Slam Dunk Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
Slam Dunk
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Josef decides to buy the Los Angeles Lakers

Mark Walters sat in Josef's office looking and feeling all of his 62 years. He took a long sip of the excellent brandy that was served to him.
"I'm not going to try and cheat you Josef, I'm just looking to quit the industry" he said. Josef had to admit that purchasing a major sports team did hold a certain allure.
"What say the others?" Josef asked.
"Well, the Buss Family Trust is what it is, but Todd, Patrick and Ed will definitely sell for the right price. Come on Josef, this is the right business for you to be in. You're a vampire. You're never going to get old and tired of this game like we are and after trying to survive the pandemic and low tickets sales, a lot of us are ready to just deal with whatever we lost and not lose anymore"
"So who's willing to sell their shares?"
"Everyone but Patrick because he keeps trying to one up you"
"Draw up the contract" Josef said finally deciding. Mick and Steve were going to be thrilled beyond belief!

The next day Josef went to Mick's office to give him and Carl the good news.
"Good morning Gentlemen!" Josef said with a wide smile.
"Uh oh...what do you want?" Mick asked.
"Nothing with exception to congratulations! You are looking at the new owner of the Los Angeles Lakers!"
"Shit! Are you for real?" Carl yelled.
"Yep. Just sighed the documents a few moments ago".
"Season tickets please Josef"
"You got it Carl. What do you say Mick?"
"I'm wondering why you're doing this?"
"Why....why did I purchase a basketball team? Well, because why not? It's not like professional sports are ever going to be a bad investment, but my true reason is because it's bad ass as hell!" Josef said.
"He's right Mick. This is pretty bad ass" Carl said laughing. Mick stared at Josef for a few minutes.
"Okay, it is really bad ass!"
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Okay... so can Josef fire LeBron James and get back all the good young players the Lakers jettisoned last year, please?? :pray:
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote: Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:05 pm Okay... so can Josef fire LeBron James and get back all the good young players the Lakers jettisoned last year, please?? :pray:
Let me talk it over with Josef and see what he says! :rolling:
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Josef did what?" Beth asked in shock.
"He bought the Lakers for...I don't even want to know how much he blew on that!"
"This may be the fangirl in me but Josef just got even sexier" she said walking away laughing.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Mick asked suddenly as she walked away. "Babe! What does that mean!" but hearing her laughter he calmed down.

After the paperwork went through and everything was finalized Josef finally went to watch a practice and asked Mick to come with him.
"Now you're just going to look at the talent right?" Mick asked.
"I just want to see what my money bought me" he said as they pulled up to Crypto Arena.
"I'll tell you exactly what it bought you. A couple of way overpaid prima donnas and fan base who is literally fed up with them not producing any wins"
"We'll see about that" he said getting out of the car. When they made it inside they were told that the team was waiting for them on the floor. Josef walked confidently in as only a 500 year old vampire would. All the talking immediately stopped as they stared at the man who was now their new boss.
"Hello. I'm Josef Kostan and as you may have heard, I am now the owner of the Lakers" he said with a nod to forward Carmelo Anthony who was a vampire, unbeknownst to everyone. "There will be some changes down the road, but for right now, I'd like to see what you got. Let's start with some skill drills" he said as the players began to take their places.
"You're one short?" Mick noticed as he looked around. "LeBron is missing"
"Not for long" he said as he pulled out his mobile and began to send a message. In one hour LeBron walked casually in. All the players stopped to see what Josef would do.
"Sorry I'm late" he said almost boastful, daring Josef to do something.
"Glad you're here. I would be pleased if you joined everyone else" Josef said mildly. Mick closed his eyes. He knew that Josef was going to chop this guy off at the knees. LeBron took off his sweats and began to tie his laces. "Show me what you got?" he said. Someone passed the ball to LeBron and he very quickly and expertly dunked the ball hard feeling very pleased with himself. Josef smiled.
"Have a seat" he said as the giant of a man stared at him.
"Excuse me?" he said.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll speak up. HAVE A SEAT!!!" Josef said in a voice that scared the crap out everyone LeBron included.
"Now I know that you all are used to certain way of doing things, but as I love keeping my money, you will ALL be here for practice everyday! Anytime you are late, you are benched a game and fined $10k" he said as everyone gasped at what he just said.
"Fuck that!" someone said.
"So that means that both Mr. James and Mr. Nunn will not be in next week's game and will be 20k poorer. Anyone else want to join their club?" he said staring heard at all of them. Everyone was silent now that they had seen that Josef meant business and seeing how dude was a vampire, no one wanted to take him on.
LeBron and Kenndrick went to sit down but Josef stopped them.
"You're still going to practice whether you're playing or not!" he said finding it hard to believe that the previous owners were letting this behavior go unchecked.

