FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion.


DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter, action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Logan, Talbot, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’ and become lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! He also shares “The List” with Mick and Josef.) Borrows Eris’ original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics, with her kind permission.

Ready? Okay! Let’s go!


After washing up and getting dressed, a very happy Mick and Beth left the Newbie Suite again. Mick was well fed, but Beth was hungry, and she was eager to get back upstairs. They didn’t bother with the elaborate sally-port door system into the basement Suite. Beth’s earlier exit from the area had rendered it unnecessary. Grinning at each other, they simply stepped through the large hole in the wall where the Lexan viewing bubble used to be.

Always the gentleman, Mick offered an unneeded, but welcome, steadying hand to Beth as she followed him through the gaping hole in the wall. She took his hand, smiling warmly. They jogged up the stairs, re-entering the freshie family room together.

It was empty right now. Everyone had evidently dispersed to other areas of the huge estate while the two of them were……otherwise occupied…..downstairs. But the night was still young. They could both here the soft sounds of routine activities coming from other parts of Josef’s massive house. The laughter of assorted freshies, a TV was on somewhere, quiet conversations, and the sound of splashing from the various pools and hot tubs.

Mick guided Beth to a seat at the freshie kitchen counter and pulled it out for her.

“Wait here, sweetheart.”, he said as she sat down, “I’ll see if I can find someone in the kitchen.”

Beth nodded, smiling, watching as Mick disappeared through the swinging double doors that led to the main kitchen area…..the domain of cranky French chefs. She shook her head, chuckling softly as she waited. She wasn’t about to trying going in there again! No way! Let Mick take point this time!

Inside the main kitchen, Mick called out, “Hey! Anybody home? You have a hungry customer waiting!” He heard the sound of someone setting down some pans and walking towards him from somewhere around a corner in the cavernous kitchen. He turned and went back out to sit beside Beth.

“Someone’s coming.”, he said, “Do you know what you want?”

Beth nodded, ginning, “Something rare! You once said you’d never get tired of watching me eat. I hope you meant that!”

Mick snorted and beamed at her. “Of course I meant it! Every word!”

“Good….”, Beth replied, just alittle bit smug.

The stainless double doors swung open, and Beth’s good mood evaporated instantly. Her eyes darkened and a soft snarl rumbled in her chest.

Mick looked at her, surprised. What was wrong?

“And what may I get for………”, a thick French accent began, stopping when he saw Beth seated at the counter, “……Oh, it’s you.”

Beth’s snarl deepened, her blue eyes blazing, and deepening further towards sapphire. What where the odds? Why did it have to be HIM that answered Mick’s call? Why couldn’t it have been the nice chef who brought her the steak and eggs breakfast the other day? Or his assistant? Why this monumental jerk again?

Mick turned a puzzled gaze on the pudgy Frenchman who had just exited the kitchen. Predictably, he was wearing a white chef’s outfit.

“Easy, mademoiselle…..”, the little French chef said cautiously, “I told you could come back on two legs…..no? You are welcome now.”

Beth didn’t answer him. She continued to glare, growling softly.

“Beth!”, Mick demanded, his eyes darting back and forth between the two of them, “What’s wrong?” Clearly, there was some kind of history here that he knew nothing about.

“He threw pots and pans at me…..”, Beth replied, sullen, and still glaring.

“He what?!!”

“I went in to get some venison this afternoon, and he threw pots and pans at me! He bounced a dutch oven off my ass!”

Mick turned to glower at the Frenchman. “Did he now? You threw things at my Beth?” Mick’s tone was calm…..but with a decidedly dangerous edge to it. “Now why on earth would you do a thing like that?”

“She was shaggy, monsieur! Big paws…..lots of fur! I don’t allow animals in my kitchen!”

Mick quirked one eyebrow up, and grinned. “Really? Hmmm…..Say Beth? I’m suddenly in the mood for something French…... Want to split him?” He allowed the tips of his fangs to peek from beneath his upper lip ever so slightly.

Beth smiled wickedly and nodded. “French food sounds great!”

The pudgy French chef was finally starting to look rattled. He paled, and his eyes darted nervously from Beth, to Mick, and back again. “I’ll make it up to you, mademoiselle! I just made chocolate cake…..very good…… Young ladies love chocolate, yes?”

