FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

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Freelance freshie
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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, part 1.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Logan, Guillermo, Talbot, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’ as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’ and become lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! He also shares “The List” with Mick and Josef.) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, her original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics.

Ready? Okay! Here we go again!


Logan had excused himself after finishing his Scotch with Josef and Mick. He felt honored to have been included in this guy-ritual with two men from another time. But, a bunch of guys congratulating themselves while sipping expensive Scotch just didn’t cut it for someone of his generation. What he really needed to help him unwind from his near-death experience was alittle virtual reality. He would go kick ass in the World Of Warcraft…...take out his I-almost-got-killed-tonight angst in that nether world.

He made his way back to his guest suite in Josef’s mansion where the HD big-screen awaited him. It had an internet connection, and his gaming equipment from home had been brought over for him.

After watching Logan leave, Josef winked at Mick and reached for his pocket intercom. He sent one of his younger freshies to Logan’s suite, one who knew how to play that……whatever it was…….video game. He did not send a vampire stand-by, and also didn’t ask Mick to supervise.

Mick smiled slightly. Apparently, Logan’s training wheels were now off. Josef was trusting him completely with one of his cherished freshies.

With that done, Josef swirled his pink-tinged Scotch in his tumbler and gazed out the window into the night . He was silent for several seconds. Mick sipped his Scotch and quietly watched his old friend. Something was on Josef’s mind.

“You know….”, Josef said at last, “Beth’s scent, as a wolf, reminds me of Phelan…..”, he paused, “What I mean is that Beth smells like Phelan.”

Mick’s brow creased in confusion. “You’re saying my Beth smells like a centuries- old Irish guy?”

“Ah…..no….that’s not what I’m saying…..exactly.” Josef smiled faintly and met Mick’s eyes across the table. “What I’m saying is that there is a characteristic of Beth’s new scent that is strikingly similar to a characteristic of Phelan’s scent.”

“Well….”, Mick offered, shrugging, “They’re both werewolves.”

“So was the fellow who tried to eat all of us…….and Turned Beth, and he didn’t share this scent characteristic with Phelan, or with Beth.” Josef’s eyes shifted to the table top, his gaze far away.

“So……what then?” Mick prompted.

Josef looked up to meet Mick’s eyes again. “I think it’s the AO-Negative…..the Noble Line…..I think Phelan must have been a Noble too, perhaps the first Noble werewolf, unknown to anyone. He was so reclusive, no one would have noticed it.”

Mick blinked at him in surprise. “Why wouldn’t you have known that about Phelan from the get-go? If he was a ‘Noble’ like you and Beth, I mean….”

Josef snorted and grinned sadly. “My Sire was not very forthcoming about many things…..the Noble bloodline being one of them. I didn’t even know I was of the Noble line, although, in retrospect, it’s probably why my Sire chose to Turn me. I didn’t know there was such a thing as this rare ‘Noble’ blood type. Back then, no one even knew there were different blood types….let alone a rare one that imparts special abilities. Vampires knew it by scent and taste only…..but didn’t understand it, really…… I mean, that it was a blood type. That’s how it ended up being called the ‘Noble Line’ by vampires, when it’s not a familiar ‘line’ at all, in the genetic sense. And remember….I was just a Yearling when I met Phelan. I barely knew my ass from a hole in the ground back then. I wouldn’t learn of the existence of, or importance of, the AO-Negative blood type for about two hundred years.”

Mick chuckled. “Okay…..So you think Phelan might have been a Noble….like you and Coraline and Beth…..an AO-Neg? That maybe he was actually the first AO-Neg werewolf?”


“Based on their scents?”

“More than that…..”, Josef responded, “Their eyes…..both Phelan and Beth have extremely usual eye colors.”

“Blue and green are that unusual?”

“In werewolves, yes……it’s unheard of. I’ve kept up on werewolf stats over the years…….and while their fur color always follows the color of their human hair, their eyes rarely do…..unless their human eyes are brown.”

Mick looked puzzled.

Josef continued. “A werewolf’s eye color, as it turns out, is either brown, like an Arctic Wolf, or yellow, like a Timber Wolf, with the yellow eyes being by far the most common. Period…..there is no blue…..no green…..except for Phelan, and now, Beth.”, he paused, “I theorize that the AO-Negative effect somehow creates this alternative eye-coloring.”

