3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13

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3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13

Post by Lilly »

Good grief! This took even longer than the last one. Image :blushing: Anyway, this it the third installment in my series of sixteen dialogues between Mick and Josef set after each episode of Moonlight. (My original explanation is here: viewtopic.php?f=865&t=9996)

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters. Occasionally one or two of them speak to me and I take dictation. No disrespect or copyright infringement is ever intended.

Rating: PG13

3. What the Doctor Ordered


“Look what the bat dragged in. I just got off a conference call with Manila. What’s your excuse?”

“You left this at my place.”

“And you defrosted yourself early and came all the way over here to return it?”


“And that's it?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s an empty glass vial, Mick. Unless you’ve developed a sudden affinity for recycling, I think there’s something else going on here. Maybe you’re looking for another dose of Doctor K’s magical, fresh-from-the-vein elixir, hmm? Maybe– ”

“I saw Beth. I told her about Coraline.”

“Damn. When I told you to stop carrying the ex around with you, I didn’t mean you should dump her on Goldilocks’ doorstep. What happened to keeping your distance?”

“Turns out, she’s a lot more open-minded than I gave her credit for.”

“So, did you give her the unrated director’s cut or just the green band trailer?”

“I told her how I became a vampire. On my wedding night.”

“Is that all?”

“It was enough. Well... and that I trust her.”

“Do you? Haven’t we already had this conversation, Mick?”

“We have a bond, Joz’f. I can’t explain it…”

“I think you’re looking for something that isn’t there, my friend – some sort of cosmic connection. I don’t want to see you make a mistake.”

“I’m not making a mistake.”

“Look – maybe she hasn’t consciously tied you – and the ex – to her childhood yet… but sooner or later, it’s going to happen. And then what?”

“That can never happen. I won’t let it.”

“Right. Because you’ve been such a master of your own destiny thus far.”

“Josef. I know what I’m doing.”

“Yeah, well – you’ve always had a thing for playing with fire. Look, I still say getting close to this girl is a bad idea. It’s going to get messy. Somebody’s going to get hurt. BUT… if she got you to open up about Coraline, to start putting the past behind you, then – then maybe she's just what the doctor ordered.”

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Re: 3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13

Post by librarian_7 »

I can't begin to tell you how happy it makes me to see a new piece from you! And such a fine piece, too. I can just see Mick wanting/not wanting to tell his best friend all about what's going on with Beth...and Josef's detached cynicism that hides a real concern and empathy.

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Re: 3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13

Post by allegrita »

I feel like I'm hiding behind the door when I read these dialogues. :laugh: They are just so perfectly spot-on. :notworthy: This one grabbed me, mostly in the way Mick said so very much... while not saying much at all. This is perfect Mick. He can't really express what he's feeling, not even to Josef. But Josef is his best friend, and he knows how huge this is. Something big is happening to Mick. Something Mick can't really explain... but Josef can read between the lines. Josef's sly wit is very much on display here, and I can hear him speaking in those bursty, staccato phrases. He never wastes an opportunity to get a dig in... but also, he is incredibly protective of his friend. And although he doesn't approve of Mick's relationship with this woman--this reporter--he realizes that it's something Mick truly needs.

This is gorgeous, Lilly. :clapping: I'm thrilled to "hear" a new conversation between M&J! :yahoo:
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Re: 3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13

Post by Lilly »

Lucky, thank you so much! :hug:
librarian_7 wrote: I can just see Mick wanting/not wanting to tell his best friend all about what's going on with Beth...
You absolutely hit the nail on the head here. :yes: His excuse for showing up at Josef's wasn't too lame now, was it? :whistle: I feel like he had to test the waters.

Aww, Alle, thank you for that lovely comment. :smooch: I can't begin to tell you what high praise that is.
allegrita wrote: This one grabbed me, mostly in the way Mick said so very much... while not saying much at all.
I was worried that this one might have fallen short -- that it didn't say enough. But I think you're right, it's very often what isn't said that is so important in the give and take between Mick and Josef. I'm glad it worked for you. :rose:

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Re: 3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13 (*New* 6/7/2016)

Post by Shadow »

Oh, awesome!! Another of the Vampire Dialogues! :hyper2: :cheering: :hyper2:

This is such a lovely counterpoint to Mick and Josef's closing scene in the episode. It so perfectly captures the essence of their friendship. So much caring behind Josef's little remarks, and Mick is really seeking out his support for this amazing new adventure in his life.
And the first two lines have to be the most perfect first two lines of dialogue ever written for these characters. There is definitely not the slightest question about who is speaking here. :heart:

By the way, your titles are absolutely perfect, too. Every one of them fits its story just right, with those lovely echoes back to the episode titles.

Just wonderful, and I'm so looking forward to the next part of the series.
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Re: 3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13 (*New* 6/7/2016)

Post by Lilly »

Shadow! :hug: Thank you so much. :rose:
Shadow wrote:And the first two lines have to be the most perfect first two lines of dialogue ever written for these characters. There is definitely not the slightest question about who is speaking here.
My goodness! That's very high praise indeed. :blushing: I'm just glad the speakers were clear immediately. That's been extremely important to me. :yes:

I'm glad you're enjoying the titles. I've been having a lot of fun with them. :snicker: I have to admit, though, that some are harder than others. This one, in particular, gave me some trouble. I knew I needed "Doctor" in there, but was at a loss until I stumbled upon the idea of "Dr. K's" magical elixir. :teeth:

Thanks so much for your wonderful support. :smooch:

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Re: 3. What the Doctor Ordered - PG13

Post by allegrita »

Yay! Ending my night with the last reread of a previous Vampire Dialogue. I absolutely love the way Josef is his snarky self, and Mick is totally at a loss for words to explain why he came over. :snicker: I mean, seriously, Mick, every time you say, “What do you mean?” we know you know how lame you sound. :rolling:

Once again, you have a couple of different references to "doctor" in this conversation, and they are both perfect not just for our two favorite vampire best friends, but for the story. Dr. K's magical elixir is brilliant! :highfive: And although it's not quite as spectacular, the last line about Beth being just what the doctor ordered is the perfect way to bring the conversation full circle (just as so many of the episodes are bookended), but also to make us realize that Josef is beginning to respect Beth more and more.

And leave it to Josef to have the best lines, like this beauty:
Lilly wrote:“So, did you give her the unrated director’s cut or just the green band trailer?”
Of course, Mick doesn't take the bait. That perpetual coolness stands him in good stead here. :winky:

Another gem of an extra scene for us to enjoy. :rose: Thank you!! :hug:
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