Beth and Mick starred back at him for a moment, and then erupted into sidesplitting laughter, leaning on each other for support, as they struggled to bring the giggles under control. It took several minutes.

Finally, mopping her eyes, Beth managed to look at the puzzled French chef again. “Does that mean you’re sorry?”


“Apology accepted.”, Beth said, sighing, still trying to catch her breath from the laughing jag. “Now,” she continued, “Before the chocolate cake…..I would like a big steak, rare, with all the trimmings, please.”

“Which cut, mademoiselle?”

“What have you got?”

He looked mildly offended, but let it pass. “We have whatever cut you wish, mademoiselle.”

“A New York Strip then…..biggest one you can manage.”

“Beef, venison, or elk?”

Beth considered that one, chewing her lower lip for a moment. “Uhm..….elk, I guess…...probably shouldn’t have beef yet. Josef’s afraid it’ll make a livestock killer out of me.”

The French chef nodded and turned to leave.

“Just a minute.”, Beth said, stopping him. He turned back to look at her. “Do you treat Heather’s cat, Smokey, like you treated me? If she makes the mistake of wandering into the kitchen, I mean?”

He blinked at her. “Ah…. No. Mademoiselle Heather would discharge me if I threw anything at her dem cat.”

Beth’s jaw dropped. She had less status than a house cat!? Was it too late to go back to the French food option?

“Well now……”, Josef’s voice chimed in brightly as he entered the room, eyeing the French chef with a notably dangerous glint in his eyes. Simone was on his arm, smiling with amusement. “Heather is not the one you really need to worry about, now is she?” He grinned, maintaining a laser focus on the pudgy Frenchman.

A sheen of sweat broke out on the chef’s forehead, and the sharp scent of his fear filled the room. Beth smiled.

Josef moved up beside Beth and Mick, and slipped an arm around Beth’s shoulders, giving her a squeeze and a quick peck on the cheek.

Turning back to the chef, “This is my Foster-daughter…..in case you somehow missed that fact….”, he continued. “And if I ever hear of you treating her with anything less than the utmost respect from now on, I’ll can you myself.” Josef grinned at the Frenchman, an air of menace clear. “And when I say ‘can’…..I hope you realize I’m referring to a fifty-gallon drum.”

The French chef blanched. “Yes, monsieur Kostan! Very sorry! It will not happen again!”

Bobbing his head at Beth, “I’ll prepare your meal promptly, mademoiselle!” He turned and rushed back into the kitchen.


Phelan sighed deeply and resituated himself in the minimal seating afforded by the small commuter jet. He couldn’t get comfortable. Everything felt too small, and everything was too crowded……..the airport, the little puddle-jumper jet……everything. Even in his human form, Phelan was big, and he was used to having plenty of room to stretch out. He hated feeling confined.

The worst part was the not knowing, though……wondering if Josef was alright or not. What had happened after the black wolf had raced out of frame, pursuing the helicopter? Had that even been Josef in the helicopter? He didn’t even know that much! The news media kept saying that Mr Kostan was ‘unavailable’ for comment…..what did ‘unavailable’ mean? ‘Unavailable’ as in…..hiding?....or as in dead? He tried to push that nagging worry out of his mind…..without much luck.

Sighing again, Phelan turned and looked out the tiny window, watching clouds slide by below. No point fretting, he told himself. He couldn’t do anything about it, one way or the other, until he reached LA. He was going to have to change planes at Sea-Tac, and then again at PDX. He was hoping for a bigger commercial flight by then…..with more comfortable seating. From PDX in Portland, Oregon, he would make the final leg of his journey down to LAX in California.

He had been garnering many admiring glances from stewardesses and female travelers alike. Appearing to be about thirty, Phelan was a tall, muscular, and handsome man. He was dressed in the only kind of clothing he owned……blue jeans, a flannel shirt, and work boots. Coppery red hair, and a slightly darker red beard and mustache, all neatly trimmed short. His features were refined, his cheekbones high, his jaw strong. Add the large green eyes to the picture, and well, some ladies stared openly, until he glanced their way. Then they would blush and look down.

Ordinarily, Phelan would take the opportunity to flirt alittle…… But, he was too worried about his old friend’s safety for that right now. For the first time in…..well, ever…….he wished he had a phone. He wished he had kept up with technology. He wished he knew a number he could try to reach Josef at……..