After a strenuous two hour practice session and everyone was drenched in sweat, they finally got to rest.
"Okay, the fact that you all look like you're about to pass out is why you're not winning any games! Steph Curry and the rest of the Golden State Warriors are crushing you each and every game! That's not going to cut it! The people of Los Angeles look to you to be on top! To bring back the majesty of Magic Johnson, James Worthy, Kareem and Kobe but instead what I see is a bunch of selfish overindulged babies trying to angle their next payout, because let's face it, none of you play like you love the game. You play like you're working at a job you hate. That will be no longer accepted. All of you will play like your livelihoods are on the line and guess what? They are. And if you try to test me, you will be benched for the season and if you think you can just hop over to another team, think again.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Show 'em who's boss, Josef! :cheer: (I agree with Beth, by the way. :laugh: )
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 12:00 am Show 'em who's boss, Josef! :cheer: (I agree with Beth, by the way. :laugh: )
I know right! Josef could be the new Pat Reilly!
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Most players on the team thought Josef was correct to lay down the law the way he did. It was his team now and anyone willing to splurge millions upon millions on a basketball team, didn't want to see his money wasted, but also they too thought it was wrong to allow "stars" of the team to get away with whatever they wanted. Yeah LeBron was an amazing player, but showing up for practice is NBA 101. Carmello Anthony for sure thought some of the bigwigs were getting away with too much and as a vampire if he used all of his skills, no one would know who Lebron was!

Josef shook his head after practice. He really had to get rid of this prima donna attitude some of his players had. This game was and should still be about the team. Not LeBron, not Anthony Davis. But the whole team working to win a game together. On the whole Josef blamed agents and the media for this "Its all about me" bravado. Something had to change he thought.
"Hey Mick, would you and Carl like to check out a practice session?" he asked.
"Seriously? Hell yes I would!"
"Great. Swing by at 10am" he said. Josef had something in mind and he hoped it worked.

"I can't believe we get to see a Lakers practice session! This is going to be amazing!" Mick said as they pulled up to the arena. "Aren't you excited?" he asked Carl.
"Yeah, I mean for basketball. I'm more of a NFL kind of guy" Carl joked as they walked up to the security guard in front.
"Names?" he asked.
"Mick St. John and Carl Davis" Mick said and the guard let them in. They heard Josef yelling and knew exactly where to go.
"Mick, Carl welcome!" Josef said motioning for them to take a seat. Carmello Anthony saw Mick walk in and gave him a nod of recognition. After an hour of watching the team going through half hearted attempts at practice Josef halted the practice.
"Jesus Josef! What the hell is going on? Those guys do know they're being paid a shit ton of money to play this game, right?" Mick said loudly.
"They are aware, but the former owners were content to collect money on the fees from licensing, but I felt that some competition from a couple of guys who would run rings around them might be what their egos need" he said with a smirk.
"Hell yeah!" Mick said out loud. Josef threw a gym bag at them.
"I already packed you guys some gear. Go get changed" he said as he turned towards the team. "We're going to do some man on man drills" he said waiting for Mick and Carl to come back out.
"So Josef wants us to squash these guys like a bug?" Carl asked.
"Yeah, so lets have some fun" Mick said as they walked onto the court.
"Okay, LeBron and Davis you're first. Simple game of 21" Josef said giving the ball to LeBron who looked at Mick and Carl with a sly grin thinking this would be easy as he started to bounce the ball. Carl quickly stole the ball from him and made an easy layup.
"Come on LeBron, don't make it too easy for me" Carl joked. LeBron stared hard at Carl as he again tried to take the ball to the paint. Davis who quickly thought about passing the ball back, but Mick intercepted his pass and made the shot from half court.
LeBron became angry and immediately began to make mistakes instead of trying a new tactic. Soon there was an obligatory flagrant foul that caused him to hurt his hand on Mick granite like physique. He held his hand and walked around before the team doctor stepped in to take a look at it.
"Do you know what you did wrong?" Josef asked
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:06 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Ooh! :2eyes: :chin:
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

