and McGarrett actually get some sort of happy ending.

When I started writing this, the intent was that Ruby lived. As the story went on, it became clear that she really couldn't live, but I wanted her to triumph in some way, and so she was turned. Where Ruby goes from here or what she does, the muse is contemplating the possibilities. :biggrin:
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Oooooh, so very twisty! :devil: I love this ending, and the possibilities it opens up for more stories. (Yay, more stories!! :yahoo: )

Thomas really was under Lola's influence when he abandoned Ulani. What a creep--he deserved worse than he got in the end, but I get Josef's motive for letting him live. We shall see what happens, at least I hope so! :fingerscrossed:

Steve... :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: I hope it isn't too late. I really do. :sigh:

As for Ruby... eek! :eek2: I guess we know who's being cremated. :gasp: That was a total shock to me. Who turned her?? And when did it happen?? :shrug: :?: The vamp EMTs would have been able to tell if she were already a vampire, no? So it must have happened after that... or did one of the EMTs do it? Or did it happen at the funeral home? Was it Ulani?!? Would Ulani do that to someone, after what was done to her?? :gasp: Gah! You are driving me nuts. :witsend: :snicker:

Speaking of turning, I wonder what the effect is on a vampire, to be turned with a lot of silver in her blood. Maybe Thomas took enough of her human blood that she won't be poisoned by it as a vampire. :chin: But the big question is, will she go looking for Josef, or Kimiko?? :dizzy:

So um... I sure hope there's gonna be another story in this sequence... :teeth:
Thanks, Alle :hug: This really was supposed to be the end of the series, but the ending leaves Ruby's story unfinished, so....

Thomas, in Mick's estimation, wasn't the brightest of vamps and in mine, not the strongest one either. His time with Lola is something he tried hard to forget, trying to blend in with a civilized world. Still, when presented with Ruby, his baser nature took over, but in the end, regretted her death. In short, he's conflicted.

As for Ruby's turning, Thomas is her sire. During their last encounter, Ruby bit his hand when he tried to silence her. As he drank from her, she grew closer and closer to death and had his blood in her system. I saw the silver as being something of a retarding agent, slowing the actual turning until Ruby was almost cremated. Like Ulani, Thomas wasn't looking to turn Ruby, but unlike Ulani, he tried to keep Ruby from dying. Will that win him any brownie points? Hmmm. :whistle:

Had the Cleaner not found Thomas and treated him (giving him untainted blood), he'd have likely died like the other three humans. Ruby was also given transfusions in the hospital, and when she died, the turning process could actually speed up again. Too bad for the mortuary's young assistant :devil:

Kimiko or Kostan? Either one provides many possibilities :biggrin:
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by darkstarrising »

MickLifeCrisis wrote:Twisty ending indeed! I wasn't expecting Ruby to end up turned. My understanding is that Ulani did it? Ruby said she heard Ulani speak the names of Kostan and Kimiko while she was floating in and out of consciousness.

This does indeed open up new possibilities for more stories! :fingerscrossed: I hope you will consider continuing this crossover universe. I love it!

A wonderful story, dsr! :twothumbs: It was terrific having new material (fresh blood?? :snicker: ) to read!!

Thank you so much! I hope there is more in the near future!
Thanks, MLC :hug: Thomas actually sired Ruby, but not intentionally. Ruby was still alive but floating in and out of consciousness when Ulani came to gloat over Thomas. She heard things - like Ulani being angry at Kostan and Kimiko hunting Lola's people, so she understands that either of those two people have incentive for wanting Ulani dead. Ruby doesn't know Ulani wasn't really a part of Lola's crew and that Kimiko rescued her, but it doesn't matter. Kimiko realizes that Ulani put the community in danger and for that, Ulani must die.

So who will Ruby choose?
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by darkstarrising »

PNWgal wrote:This is me right now:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hug: :hug: :hug: :Mickangel: :Mickangel: :Mickangel: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

Excellent, excellent, excellent!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you should be writing for the show, DSR. THIS story arc, I would watch with bated breath!
Thanks, P'Gal :hug: Glad you enjoyed it!! This story's ending had some outside influence and killing Ruby off just wasn't an option.

As for the show, I'd write for them, even for free!!
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by MoonMarg »

Great story Darkstarrising. :clapping: I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter. And it sounds like you have left it open to be continued in the future..... :whistle: we would be so lucky. :wave:
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by darkstarrising »

MoonMarg wrote:Great story Darkstarrising. :clapping: I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter. And it sounds like you have left it open to be continued in the future..... :whistle: we would be so lucky. :wave:
Thanks, MoonMarg :hug: Glad you enjoyed the story!! Yeah, Ruby is kinda left hanging out there, so maybe the muse will get her act together and tell us who she chose - Kostan or Kimiko.
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by reinbeau »

Another great story DSR! What a fantastic imagination. :highfive: :woohoo:

Looking forward to what must be another installment. You wouldn't leave us hanging there, would you? :noway:
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Re: The Faceless Ones-Chapter 9 (PG13)Chall 140 8/28/14 Comp

Post by darkstarrising »

reinbeau wrote:Another great story DSR! What a fantastic imagination. :highfive: :woohoo:

Looking forward to what must be another installment. You wouldn't leave us hanging there, would you? :noway:
Thanks, reinbeau :hug: Glad you enjoyed this installment of the Moonlight / H50 crossover story. Hopefully, we'll find out what happened to Ruby.
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