He continued to watch the clouds slide by below him as the little commuter plane made its way down to Sea-Tac Airport.

It was Sunday evening……not dark outside yet, but the vampires of the Kostan household were up and about.

Josef was seated with Simone on a plush couch in one of the large living rooms in his expansive house. This one was more casual than the others, opening onto another patio area with a very large pool and hot tub.
Freshies lounged around the pool, watching the sun drift down towards the horizon.

Across a large, low mahogany coffee table, Mick and Beth sat on yet another long, over-stuffed couch. Beth was snuggled up against Mick’s side, a contented smile on her face.

Talbot sat alone, kicked back in a big leather recliner. His attention was frequently being drawn to the lounging freshies just outside, many of whom had not bothered with swimsuits. He smiled…….freak-show aside…..a weekend at Kostan’s house did have its perks. He decided he could get used to this………

Lastly, Logan was at a computer station in a corner of the large space. His attention was primarily focused on the screen, as he surfed, searching LA databases for any indication of continued Legion activity. So far….nothing. All quiet. That was a good thing. It had been weeks since the nearly fatal assault on Mick. And even longer since The List had been delivered to Ben. Perhaps the Legion had left? Changed their minds about a culling?

Everyone had been so distracted by the rampage of Beth’s Sire, and then by Beth herself, that the Legion had nearly been forgotten. But, Josef was fairly certain that the Legion had not forgotten them. He knew they must remain vigilant.

“So…..”, Josef was saying, “The moon will be full in a couple days,” He glanced meaningfully at Beth. “I was thinking of turning you loose on Vince’s game farm……letting you hunt up your own dinner? Mick and I would go along for moral support, of course.”

Beth glanced up at Mick. He smiled encouragingly. She turned back to Josef, very aware that both Ben and Logan’s eyes were now on her too, in addition to Simone’s polite gaze. “I don’t know…..”, she began, “Do you think I’m ready for that? I mean…..I’ll be out in the open…… Is that safe?”

Josef snorted and smiled slightly. “My dear…..you had the run of the house while you were still brand new! I have the broken antiques to prove it. If you didn’t eat anyone then…..you’re unlikely to do so on your second shift.”

Beth looked doubtful. “But……you said werewolves tend to be at their most……volatile…..during the full moon? The most unpredictable…… What if I lose control and run off……”, she hesitated, “Or worse…..”

Josef grinned. “I meant mature wolves, my dear. No full moon volatility can hold a candle to how unpredictable a newly turned werewolf can be during their first shift! The only exception to that rule is the rage of a wolf who’s been crossed……who’s territory has been violated, especially if Pack members were hurt or threatened. Territorial rage in a werewolf can be stunningly intense…..but, that’s not unpredictable, quite the opposite, actually.”

Josef smiled gently at Beth, and continued, “Generally speaking, you’ve already been through your most volatile period…..the time when you were most likely to lose control. And we’re all still alive. I think you’ve demonstrated marvelous self-control.”

Beth smiled, feeling alittle better. “Okay……if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure. Besides…..I want to introduce you to Vince, and show you his farm. I want you to know its borders, and know how to find it, on your own…..in case you ever need to in a pinch.”

“A pinch?”

“An oops moment……an unexpected shift. Remember?”

Beth nodded. “Oh…..yeah, right.” Mick draped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. She turned and beamed up into his smiling face. His hazel eyes smoldered with love for her. Yeah……she knew she could do just about anything with Mick by her side……No question.

Abruptly, Beth tensed and leaned forward on the couch, her nostrils flaring as she scented the air. She cocked her head, listening. A low growl rumbled in her chest and she was immediately on her feet, staring out the patio door.

“Beth?! What is it?”, Mick asked, alarmed.

“Beth?”, Josef echoed.

“We’ve got company….”, she growled, “Another wolf…..a male…..a big one!” She glanced sharply at Josef. “Are you sure my Sire is dead?”

“Positive.”, Josef replied.

Beth nodded, seeming slightly relieved at that, but her posture remained rigid. She cocked her head again and turned to her left. “He’s wind-sprinting around the outer perimeter…..circling the house. Where the hell are your guards?!”

Josef was on his feet and moving to the patio doors in a blur. “Girls!”, he called to the freshies, “Inside now!” The freshies responded without question, and with alacrity, grabbing towels and bolting inside. They didn’t know what was going on, but they saw the expression on Beth’s face, and surmised that it wasn’t anything good. They ran for their respective rooms.