LeBron said nothing as the Doc looked at his hand.
"Again, I ask. Do you know what you did wrong?" Josef said.
"We let our emotions take control" Davis said.
"Exactly and when you do that, you become sloppy. Once you see that you're dealing with an exceptional player, you can't repeat the same thing you were doing over and over again. Mick and Carl beat you because they easily figured you out. Knowing that all of your moves would be based on ego, it was easy to whip your ass! You and LeBron didn't really pass the ball to each other. Once you had possession, you wanted to be the one to make the shot and get the glory" Josef said. "If you all can't understand that you play for a team then you'll be dropped. This ego bullshit has got to go!!. The fans don't like it and the owner definitely doesn't like it! You're not playing hoops on the playground anymore. This is the big leagues. Hit the showers" he said as all the players walked off the court wondering who those two men were.

"Well, that was the most fun I've had in a long time!" Carl said.
"It was pretty cool. But Josef, now that you've served those two their asses on a platter, what do you think is going to happen?"
"What I want to happen is for them to see that there's always someone better than you and that means you always have to be on your guard. When agents and fans have swelled up their heads, they simply stop trying to be the best. Anyone in the NBA would have been capable of doing what you and Carl did, I just wanted to fast track that fact sooner rather than later" Josef said.
"You certainly have your work cut out for you. I don't think there's any one thing you can do to let the air out of their egos".
"Watch and learn Mick" Josef said walking away and catching up with Carmelo Anthony. And as Mick saw Josef and Carmelo talking he saw crystal clear how Josef was going to motivate some entitled pro players. And Josef's plan was simple. LeBron and Davis would no longer be starting. Instead Carmelo Anthony would not only start but call the some of the plays and he had Josef's permission to make it as fabulous as he wanted to. Carmelo was a great player who chose since his turning to play down his enhanced abilities, but after watching one egomaniac after another repeat the exact same game plan, he thought maybe a good smack down was just what the doctor ordered. Their next game was against Golden State Warriors and with their winning season, many thought GS would take the Lakers in a's what they thought anyway.

Josef pulled out his mobile and started to make things happen.
"Hey Jack! Josef Kostan calling" he said smiling.
"So how does it feel Chief?" Jack asked.
"If I weren't already in love and married, I would be using my new basketball ownership to score with the ladies, but I'm too old for that game" Josef joked.
"And yet you look as fresh as daisy" Jack Nicholson said laughing out loud.
"We need you back on the court Jack"
"Josef....I'm 84 years old and that's in human years not vamp years so it's got be something pretty damn special to get me close to the paint" he said in a joking manner.
"How about this? Carmelo Anthony starting while LeBron and Davis sit out?" he said knowing that Jack thought LeBron while an exceptional player tended to be ball hog which many old timers thought was ruining the game.
"The whole game? You sure you want to risk that with the Laker's current numbers?"
"I'm telling you Jack, we will win this game without them. Of that I'm 100% positive".
"Well that is something I'd love to see" he said chuckling thinking Josef had lost his mind.
"I'll see you there!" Josef said hanging up.

Game night Josef quickly spoke with Coach Vogel about what he wanted to do.
"Are you sure this is the route you want to take?" he asked although he wasn't surprised by Josef's request. He too often felt that some of the players were taking full advantage of their status and popularity.
"Yeah. At least for the next two games". Josef said.
"He's going to be pissed"
"Let him" Josef said as he walked to the owners box high above the court and saw that both Mick and Carl were inside waiting for him.
"Ok Josef...I now understand why you purchased a professional sports team" Mick said as a very beautiful woman brought them their drink orders.
"You're both married" Josef said with a grin. Mick rolled his eyes.
"What's the game plan?" Carl asked.
"Carmelo is starting for the next couple of games. LeBron will see what Carmelo can actually do and when he hears the crowd cheering for another "golden boy" he'll grow the hell up!" Josef said pouring himself a brandy and looking at the stands begin to fill up. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence" Josef said handing Mick a pair of binoculars.
"Shit! Is that Jack Nicholson? How did you get him to come back?"
"I told him I was starting Carmelo. That got him down here pretty damn quick"
"They aren't going to like this Josef, you know that right?" Carl said.
"I'm betting on it Carl".

