Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by GuardianAngel »

I'm late since I didn't, *ahem*, know that you'd written and posted this little gem.

First off, I like the title. Mick no longer needs to suffer in silence - for neither his emotional or physical pain.

I never thought that Beth would have gone running out the door but I wouldn't have expected her to hange around for long either. She obviously didn't find out much if she needed to come back to question Mick about vampires - even doubting that she heard him right. And if she didn't help him, someone did (unless Mick's is extremely double jointed). That someone would have obviously been Josef. Beth couldn't have been there when Josef got there.

What I loved most about this powerfully emotional scene is how you have Mick worrying about Beth's safety and state of mind while he's in so much pain and confusion. He's already thinking about how Josef can not find her there. Ever her protector. It melts my heart.

This might have been quick but it's full.
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by SparklyBird »

All I can say is WOW. You captured everything brilliantly. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by allegrita »

Jen, this is just devastatingly good. I love it. I'm extremely glad I didn't read it before I posted mine, or mine would have ended up in the bin too.

Just beautifully and touchingly done--another moment that I would kill to see onscreen, because it would have worked so perfectly. Mick's feelings, especially, are simply beautifully captured here. I love the way you did this--and I think this story should go into the "early Mick and Beth" thread as an example of the beautiful tentativeness and mutual caring that the first few episodes showed us.

Thank you very much for writing this. It's gorgeous.
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by librarian_7 »

Yeah, another vote for tossing mine in the bin. I very carefully read no one else's prior to posting...which may have been a mistake.

Everyone's looks good...yours looks great.

I am interested to see that so many of us had about the same take on things...our Beth, curious and brave, and hardly about to walk away from Mick.

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by PNWgal »

mitzie, thanks! I'm glad this worked for you.

A thousand apologies to you, GA - I think this is the first piece in...geez, FOREVER that you haven't seen before I posted it. ;-) And thank you - Mick would protect her with his dying breath, I think...I would hate to see what would happen if he really HAD to make a choice between Beth and Josef. (BTW, thanks for the kudos on the title. I'm glad it didn't sound pretentious)

SparklyBird - thank you so much! Nice to see you here, BTW. ;-)

Alle and guys just crack me up, along with Red and DSR. I just read both of yours and I'm thinkin' the opposite - I'm glad I didn't read YOURS before I posted! But, thanks, both of you - I'm honored you both think so highly of my take. (I can't WAIT to read Red and DSR's, BTW!)

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by Missy »

First, let me say, you are a wonderful writer. Even if I don't post much, I have been a fan of yours from the old MLF days. I look forward to seeing new Mick and Beth stories from you, and this story brings back the magic of early Mick and Beth that I have missed.
Thank you!
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by PNWgal »

Thank you, Missy - I'm thrilled when I hear things like that! I'm glad you think I can still deliver the goods and that you've stuck with me. :hug:

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

:ninja: Psst: you are out of control with the writing lately.

Keep it up!
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by PNWgal »

LOL - thanks, Lisa! :hug:

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by starbucksjunkie »

I'm with GA, girlfriend. I didn't know you'd posted this, either. :getclue: Tell me next time!

You have a real talent for turning "classic" ML moments into carefully drawn, beautiful vignettes, filling in all that goes unsaid. So completely satifsying, they are.

And this is no exception. You have taken "the moment" when many of us fell in love with Moonlight, fleshed it out, and made it even more beautiful and soulful.

Brava! :smooch:

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by Liana »

This is so beautifully written!!!
Loved it so much! I could so see it happening in ML!
I, too, think Beth is too strong person to just storm out of Mick's apartment and leave him like that...
I can't leave someone hurt and just walk away,... ok, vampire thing is scary, but still, he saved her, and they already had a connection, so there's no way she could have just run away...
That kind of cliffies in the show are so frustrating! :witsend:

But then again, when she came back to talk to him in the next epi, she was VERY nervous and a little scared, she even jerked away from Mick, when he stepped closer to her while closing the door... that all makes me think, maybe that night he insisted he will be ok, help was on the way, and that she must leave... and at that she left. (I just can't picture her running away scared, that's not like Beth at all...)
I loved this line "It was best for her if she never came back. It would kill him if she didn't." It fits the scene where she comes back to talk so perfectly! He was waiting for her, standing by the door, watching her on his security screen. The way that scene was shot, makes me think that he was standing there maybe even before she walked down the hall to his door... :ysmile: She was the first human, who knew his secret, wonder who was more fearful at that moment he or she?! :snicker:

Can you write a shorty of the talk between Josef and Mick about Beth?! Maybe when Josef comes to dig out silver buckshots from Mick's back?! In the show in later epi's Josef knew Beth was that child Mick saved 22 years ago, but we don't know how he found out...
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by PNWgal »

*hangs head*

I am covered with shame for not mentioning this to you, SBJ! Next time, I promise to give you a head's-up. ;-) And...thank you. For the feedback...for everything. :hug:

Great, Liana - now you've got the plot bunnies stirring! :lol: I'll definitely think on it, ok?
She was the first human, who knew his secret, wonder who was more fearful at that moment he or she?!
This is an excellent point - great insight. Thank you!

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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by francis »

PNWgal, I can add nothing much to what others said, especially Redwinter already quoted all my favorite lines.

I can just tell you that I cried through this one. I listened to "Forever and Ever Amen" in the background, and this was just so haunting, so heartbreakingly beautiful.

I want to read it again just to savor how perfectly you wove Mick's and Beth's way of being into this story, how you brought every little hint into it that we knew, the fact he would need help with the buckshot, the fact that he got blood somewhere, the fact that Beth wouldn't go away easily, the self loath of Mick, the reference to the fountain ...

I love the washcloth moment. She does what she can to restore his dignity and ease his humiliation.
Wonderful, really wonderful.
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by greenleaf9 »

Oh my gosh PNW!!! This was so beautiful!! I am in love with it...what a magnificent continuation of the scene. :rose:

You captured everything just right...Beth's shock at the discovery, but strength and kindness...Mick's injuries, his fright, anxiety, and even managed some Josef snark! :cheering:

This is a wonderful symphony of emotion, friendship and love, composed brilliantly as usual by your pen. The English language is indeed a mighty sword in your capable hand. :swords:

BRAVA!!!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Suffer Not Silently (Champagne Challenge #103) PG13

Post by PNWgal »

A thousand apologies, francis - how on earth did I miss that you commented on this? :confused2: I'm THRILLED I hit all the right notes for you on this one - thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. :hearts:

GL - you're making me blush. ;-) Thank you for giving this a read!

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