Josef pulled the patio doors shut……not that that would stop a determined werewolf….but what the hell. He turned back to Beth. She was still turning slowly in a circle, staring at the walls, as though looking through them, cocking her head this way and that, listening..…..nostrils flaring as she continued to scent the air. Her sky blue eyes had begun to darken towards sapphire.

“Lupine form or human form, Beth?”, Josef asked.

“Human…..”, Beth replied without looking at him.

Josef sighed with relief. “Okay, then. I doubt he’s come here with hostile intent….not in his human form. Relax, Beth. He’s probably from the National Pack Council. After all the media coverage of your Sire’s unseemly public behavior, they probably changed their minds about helping us deal with him.” He chuckled bitterly. “Better late than never, I guess.”

Beth seemed unconvinced and remained on alert, growling softly. “Why would they come here unannounced? Why not just pick up a phone? The human form could be a trick to get closer.”

Josef’s slight smile faded. She had a point. “Well….never the less…..most werewolves refrain from hunting vampires or humans, remember? In the interests of peace, and mutual secrecy.”

“Then what’s he doing out there, Josef? Circling like a shark…….”, her low snarling grew louder in between words as she continued to turn, tracking the intruder’s course, “You’re a high-value target, Josef! You know that! The older the better! You said it yourself…… you’re a walking power bar! I’ve gotten used to your scent…..the allure of it……but someone else……”, she let the implied danger hang in the air, not finishing the sentence.

Ben was out of his recliner and moving to the center of the room, closer to Beth. Logan and Simone did the same.

“He’s swinging in!”, Beth snarled, “Approaching the front of the house!” She stepped out in the direction of the intruder’s approach, placing herself between her friends and the unknown wolf.

The melodic chimes of Josef’s front doorbell sang through the house.

“Okay…..”, Josef snorted, grinning, “I don’t think he’d ring the doorbell if he was planning on eating anyone here.”

“Not by the hair of your chinney-chin-chin…..”, Beth growled softly, still tense and ready.

No one moved. They listened as a servant opened the front door……..no roaring or snarling followed. Ben and Simone heard barely audible greetings and responses…….but Beth, Mick, Logan and Josef heard every word clear as day……

Josef’s eyes flew open wide, and his nostrils flared. A broad, childlike smile of delight exploded across his face. He bolted out of the room at hummingbird speed, rocketing towards the front of the house.

“Josef!”, Beth screamed, and darted after him. Werewolves are as fast as an Olympic sprinter in human form, and Cheetah-fast in their lupine form, but that is still slow by comparison to a vampire. Mick shot past Beth in the hallway in a blur, following Josef.

Logan figured someone needed to stay put…..to protect Ben and Simone, of course. He bravely volunteered to perform that duty.

When Beth arrived in the house’s main entryway, Mick was already there…..looking on with a surprised smile on his face. As she came up beside him, Beth realized, as Mick had, who their visitor must be………

Josef was locked in a fierce embrace with a tall, powerfully built, red-haired man. The fellow looked, for all the world, like a lumberjack to Beth. A thick fog of Joy and relief surrounded both men, rolling off of them in waves. Neither one of them spoke for a long time. They just hung on to each other.

An old leather duffle bag lay on the floor beside them, where it had apparently been dropped by the lumberjack.

The human servant, who had opened the door, looked confused. He finally decided that his services in announcing, and presenting, the visitor, were not needed. He backed away and left the area quietly.

Karl stood in the open front door behind Josef and his guest, quietly eyeing the big lumberjack. Evidently, he had detected the unannounced visitor’s approach, just as Beth had, and had closed in from behind. The silent giant’s pale blue eyes looked slightly puzzled. Like Beth, he was wary and tense. They exchanged a quick glance……each trying to determine the extent of the other’s alarm. Beth’s nose told her Karl was armed with silver…..undoubtedly the bullets in the gun he wore in a holster under his left arm.

Finally, after several resounding back slaps, Josef and the lumberjack released each other. Josef quickly mopped his eyes on his sleeve, still grinning like a little boy.

“Karl, Mick, Beth?”, he said happily, “May I present my oldest friend…..Phelan!”