As the seat began to fill up, the Laker Girls took the court and did everything they could to get the crowd hyped about this game between the Lakers and the Phoenix Suns. At tip off Dwight Howard hit the ball in Carmelo's direction who immediately grabbed the ball. He was immediately blocked so he simply decided on the three point with a easy jump shot. Vogel lost his mind as he stood up and cheered. He also began to look at the Forward in a different light. Phoenix took the ball out and when they got half court Carmelo quickly stole the ball and passed it to Howard for the easy layup. Josef was standing in the box drink in hand watching the whole game from above and he had to admit, it felt good. Damn good. Sports Announcers were wondering why the two star players were benched but the fans either didn't care or didn't notice and that was good thing. This new generation of entitled players needed to be take down a peg. After years of everyone from Nike to Pepsi courting them for millions of dollars, they tend to think that there's nothing they can't do. Hopefully they will realize that there is always someone better, waiting right behind them to take their place. Carmelo was a good guy. And an honest guy. When he was turned, he thought that would be the end of his basketball career, but it was a long ago superstar NBA player from French Lick Indiana who knew all to well how to display your enhanced gifts without being a dick about it. Larry Bird had perfected the vampire playbook. Be good in ways that blow the minds of the fans but never make them suspect you because you're too good. When you're that good, people start to think that you're enhancement is via pharmaceuticals and that leads to trouble.

LeBron was pissed! He watched his teammate, who he had never really thought much of, play the game flawlessly as the fans cheered his name. Jack Nicholson who had been very vocal about his dislike of LeBron and called him a prima donna, was now on his feet cheering Carmelo. He quickly looked up to the owners box and while he could not see anyone he knew that Josef Kostan was watching everything and he also saw how easy he could be replaced and it chilled him to the bone.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:37 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The Lakers won the game 92 - 76 and the crowd went wild. This was the kind of basketball that the team should have been playing all the while. Jack Nicholson made his way to the Owner's box to speak with Josef.
"What did you think?" Josef asked with a smirk as Jack walked up to him and kissed his cheek.
"Now that's the kind of ball I've been dying to see!" he said with smile. "Now am I to assume that Vogel has been booted?" Josef nodded his head.
"Well Josef, You got me back" he said shaking his hand and leaving the box.
"Damn Josef! Getting Jack back courtside is going to pump everyone up! I didn't think you could do it, but I'll never doubt you again" Carl said chuckling.
"What's wrong Mick? Didn't you enjoy the game?" Josef asked.
"Yeah, it was great...but be careful...something tells me that Lebron is not going to like this at all"
"Do I look like I care?" Josef replied.
"Okay, but be on your guard"
"Why are you so worried about what LeBron might do? Don't you think I can handle myself?" Josef said.
"Oh believe me I know how you handle yourself, I'm just saying LeBron is a great player who has a lot of pull with a lot of famous people. Just look after yourself. I hate saying this, but mortals are more devious than any vampire, even in the most blood-thirsty days" Mick said picking up his jacket and heading for the door.
"Noted" Josef said taking a swig of his drink and smiling that everything was working according to plan.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Jun 03, 2022 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

I am loving this story. If only it were true! :snicker: Mr. A and I have been cheering for the Warriors this year, because the Lakers are just no fun. With the Splash Brothers back together, we're hoping they'll go all the way! :cheer:

I love that Mick is wary of LeBron's reaction. He is keeping an eye on things for his friend.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote: Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:31 pm I am loving this story. If only it were true! :snicker: Mr. A and I have been cheering for the Warriors this year, because the Lakers are just no fun. With the Splash Brothers back together, we're hoping they'll go all the way! :cheer:

I love that Mick is wary of LeBron's reaction. He is keeping an eye on things for his friend.
Alle, I've always been a Celtics fan but I have to admit Golden State is kicking butt and not caring about taking names for sure!!
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

LeBron thought long and hard over his options. He was a free agent and could leave at the ending of this season. Houston had their eye on him for a long time and their deep pockets meant that LeBron would be handsomely paid. he saw now how coming to the Lakers was a mistake.