“So……what?”, Mick grinned, “Are you saying that the AO-Negative effect in werewolves is unusually beautiful eyes?!”

“Of course not!,” Josef scoffed, “I’m just theorizing that the unusual eye color may be an indicator. There are undoubtedly other effects of the AO-Neg blood type in werewolves that aren’t as readily apparent. We’ll just have to see as Beth’s new nature matures.”

The two maids stood nervously outside the Newbie Suite’s Lexan bubble window, watching the huge golden she-wolf sleeping in front of the fireplace. They had their cleaning equipment with them, and their instructions.

Behind them, one of Karl’s Security Team stood quietly against the wall, also watching Beth through the thick protective window.

The older of the two maids quietly reached out and switched off the intercom channel into the Suite. It had been left open for some reason…..most likely by accident. She glanced at her counterpart……the younger woman’s eyes were wide with anxiety. Taking care of Mr Kostan’s Harem was one thing……but this was something else altogether. A freshie was unlikely to eat them.

Never the less, they had been instructed by Mr Kostan to clean up the mess in the Suite’s kitchen area and entry way. You did not say no to Mr Kostan. He had assured them that the new werewolf was well-fed and should be docile now.

Beth woke up alittle when she heard the intercom’s soft static hiss abruptly stop. Her deep sapphire blue eyes cracked open just a bit. Someone had shut off the intercom…… Her nostrils flared slightly as she scented the air without moving, and quickly determined that she was alone. No Mick. No Josef. Just her and the left-overs of her first meal. Still content with a belly full of venison, she decided the intercom being switched off was unimportant and drifted back down into deep sleep.

The two maids quietly entered the Newbie Suite, wincing at the soft buzzing sound created by the sally-port’s doors as it admitted them to the room.

Carrying their cleaning equipment in little utility buckets, along several trash bags, they paused in the entry way, both eyeing the huge sleeping wolf cautiously. They could see her rib cage rising and falling as she breathed evenly. It appeared they hadn’t disturbed her. Perhaps if they moved, and worked, very quietly……

Beth heard the sally-port buzzing, and the doors whooshing open, as someone entered. Her eyes cracked open again, and again her nostrils flared, scenting the air in the room. Two human females, one about forty, and the other about thirty. With them came the acrid smell of cleaning solutions, and the sharp, spicy scent of fear. There was no threat from them……they were afraid of her…..trying not to disturb her…..surely they weren’t freshies. Why would freshies come in here? Beth wondered who they were, but remained still, not wanting to alarm them any more than they already were…… Even though she was not hungry, the scent of their fear made them feel like prey to her.

The two maids crept into the kitchen area and donned gloves. Neither of them spoke. They silently began gathering up the venison bones and placing them in trash bags as quietly as they possibly could. The younger of the two periodically popped her head up over the breakfast bar and checked to make sure the golden she-wolf was still asleep by the fireplace. She was.

Beth listened to the two women gathering up her left-overs and putting them in plastic trash bags. She could hear every scraping of bone on tile, every soft crinkle of plastic.

With all the bones gathered and bagged, the maids got out their sanitation solution and sponges, beginning to wipe up the blood on the tile floor. This would take awhile……the sticky residue of the raw meat covered a wide area of the tile. They worked as quickly and quietly as they could, down on their hands and knees, scrubbing the flooring.

Beth needed to pee. She lay quietly on her side in front of the fireplace, listening to the maids work. She didn’t want to scare them by getting up….their control of their fear seemed tenuous at best……and if they were to panic…..that would make them seem even more like prey to her. She was uncertain if she could contain her predatory impulses if that happened.
But……she needed to pee…..badly.

Beth slowly lifted her head and turned to look at the kitchen area. Both maids were down behind the breakfast bar……they weren’t watching her……but somebody was……

Beth saw movement behind the Lexan bubble window. She focused her attention there briefly. A young man in Security Guard attire had just unfolded his arms and stepped away from the wall of the antechamber. He was watching her with concern……his eyes flicked to the two maids, and then back to Beth. Clearly he was unsure of what to do…..or even if he should do anything at all. Beth reasoned he must be part of the estate’s Security Team, left there to watch her……just in case……and that he was probably a vampire.

Returning her attention to the kitchen area, Beth quietly rolled to her feet. She padded silently around the living room sofa and past the breakfast bar, heading down the hall to the bathroom. Despite her size…..she moved with stealth…..neither maid heard a thing.