Phelan smiled at warmly at them, his bright green eyes lingering on Beth. Mick stepped forward first, returning Phelan’s smile and extending his hand. “Happy to meet you, Phelan. Josef’s told us so much about you!”

Phelan shook Mick’s hand. “Thank you! Glad to be here!” His gaze then slid over the top of Mick’s head, fastening on Beth again. “But who’s this lovely female? Beth….did you say?”

Beth nodded and smiled cautiously, stepping forward also, and extending her hand. “Beth Turner……it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

“Ah! None of that now!”, Phelan grinned widely, his Irish accent lilting, “My name is Phelan….not ‘sir’…..and the pleasure is most assuredly mine!” He bent and kissed the back of Beth’s hand. She blushed slightly.

Mick’s expression soured just alittle.

Josef gestured to Karl, who was still standing in the doorway behind Phelan. “Karl! Come meet Phelan!”

Karl stepped forward as Phelan turned to face him, extending his hand.

“Any friend of Josef’s is a friend of mine!”, Phelan said, as Karl took his hand gave it one shake before releasing it. Karl nodded his head politely towards him, but said nothing.

“My, but you’re a big fellow, aren’t you!” Phelan chuckled, “What on earth did your mother feed you? I don’t meet too many folks that are taller than me!”

Karl shrugged slightly, but remained silent. After a moment, Phelan glanced back at Josef. “Well…..I can see Karl here is one of those chatterboxes who doesn’t let anyone get a word in edge-wise!” He chuckled and slapped Karl on the shoulder. Karl’s face remained impassive.

Beth was beaming now….enjoying Phelan’s infectious good nature. “My gosh!”, she said, “I just love your accent! I could listen to you talk all day! Say something else!”

Phelan chuckled indulgently. “And what would you like me to say, pretty lass?” He glanced at Josef. “Where did you find this lovely girl?”

Josef smiled. “Beth is my Foster-daughter. I took her in when her Sire was killed.” , he paused, “It’s a long story.”

“You Fostered a new werewolf?”, Phelan’s grin widened, “Life has come full circle then, hasn’t it!” He looked around the large entry hall, with its elaborate décor, marble flooring, and vaulted ceiling, nodding appreciatively. “And you, my friend, definitely landed on your feet! Not bad…..not bad at all.”

Logan, Simone, and Ben……having heard no sounds of death and destruction…..cautiously entered the area. Ben and Simone hung back behind Logan…..just in case.

Phelan looked over to the new arrivals. “Well, well…..what have we here now? You certainly have a mixed household, Josef! Vampires, werewolves, and humans……all peacefully dwelling together. I love it!”

“It’s a long story, my friend. Shall we all repair to the living room? You and I can catch up, I can fill you in on what’s been happening, and you can get to know everyone.”

“Sounds wonderful!” Phelan clapped Josef on the shoulder affectionately.

Josef turned to lead the way, and then abruptly stopped, turning back to look at Phelan again. “By the way……how did you find me?”

Phelan snorted softly. “Well, first I saw your office building getting torn up on CNN! They said that office was in LA. So I got on a plane. Once I got here, it was easy to find that shredded downtown office. I just followed your scent from there, and here I am!” He grinned.


“So…….the rogue I saw on CNN ended up Siring Beth here, and then dying shortly thereafter from wounds inflicted by this…… little slip of a girl?!” Phelan indicated Beth with a nod of his head.

“In a nutshell, yes.”, Josef replied.

“I made sure by pumping five silver rounds into his head.”, Mick added, watching Phelan watch Beth. It was becoming annoying. He didn’t like the way Phelan kept eyeing Beth……and he hated the way Beth kept going on about how much she loved the guy’s damn Irish accent. She hung on his every word when he talked about his home in British Columbia, and the other places he had lived, and hunted in, over the centuries.

Phelan took his eyes off Beth long enough to acknowledge Mick’s remark. “A wise precaution, lad.”

Lad!!! Who did he think he was? He was not a ‘lad’! Mick stifled the growl that wanted desperately to come out.

Phelan looked back to Beth. “You must have been formidable, even as a human! Remind me never to piss you off, lass.” He smiled, and Beth grinned. Mick rolled his eyes.

Josef’s eyes flicked back and forth between Mick and Phelan. Hmm…… This could be a problem. He knew how Mick could get when he was jealous…….he’d seen it before…..back when Coraline used to taunt Mick with the presence of other men. Beth wasn’t doing that, of course. She was merely reveling in the opportunity to talk to an experienced werewolf. It was a chance she might not get again anytime soon. If she was going to be a big city wolf…….her encounters with others of her own kind would probably be few and far in between.

