Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

The Watchers knew. They knew the moment it happened. They always knew. It was as if some life force if you could call it such had been drained from them the moment it happened. Arie summoned the others.
"We must go at once" He said "A conversion has happened in the city of angels" All four nodded. Yes they would leave immediately. They hadn't had a conversion in over a hundred years and hoped that the few who possessed that power would slowly die off as they were known to do from time to time.
The Watchers never left their home unless necessary.

Scott had never been happier. Things were going his way. The band was rocking out at sold out shows up and down the west coast and they were booked for their first European tour. He was healthy as a horse according to the doctor.....he was having a series of bizarre dreams. Dreams that he had killed people. Women. A lot of women. But he would never do anything like that. Maybe it was because of his newly found vampire pals. Scott thought for a moment as the tour bus sped on through the night. How did he even meet the vampires? You'd think he would have been freaked out from the start! I mean, really? He closed his eyes and fell asleep. A woman's voice was whispering to him. "You will have the world at your feet. You will be the strongest of them all." Scott turned to see who was speaking to him. It was the beautiful woman at his concert. He stared at her. she walked towards him. Her red dress hugging the curves of her body. Her arms were stretched out to him. He had to obey, he couldn't stop himself. He saw her smile slowly......then he saw the fangs. Scott tried to run but she held him tightly. She ripped open his shirt and lowered her mouth!
Scott jumped up suddenly and looked around. He was on the tour bus. Everything was as it should be. His breathing began to slow down and he was drifting back to sleep. Then it hit him.
"I'm a vampire" he said quickly fell back to sleep.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

The watchers arrived in Los Angeles and looked around in disgust.
"Are you sure this is the place?" one asked. Arie nodded but he himself was not sure. They are never wrong so this had to the place. They walked very slowly taking everything in. They past a small group of what appeared to be young people. Their faces deathly white, lips black as oil.
"What kind of witchery is this?" Arie asked to no one in particular.

Brian was aware of their coming. He stood as still as a pillar trying harness all of his strength. Everyone stood silent not interrupting him. At that moment Scott came bursting through the door.
"So I'm a vampire and no one told me!" He yelled. "Who's the woman? What the hell is going on on?"
Isabelle walked over to him and placed her hand over his mouth to silence him.
"You were already of vampire you idiot! Now be quiet!" Isabelle hissed at him.

The door quietly opened and the four men walked in. They all closed their eyes and pointed. First at Isabelle, then Mick, and lastly Gabriel.
"Step forward" Arie said to them. Brian's eyes snapped open.
No!" Brian said forcefully. The Watchers stared at him in surprise.
"Dragos this does not concern you" one of the men said. "These three stand guilty of treason"
"Where is your proof?"
"Do you think we are fools! We can see the human standing next to the cleaner!" He shouted.
Scott looked around not sure what was going on.
"Are they talking about me?" He asked. Isabelle nodded quickly at him. "I'm not human" Scott said.
They all turned to look at him. "I'm not" He said shrugging his shoulders.
"Liar! We felt the power drain from us where we dwell and the vision was made!"
"Sorry dude, I don't know what else to tell you" Scott said simply. Arie nodded to his mates.
"They all must die" He uttered. No sooner he said the words, Scott flew at the vampires with a speed the others had never seen. The Ancient Vamps were unprepared. Three lay in pieces at Scott's feet as he held Arie in a tight grip. Arie shivered at the vampire. A hybrid! Unclean wretched hybrid!
"The only person dying is you friend!" Scott said large fangs protruding from his mouth. Scott bit into the vamps neck taking his head off. His limp body fell to the floor.
Scott slowly stepped back from the body. He wiped the blood from his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.
"That was impressive" Isabelle said. Brian walked over to Scott.
"What happened to you?" he asked.
"I was on the tour bus and I kept dreaming of that woman who turned me and I thought of all of you. I couldn't remember how I even came to know any of you. I kept hearing the women talking to me, then finally I remembered. I'm a vampire." Scott said.
"So it seems, what we did was more along the lines of hypnotism than conversion. I wonder why they didn't know that?" Mick said.
"They saw what they wanted to see. Nothing more" Brian said. "So what are we going to do about you....?" Brian said looking at Scott. Scott looked at the vampires all around him.

1 Year Later

The Uprising won Grammy's for best Rock band, Album and Song of the Year. Scott held up the award
"You know the guys and I have been through a lot this past can't imagine how much. But we wanna thank you all for your support and coming to our means more than this award." Scott said sadly. His drummer stepped up to the mic.
"This is the last Uprising record" He said. The crowd was shocked. Some started to boo. "Look!" The drummer yelled. "We didn't start this band to win awards or be on the cover of magazines. We make music because we love it. And when you start making it for these" He said holding up the gold statue. "You lose everything".

"Are you sure this where you want to be?" Brian asked looking at the place where Dragos had lived since the beginning.
"Yeah." Scott said "I think I'm supposed to be here. The people here don't care about Uprising or Scott Slade. "
"If you need anything, you know what to do" Brian said turning to leave. "Good bye Scott" Brian said.
Scott laughed.
"Funny thing is, my name is Sherman. Sherman Scott" He said shaking his head.

Scott looked at the blue sea thinking how simple his life used to be. Now it wasn't simple at all.

The End
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