She stood in the doorway of the bathroom, regarding the toilet with concern…..it seemed so small now! This was like being asked to pee in a cereal bowl! She turned her head, looking down the length of her new four-legged form to her shaggy golden posterior. Might fit……if she could just balance the appropriate parts over the bowl…..and keep her tail out of the way.

Oh, what the hell, she thought to herself, if a housecat can learn how to use a toilet, then surely she could master this task! It appeared someone, probably Mick, had left the seat up. Typical…..but in this case….it might be helpful.

She backed out into the hallway again, turned around, and then backed into the bathroom, rump first. She nosed the door nearly closed as she disappeared inside, backing towards her objective.

Both maids, still on their hands and knees, scrubbing, froze and stared at each other in silent horror as they heard the toilet flush down the hall. The older of the two bobbed her head up and peeked over the top of the breakfast bar, looking at the carpet in front of the fireplace. No wolf. She turned and mouthed silently to her companion, “Gone!”

Both women stood slowly, large sponges hanging from their hands. The guard behind the Lexan bubble waved to get their attention and pointed down the hallway. They stepped to the end of the breakfast bar and craned their necks, looking down the hallway towards the bathroom. The huge golden wolf emerged, a smug expression on her lupine features. She came padding silently down the hall towards them. They froze. Both of them had worked around predators long enough to know that trying to run would be stupid, and perhaps fatal. They stood their ground.

Beth saw the two maids watching her from behind the end of the breakfast bar. Their eyes were wide, their mouths hanging open. She smelled their fear spike. Guess I shouldn’t have flushed the toilet, she thought to herself. She paused as she came abreast of them, meeting their gazes across the breakfast bar, her sapphire eyes shifting from one of them to the other, and back again. Both of the women were below Beth’s eye-level, even though she was on all fours, so she was looking down at them slightly.

“What?”, Beth quipped, trying to sound light-hearted, hoping to be reassuring, “There’s no pet-door in this place…..and no one put down any newspaper. What did you expect me to do?” The corners of her lupine mouth turned up in a slight smile, being very careful not to show any teeth.

It worked. The two maids visibly relaxed and let out breaths they had been holding. They smiled sheepishly at the golden she-wolf and bobbed up and down in a suggestion of an old-world curtsy. “Sorry, Miss!”, the forty-something said, “We didn’t mean to stare…..we were just surprised to find you up and about.”

“No problem.” Beth replied lightly, “And…..I’m sorry about the mess I left.”, her eyes flicked over to the bags of venison bones.

“It’s our job, Miss.”, the thirty-something said with a smile, “Don’t worry about it. Mr Kostan pays us very well. Is there anything we can get for you?”

“Well……since you’re asking…. It would be great to have another venison carcass stuffed in that fridge for later. You know…..in case I wake up hungry?”

“Certainly Miss!”, the forty-something replied, “We’re pretty well finished with this clean up. We’ll get all this out of here, and then come back with the venison.”

“Thanks.” Beth smiled and turned, heading back to the fireplace, this time laying down on her belly so she was facing the door and the Lexan window. She stretched her hind legs out behind her and rested her head on the floor between her outstretched front legs. She could see the Security fellow sagging against the frame of the Lexan bubble in obvious relief. He had clearly been worried that Beth might hurt the two maids. She winked at him, and wagged her half-tail a couple times. He looked surprised, and then grinned at her, shaking his head in amazement.

True to their word, the two maids finished the last of the kitchen floor clean up quickly. They gathered up their equipment, and the trash bags of bones, and, with another half-curtsy to Beth, they promised to return with the venison in short order. She smiled at them and murmured a sleepy thank you, her half-tail waving back and forth a couple times.

The maids left. Beth dozed off, lulled by the fire’s warmth.

She was awakened again by the sound of the sally-port doors buzzing and whooshing open. Her eyes slid open. The two maids had returned as promised, and this time, they had pressed the vampire Security fellow into service. He was lugging the heavy deer carcass encased in plastic sheeting for them. He glanced nervously a Beth……he knew that if she was going to come at anyone in the room now, it would most likely be him. Beth stretched and rolled onto her side, watching them. She reassured the vampire by thumping her half-tail on the floor several times. He relaxed and smiled at her.

