The Worm ~ "Moonlight Song Stories" Challenge #163 (PG-13)

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The Worm ~ "Moonlight Song Stories" Challenge #163 (PG-13)

Post by HotMicks »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rating: PG-13 (mild language)

Author's Note: A couple days late and several dollars short, but I just got the idea yesterday. :type: Inspired by The Bird and the Worm by The Used (from Arrested Development).


Holding his breath half to death, the irony of his situation occurred to him. All those years he’d survived, only to be undone by breathing. He wouldn’t allow it.

He pressed his form against the stone wall behind him. It felt like the cold was seeping into every pore in his skin, chilling him to the bone. He wished he could melt into it — turn into stone. Instead he shivered, then stifled a chuckle at the reaction. The autonomic response caught him off guard.

Still getting used to the new limitations of his muscles, he started slowly moving along the wall, feeling his way in the dark. He knew the vampire was somewhere nearby, and his only hope was to get outside… and downwind… and far. As his senses downshifted, he tried to calm his rising fear. Nothing like that smell to help a vampire locate its prey. He crouched in a futile attempt to make himself smaller, as if it would somehow help him elude his predator. Inching along the wall like a worm from a bird, he tried to listen, but already his hearing was fading and the only sound he could make out was his own breath.

Could it be Lance, come back to prune the unwanted branch off the family tree? Having no vampire senses was a problem, but there was no mistaking that growl. He didn’t have to see what was around the corner to know it was of the undead variety. But why had he run into the bank building of all places? Talk about stupid. Now he was trapped in the basement with only one way out.

Ouch! He had to muffle the pain as his fingers hit the rough brick wall in the older wing. He was closer to the exit than he thought. Relief washed over him as he sagged briefly against the wall.

“Ready for round two?”

The voice was four, maybe five feet away. Not nearly enough time to make it to the door.

“I think you’re going to like it.”

Three feet. He was obviously taking his time and enjoying this.

“Well, maybe not.”

Two inches. That voice was unmistakable.

He saw a flash of dim light reflect off the vampire’s gold cufflink as a hand closed around his throat. He could tell by the choking sensation that his transformation was nearly complete. He would need air, and the vampire knew it.


Releasing his hand, Josef tugged on his shirt cuffs and straightened his tie.

“I came by to let you know I was back in town, but instead I had to witness your little scuffle in the alley. I couldn’t figure out why you let that French natter kick your ass, then I realized you smelled… human. Before I could say anything, you ran in here.”

“Why didn’t you just announce yourself?”

“I did, but apparently you didn’t recognize my greeting. How many times have I tried to tell you that being human is a disadvantage, emphasis on the dis —”

“Yeah, well, I think Beth might have a different opinion.”

“So she doesn’t know? How long have you —“

“No, just a few hours. And I’d appreciate it if you let me be the one to break the news.”

“Sure, you can break the bombshell to the blonde bloodhound. Try saying that fast three times.”

“Thank you. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve had one hell of a day.”

“You look like you have your heart safety-pinned to your shirt. Go home and clean up and get some sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Wait — why didn’t you—“

“Rescue you and your damsel’s derrières? I told you, Mick, I’m a lover not a fighter.”

“But you saw, he took Coraline.”

“I told you not to get caught up in her drama.”

“Josef — she. has. the. cure.” He emphasized each word. “I know. I took it. You see. You can smell it on me. I’m human. You understand this changes everything, right?”

They reached the alley outside the bank. Pausing to get his bearings, Josef turned a steely gaze on his friend.

“What I understand is that you don’t appear to grasp the serious danger you now face. Lance and his kind do not rule Europe by letting loose ends scatter about. You will be dealt with.”

“Wow, thanks for the pep talk. Look, I’ll be more careful. I do get that I’m now at a disadvantage, physically at least.”

“Just lay low until this… wears off. It does wear off, right?”

“Supposedly. I’m not sure how long, though.”

“Well, I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes — and nose. By the way… some cologne maybe?”

“Haha. You’re so funny. I don’t know where Lance took her, but Coraline looked terrified. Did you see?”