Carmelo Anthony sat in Josef's office going over the direction that he was taking the team.
"Look Josef, I never wanted to be like LeBron. I just love the game, so you don't have to give me a hard sell at all. Just tell me what you want" he said.
"I'll be honest with you. LeBron is on his way out, at least out of Los Angeles. I've been hearing of Houston and Portland scoping out the possibility of trying him on, and that means we will need a replacement and I think it should be you. The crowd absolutely loved you last game and I think that's going to continue" Josef said.
"I'm not going to lie, it was pretty cool socking it to LeBron who's too full of himself to tolerate but again, I don't want to be the face of the Lakers. That kind of adoration comes with a price and I'm not willing to pay that price" he said.
"I get it believe me I do. I think the NBA needs to go back to the game that was played in the 70's and 80's. Dr. J, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, the Utah Jazz with John Stockton and Carl Malone. All of these players were giants who excelled at the game but still remembered that it was team effort. All of that has been blow away and we need to bring it back. I think you can help me do that" Josef said. Carmelo thought about it for a while. He did miss the game that he fell in love with as a kid. Everything now felt like a really long commercial.
"Alright. I'm on board" he finally said as Josef smiled brightly.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

LeBron thought long and hard over his options. He was a free agent and could leave at the ending of this season. Houston had their eye on him for a long time and their deep pockets meant that LeBron would be handsomely paid. he saw now how coming to the Lakers was a mistake.

Game night was getting started and Josef watched over the crowd from high above, noticing that the crowds were coming back in record numbers. Jack was back in his regular courtside seat with a huge grin on his face as he gave a salute towards Josef. LeBron again was benched and he was furious. Anthony Davis realizing that he needed to check his attitude if he wanted to play began showing up for practice on time and giving it his all. Lebron watched as he saw Anthony getting ready to warm up and that made him more furious as he thought that he and Anthony together could change the way the game was played in their favor. Carmelo and Anthony made a dynamic pair as they dominated the first quarter and had all the fans on their feet! At half time Josef left his private box to talk to the team.
"I gotta say, that you guys made Los Angeles proud tonight! You guys keep playing like this and we'll be claiming another championship!" he said with a bright smile.
"This is bullshit!!" LeBron finally shouted standing up. "You have to put me in!!"
"I don't have to do anything. When you're the richest man in the world, you find that out pretty damn quick" Josef said calmly.
"I'll fucking sue your ass!" he screamed.
"Have at it. Many have tried and all have failed. This is all on you LeBron, when you placed yourself above this team! Above the fans, who by the way pay a ransom every game to watch you! You are a prime example of what's gone wrong in basketball since Michael Jordon! It's not about you!! It's about the game and If you can't understand that, then you won't be playing the game at all!" Josef said turning away from him to continue his talk with the team. "Carmelo, you're playing solid tonight, but be on the look out for the full court press. Coach Kidd was former NBA player himself, so spread his players out right away, don't let them get in formation!" Josef said.

All the players were pumped because this was the kind of basketball they longed to play but couldn't due to the enormous ego of one who thought himself a God amongst men. They all ran onto the court with new vigor and energy and LeBron could see it for the first time. By the end of the game The Lakers had whooped the Dallas Mavericks 101 to 88. Jack in spite of his advanced years was up out of his chair cheering and screaming at the players and Los Angeles was thrilled. Showtime was back!!

Beth looked around the luxurious private box that belonged to Josef.
"Josef, this is mind blowing!!"
"Yeah, Beth said you just became more sexy with the ownership of the Lakers" Mick joked.
"Why thank you! Beth always has my back!" he said with a smile.
"So what's next Josef? You've made number 1 in the Fortune 500, you were Governor of California for 2 terms, President of United States for 2 terms, you have two Oscars and 5 Grammy's and now look to be on your way to winning an NBA ring. You've done it all" Beth said.
"I haven't been to space" Josef said actually looking like he was giving it considerable thought.
"You're not going to do that are you Josef?" Beth asked in surprise.
"Never say never Beth" Josef said with a smirk letting her know he would not being going to space. There was knock on the door and everyone turned to see LeBron James walk into the private box.
"Yes Lebron" Josef said.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'll be at practice tomorrow early. I'd like to show you some plays we used to run at Saint Vincent. Maybe they can be updated" he said.
"I'd be very interested in seeing them. Thank you LeBron. And I'll see you at practice" Josef said as the player left.
"And again David has bested Goliath" Mick said.
"Don't you forget it!" Josef said with a grin.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed May 17, 2023 5:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Slam Dunk Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

And Golden State wins the Title!!!
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