The two maids busily pulled all the shelves and drawers out of the refrigerator and stuffed them into cupboards, dumping what little food stuffs there were into a trash bag. Then, with the frig all open free space, the Security fellow approached and began trying to maneuver the cleaned deer carcass into it. Even with the absence of a head and lower legs, it was still no easy fit. Finally, the frustrated vampire decided to make it fit. The two maids winced at the loud cracking sound as the vampire folded the carcass in half, breaking its back. He then easily stuffed it into the frig.

He straightened up, smiling at his own resourcefulness, only to find the two maids glaring at him. “What?!”, he asked, genuinely perplexed.

The maids rolled their eyes as one and headed for the door. They curtsied to Beth once more as they buzzed themselves out, followed by the confused vampire Security man. He nodded politely at the golden she-wolf, and then followed the maids. “What?! What did I do?”, he persisted. Beth smiled slightly and thumped her tail on the floor again in farewell to them. She was asleep again shortly after they left.

It was would be dawn soon. Mick and Josef stood outside the Lexan viewing port, watching Beth sleep inside by the fireplace. In the room’s soft lighting, the firelight danced and dappled across her golden fur.

“Why is she sleeping so much?”, Mick asked, worried.

“Because she’s a Newbie, a puppy.”, Josef answered calmly, “It’s completely normal. A werewolf’s first shift is exhausting for them…..metabolically expensive, as I explained earlier. The foundation of her new alternate shape has been laid, but, like fresh concrete, it’s still curing, setting, stabilizing. That takes lots of food, and plenty of rest.”

Mick nodded, trying to feel reassured. Josef didn’t seem worried, so he knew he shouldn’t worry either……but he just couldn’t help it. “It’s nearly dawn outside. Why hasn’t she turned back into her human form?”

Josef sighed dramatically and shot his young friend an annoyed look. “Because of what I just explained, for one thing…….her new alternate form is stabilizing. She can’t change back until that job is complete. Also, she has to pay off the metabolic dept that her first shift ran up, before she can change back. The reverse transformation takes energy too. She’ll need to eat again…..make some more payments on that metabolic debt. The two maids I’ve assigned to her have stocked the fridge in there with more venison…..so it’s available when she needs it.”

“How long do you think?”

“No idea, buddy…..would you relax please…..she’s fine! It’ll take as long as it takes!”

“Okay….Okay…...” Mick’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He had turned it back on an hour or so ago……planning to call Talbot and bring the frantic ADA up to speed. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the display. Yeah….it was Talbot again.

He glanced at Josef, who shrugged. Mick answered the call. “St John.”

“Mick?!”, Talbot’s voice barked, “Thank god! What the hell is going on?! Where’s Beth!? I haven’t been able to reach her for days! She’s not at her apartment! Is she Okay? For that matter….where the hell are you?! You haven’t been at your loft for days either!”

“You following me, Talbot?”, Mick smirked.

“Damn right! Trying to, at least! Kostan’s office building has been splashed all over YouTube and CNN, among others, for days now! Lots of people got lots of pictures of that thing doing a very good King Kong impersonation on the side of Kostan’s building! What’s going on? Where’s Beth? Is she Okay?”

Knowing that Josef was able to hear what Talbot was saying, Mick glanced at the elder vampire and raised one eyebrow in silent question.

Josef shrugged again and nodded.

“Alright….”, Mick began, “Calm down, Talbot.”

“Calm down!? Calm down!!! You crazy unnatural freak! I’ll fu…..”

“Talbot!” Mick barked, “Listen to me!” Talbot fell silent. That was much better. “Okay now….Beth is safe, but she was hurt and she’s recovering. We’re both at Josef’s house in the hills.”

“So…..that prick, Kostan? He survived that thing’s assault on his building?”

Mick glanced at Josef, who was chuckling softly and shaking his head.

“Yeah….he did.”

“That’s too bad. When his PR man kept saying ‘no comment’, or, ‘Mr Kostan is recovering from his ordeal in seclusion’, to every mike stuffed in his face……I was hoping that meant the wolf had done the world a favor and eaten that psycho bloodsucker.”

“Josef’s not a psycho, Talbot.”

“From where I’m sitting he is!”

Grinning ear to ear, Josef couldn’t stand it anymore. “Love you too, Talbot!”, he said aloud.

Silence on the other end of the line for a moment, then, “He listening to us?! He’s right there?!”

Mick chuckled, “We have very keen hearing.”

“Shit! That’s just great!,” Ben paused, “But…… Beth is Okay……right?”