“Yeah, I could smell it too, but you need to let this go, Mick. I’m dead serious. If you don’t, you will be dead. You’re no match for the Europeans, especially in this… state. Go have a steak. See if you can make a baby with Beth. Sunbathe on your terrace. But by all means, stay up in the loft. I’ll have Ryder come by to see what he can do for your security system. He’s a genius at finding vulnerabilities.”

“You’re paranoid, Josef. I’m a gnat to them, not worth the trouble. Besides, Coraline knows I would never put her life at risk, not after what I put her through.”

“Yours is still the nastiest divorce I know of.”

“We’re not actually divorced. Not legally, anyway.”

“You like to complicate your life, don’t you? Admit it. Now, let’s see… on the one hand, you have the wife, and on the other, Buxomwire. One has disappeared, and the other doesn’t yet know your bark is now worse than your bite.”

“Another day, Josef, I’m already banged up enough for this one.”

“Yes. You look like the worm after mama bird has let baby bird take a few practice pecks.”

**************************************************** CODA ****************************************************
He stared at the huge blue clock icon on the pharmacy bag. If only the contents held such promise. More time. He couldn’t help wondering how much he had. It was starting to drive him crazy, then Josef called. He made plans to meet him later without mentioning that he would be spending the morning at the beach with Beth.

He poured himself a steaming cup of coffee — and smiled.

The beach.

When was the last time he had made plans for the beach? He remembered coming ashore the summer before the war ended and taking a drive north on the PCH a few days later. It was an extravagance, certainly, but eight Army buddies had waxed their imaginary boards for months as they trudged through Italy and even though only five of them made it back, no such thing as gas rationing was going to keep them from realizing their dream. They did drive the Victory Speed, though, stopping several times to take pictures on the way up to Malibu.

Today he was headed back to Malibu, but instead of trading war stories, he’d be enjoying a picnic with Beth. Thanks to the little pharmacy bag of bliss — courtesy of one of Josef’s freshies — he’d be feeling no pain. He was looking forward to getting some sand between his toes. He was looking forward to a lot of things, actually, but mostly just feeling his body heat reflect off Beth. Sharing the taste of her favorite foods. The scent of suntan lotion on her skin. He intended to lock it all away in the vault. Memories to be pulled out in the future, after….

He didn’t want to think about it. Or Josef’s warning.

“Worm” he had called him. Was he vampire bait? All these years he longed for his mortality, and now he wanted to live more than anything. For Beth. This time would give them a chance to have a normal relationship. Go on dates. Get intimate, when the time was right. He certainly didn’t want it to end now.

Another smile crept across his face. Time was precious. He could die, and that sent a thrill down his spine. This worm was going to crawl out into the sun and take his chances.
~ Hot Mick's Mistress of Chill
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Re: The Worm ~ "Moonlight Song Stories" Challenge #163 (PG-1

Post by darkstarrising »

I really liked that song, too, HM. :hug: So now that he's human, Mick is the worm, trying desperately to elude Lance. But there's another bird out there, and Josef isn't someone who is going to let Mick off the hook.

Loved the sensory aspect of the story - Mick feeling his way along the wall, holding his breath. At the beginning of the story, they're liabilities, but by the end, he's looking forward to enjoy all that being human has to offer, especially with Beth.
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Re: The Worm ~ "Moonlight Song Stories" Challenge #163 (PG-1

Post by allegrita »

Great answer to the Challenge! :highfive: I love the way you changed the mood of the story from dark (and frightened) in the beginning, to bright and filled with hope toward the end. Mick in his human form can't help but tend toward a hopeful and positive outlook. :blinksmile: I loved the way even his voice changed while he was human. :hearts: I'm glad he had that day on the beach with Beth, although evidently he never did take his boots off, silly non-vamp. :laugh: And the reminiscence of going surfing with his buddies during the war was wonderful. I wish we'd had more flashbacks to Mick's younger days. :cloud9:

This is a great use of the song, in a situation I hadn't considered before. It fits perfectly, and I love the use of "holding his breath half to death". And the picture is wonderful at creating the proper mood for the beginning of the story. Your idea that Josef saw the fight with Lance is fascinating. How like him not to interfere with Lance, but to keep a close eye on matters. The conversation between Mick and Josef is great. I love it when I can hear the characters speaking as I read, and I definitely could here. :yes:
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