“Yes, she was hurt, but she’s recovering here at Josef’s. She’s gonna be fine.”

“I want to come see her.” Talbot said, and it wasn’t a request.

Mick looked over at Josef again. Josef grinned and nodded. This should be all kinds of fun! Then, his spirits dampened slightly when he remembered he had promised Beth he wouldn’t deliberately frighten Talbot anymore. Damn….

“Okay Talbot.” Mick said, “Come on up to Josef’s house. You know where it is?”

“Of course!” Talbot snapped, “See you in a few.” He hung up.

Mick stuffed his phone back into his jeans pocket and grinned at Josef. “Remember,” he said, admonishing the elder, “You promised Beth you’d go easy on Talbot from now on.”

“Yeah, yeah,….I know,” Josef replied ruefully, “Blondie always spoils my fun. Well…..since I can’t terrorize Talbot anymore, there’s no point staying up late to welcome him. I’m hitting the icebox. You have your pick of any of the vamp guest rooms upstairs when you decide to turn in.” Josef headed for the stairs.

“Where do you want me to put Talbot….” Mick asked, “I mean…..if he wants to hang around?”

“The rose garden comes to mind……..but, fielder’s choice.” Josef replied, “Otherwise, he’s welcome to any empty Suite in the human wing.” The elder vamp climbed the stairs out of sight.

Ben Talbot, ADA, stood beside Mick in the Newbie Suite’s darkened antechamber and starred at the peacefully sleeping golden she-wolf through the Lexan window. Mick was watching the man out of the corner of his eye. At first, Talbot hadn’t believed him……then when he saw Beth….the new Beth……he had gone white as a sheet, and just stood there starring at her.

“That’s really Beth?”, he finally whispered softly.

“Yeah.” Mick replied.

“So…..what happens to her now?”

“Well…..Josef has taken her on as her Foster-Sire.”


“Josef’s going to play the role of parent and teacher to Beth, and teach her how to control her new nature. He, uh…..has a lot of experience with werewolves…..he’s very knowledgeable. Her first shift, and first night as a werewolf, went off without a hitch…..for the most part.”

“Why is she still a wolf? The sun is up outside now. Shouldn’t she change back?”

“The old myths are usually not accurate, Talbot.”, Mick replied, one corner of his mouth quirking up in a faint smile, “Josef said she’ll change back when her body is ready too, and not before. The first shifts are difficult, apparently.”

Talbot nodded slowly and returned to starring at the huge golden she-wolf sleeping in front of the fireplace in the next room. He had to admit, she was beautiful…..and so big! She was big enough to throw a saddle on and ride!

Mick rubbed his face tiredly with one hand. “Look Talbot….I’m beat. I need to get some rest. You’re welcome to hang around if you want to……Josef said you can use any empty Suite in the human wing upstairs. Ask for Heather. She’ll get you settled in.”

With that, Mick turned and started towards the sally-port entrance into the Newbie Suite. Talbot looked at Mick, then back at Beth, then back at Mick with growing alarm…….He saw where Mick appeared to be headed. He reached out and caught Mick’s forearm, stopping him.

Mick looked down at Talbot’s hand on his arm, then up into Talbot’s anxious face, puzzled. “Talbot?”

“Where are you going?!” Talbot asked in a harsh whisper, “You’re not going to sleep in there…..with her….. are you?”

“Well….not with her exactly. She’ll probably stay where she is for quite a while. That fireplace is too hot for my comfort. I’ll use the freezer in the other room.”


“Yeah…..we sleep in a freezer most of the time.”


“Food!” Mick let his fangs descend, and a faint shimmer of crystal bled into his brown eyes. He’d had just about enough of Talbot’s open distain for his nature. He leaned abruptly towards Talbot, invading his space, cocking his head to the side slightly, his eyes dropping for a moment to Ben’s throat and making a show of scenting him. “Stop calling me a freak, Okay? Unless you want me to start acting like one…....again!” The tips of Mick’s fangs peeked from beneath his upper lip. “A-Positive is my absolute favorite…….so don’t piss me off!”

Ben had flinched slightly, and leaned back away from Mick’s teeth, but he didn’t retreat, or release his grip on Mick’s forearm. His scent revealed only surprise and caution…….not the sharpness of fear Mick had expected. It appeared that Talbot was actually starting to trust Mick, and saw this bluff for what it was……

Mick sighed, shook his head, and chambered his fangs, allowing them to slide back up into his gums. “Look Talbot, think of it this way…… Words like ‘freak’ or ‘monster’, are like racial slurs to me……my own version of the N-word…..very politically incorrect, and hurtful. Besides, I call myself those things often enough without you piling on too. You think I don’t know I’m not human? You think I need you calling me a freak to remind me of that fact? How many times do I have to apologize for hurting you? Especially because you fed me willingly, saving my life. I feel terrible about that, about hurting you, taking too much…..but I was so out of my head…..I couldn’t stop. How many times do I have to say I’m sorry before you forgive me?”

“You’re forgiven,” Ben said quietly, releasing his grip on Mick’s arm, “and I’m the one who’s sorry now. I never thought of it that way…..racial slurs, and such….. And I even had to go through Diversity Training at work. Guess it didn’t take.”

Mick smiled faintly and nodded, “Apology accepted, we’re good. But…. if you EVER call Beth a freak….I’ll knock you through the nearest wall!” He turned and started to go, heading once again for the sally-port doors into the Newbie Suite, but Talbot reached out and grabbed his forearm again, refusing to let go.

Mick turned back and looked at him. What was wrong with this guy?

“What if…..she wakes up while you’re in there?” Talbot hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Beth said that…..that vampires are a werewolf’s favorite food.”

So….that was it……wow…. “Talbot, I’m touched.” Mick grinned, “You’re worried about me getting hurt?”

“I couldn’t care less about that!” Talbot snapped, “But I am worried about what effect eating you might have on Beth’s mental health.”

Mick chuckled. “Alright…..fair enough. Here’s the thing….. Beth is on her way to being well started on venison……deer meat.”

“I know what venison is!” Talbot snapped.

“Okay, Okay! Wow….you’re cranky!”

“I haven’t slept in at least 48 hours.”

“It shows. Anyway,” Mick continued, “She’s well on her way to being housebroken, so to speak, and safe to be around. A werewolf’s first meal is very important…..they fixate on it…..it becomes their favorite. Beth’s first meal was venison.”

Ben released his grip on Mick’s arm. “I still don’t think you should sleep in there. It seems like you’re asking for trouble. In a house this big……..isn’t there a guest freezer you could sleep in somewhere?”

Mick offered the ADA a tired, lop-sided grin, “I’ll be fine, Talbot. Beth won’t hurt me. You go get some sleep too. You look awful.”

Talbot watched as Mick buzzed himself through the sally-port doors and entered what he had called the Newbie Suite. The golden she-wolf lifted her head and looked at him as he entered the room. Her fluffy half-tail thumped on the floor in a greeting. Mick approached and squatted beside the huge animal, stroking the silky ruff around her neck. Her tail thumped a few more times, and she lifted her delicate muzzle to lick the vampire’s cheek. Ruffling her golden mane one more time, Mick kissed the wolf’s forehead and rose to his feet, heading down the hallway, presumably towards the bedroom, or wherever his freezer was…..

The golden wolf watched him go and then laid her head back down. It wasn’t long before her breathing became slow and deep again, suggesting that she had gone back to sleep.

Talbot watched in silence. Well….it appeared that St John was safe for the time being. Maybe he was worrying too much? Beth seemed to be a very calm and gentle creature right now.

Sighing in exhaustion, feeling it settle over him like a blanket, Talbot turned and headed up the stairs. By the time he reached the landing, he was so fatigued….he could hardly put one foot in front of the other. How many days had it been since he slept? He wasn’t even sure. But today was Saturday, so he didn’t have to be at the office.

He glanced around himself. He was in a casual family room of sorts. There was a cozy, and well appointed, kitchen adjoining it, with metal swinging doors that appeared to open into a much larger, professional kitchen area.

Talbot stumbled towards a comfortable looking couch in the family room and collapsed onto it. He kicked off his shoes and laid down, pulling an available afghan up over himself. He was asleep, and snoring softly, in seconds. He dreamed of golden wolves running through a deep forest.
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1.

Post by redwinter101 »

More loveliness, Lions. The exchange between Mick and Talbot was just perfect.


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1.

Post by lionsonleashes »

redwinter101 wrote:More loveliness, Lions. The exchange between Mick and Talbot was just perfect.

Thanks so much, Red! :hug:
I'm really glad you liked the Mick/Talbot exchange because I worked on that one scene for days. I kept thinking I had it finished....then I'd close it out and go away to think about it....and come back to tweak something I didn't like, or had changed my mind about. :quill: In the end....I probably altered the Mick/Talbot scene 4 or 5 times, before I was finally happy with it! :bulb:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1.

Post by mitzie »

I love this chapter! Beth seems so mellow and at peace with her wolf side and from your wonderful images I can see how absolutely beautiful she is! Loved the Mick/Ben exchange!! Love this story!!! :heart: :clapping: :clapping:

Can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :woohoo: :biggrin: :cloud9: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :thud: :thud: :thud:

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1.

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks so much, Mitzie! :hug:
I'm so happy you liked it! :yahoo: And, yeah.....Beth is pretty peaceful right now....but then.....she's not hungry right now either! :gasp:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

more werewolfy goodness from the big cat. am enjoying the ride.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by skyeeblue »

I so love it!!!!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Luxe and Sky! :ghug:
I'm so glad you are both enjoying my unfolding story! :curtesy: :rose: I'll try to get Chap 18 up as soon as I can....but it may be a few days. There's so much other 'stuff' in life to be dealt with..... :juggle: fitting in my ML diversions can be difficult.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Darn it Lions, I fell behind again. (But then again, this means that I can read 3 chapters at once--how bad is that?!)

I liked this chapter. Beth has gotten all full and sleepy, and although she is still very dangerous, she's in control of her instincts. And she's much more in touch with her intelligence than I was expecting. I love the way she figured out how to use the toilet, and the way she was so considerate of the maids. (Man, I hope Josef pays those women a LOT of money.)

Mick's love for Beth, and hers for him, just pours out of your story, Lions. I love that aspect of this tale. And I love the mythology you're inventing about the Noble Bloodline and how it applies to werewolves. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Talbot's interaction with Mick is so wonderfully prickly...but they are finally figuring out a way to be polite, if not cordial to each other. Is it possible they'll ever become friends?
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Alle! :hug:
I'm soooo glad you're catching up on my story! :yahoo: I always LOVE to hear what you think about my writing! :rose: Especially since you write so beautifully, and it was you who mentored me thru trying my own hand at posting FanFic! :notworthy:
I'm glad you're enjoying the new 'Noble Line' mythology, as it applies to both vampires and werewolves in my little corner of the Moonlight Universe! I have more plans along those lines.....but that's for future Chapters. :tongue:
And Mick and Talbot? Friends? Possibly? Yeah.....I think so. They both have 'issues' with each other right now :slappy: ......but they are slowly working through them.....and developing mutual respect, and even a grudging trust. We'll see what happens! :swords:

Thanks again Alle, for taking the time to read my story and post feedback! :cheer: It always feeds my muse and makes her very happy! :thanks:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13

Post by jen »

Wonderful story, wonderful chapter.

The idea that Beth and Phelan share the AO negative blood type is interesting. Well. now we have Beth, Phelan, Josef, Coraline and her family as AO negatives (for a rare blood type its kinda common in our group). Of the werewolves, the AO-negatives seem (and this is just speculation based on what I've read here) to have an easier time with control, and are more peaceful than the run-of-the-mill (what am I saying? run-of-the-mill werewolves???) Coraline and Lance did not strike me as the calm, peaceful, rational folks that AO negative tends to impart. Then again, they're vampires.

Anyway, this chapter had a generous share of wonderful guy moments between Mick, Josef and Logan and then at the end between Mick and Talbot. I love the idea of Talbot being an ally and a friend.

And there were a lot of wonderful lines. I think my favorite was when Mick said to Josef,

“You’re saying my Beth smells like a centuries- old Irish guy?”


Thanks, Lions!


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Last edited by jen on Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks, Jen! :hug: :curtesy: :notworthy:
I'm so glad you're enjoying my story! :yahoo:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


:bump: :bump: :bump:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13

Post by jen »


Mick totally trusts Beth and she is taking her cues from Josef and from him. Because they are comfortable, she is comfortable.

Ben Talbot will be okay eventually. It it a lot to absorb.



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 17----Housebreaking, Part 1. (PG-13

Post by jen »

In Mick's own words, 'I get it. It's a lot to....get'

As deathly serious as all this is, there is an 'Alice in Wonderland' vibe going on in this chapter. If the mad hatter showed up for tea or the cheshire cat's grin was present somewhere in the newby suite, no one would have been the least surprised.

Wonderful thrill ride!

Thank you!


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Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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