It didn’t help matters to have Talbot looking on, smirking slightly, clearly having fun watching Mick go through the jealousy that he had experienced when he first realized that Beth’s attention belonged to someone else. Hardly the same thing, really. Beth had never been Talbot’s…… but he had wished she could be……. and had been very jealous of Mick, especially in the beginning. He had had high hopes when Beth first came to work with him at the DA’s Office.

“So…..”, Josef began, hoping to derail everyone’s train of thought, “Since you’re here, Phelan, would you be good enough to take Beth out hunting during the next full moon?”

Mick shot Josef an astonished, and betrayed, look……as if his old friend had just sold him into slavery. “What!?”, he protested, “But we’ve got it all planned! What happened to our trip to Vince’s game farm?”

“Nothing.”, Josef replied mildly, “That’s still the destination…..and you and I will still be going along. However, while I’m quite capable of running down, and tackling a deer, I’d rather not…..if it’s all the same to you.” He straightened the lapels of his velvet smoking jacket. “Phelan’s arrival is perfect timing. The Universe is sending us a sign! Now Beth can have an experienced wolf show her the finer points of hunting. How great is that?!” Josef smiled, hoping his enthusiasm would be catching.

Beth looked delighted.

Mick gaped at Josef with an expression that was tipping towards outrage.

Ben grinned.

Logan and Simone exchanged puzzled glances……neither of them sure what to think about all of this…..the building tension in Mick was palpable…..even to a human.

Phelan blinked at Josef. “A game FARM?! You want me to teach her to hunt on a FARM? Have you taken leave of your senses, lad!? We need to head for the forest……or for whatever passes for a forest in these parts.”

Josef rolled his eyes. “No Phelan. This is a special farm. The owner is an associate of mine, and he raises exotics for the restaurant industry. I’ve already discussed our unique situation with him. He’s perfectly willing to have Beth hunt on his land……as long as I pay for whatever she eats.”

“I still think…..”, Phelan began.

“Please indulge me in this, Phelan. Beth is going to need somewhere close where she can hunt if she’s unable to get out of town during future full moons, or if she undergoes accidental shifts. Of course it would be better to go to some wilderness location…..but that may not always be possible in the future.”

Phelan glanced at Beth, blinking in surprise, and then back to Josef. “The future? You mean she’s going to continue to live in LA…… in this city?!” He sounded incredulous. “Why?!”

Mick tensed and growled very softly. Phelan glanced at him, puzzled. He could sense the young vampire’s affection for Beth….but surely…..if he had the girl’s best interests at heart……he couldn’t really intend to keep her penned up in this sprawling city! Could he?

“LA is my home.”, Beth said quietly, “It’s where I belong.”

“No it’s not, dearheart! Not anymore!”, Phelan responded with conviction, “A wolf doesn’t belong in the city! You won’t be happy here! Our kind needs the freedom of the wilderness……it’s our nature.”

“Everyone I care about is here.”, Beth reached for, and grasped, Mick’s hand, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Mick beamed down at Beth beside him, and then turned to glare at Phelan.

Phelan blinked, his eyes momentarily lingering on Beth’s grip on Mick’s hand, before returning his eyes to her face. “Ah…..I see. How unusual.”

A low snarl rumbled in Mick’s chest.

Phelan smiled and glanced at Josef. “Your friend here is a wee bit touchy, isn’t he?”

Josef grinned and nodded. “Just a tad.”

Phelan sighed, turning back to Beth and Mick. “Alright then…..one hunting lesson…..on a farm…..coming up!”

“Thank you.”, Beth smiled.

“You can stay here with me until our full moon outing, Phelan.” Josef offered. “I’ve got plenty of room. You can stay for as long as you want, actually.”

Phelan stood and looked around the enormous living room. He chuckled. “Yes…. you do indeed have plenty of room, lad! Thanks. I’ll accept your kind offer.”

Josef smiled, pleased beyond words.

Phelan wandered over to the open patio doors and leaned against the frame, watching the freshies swim and splash. “By the way……what’s an ‘exotic’?”

“Deer, Phelan,”, Josef answered, “elk, buffalo, and the like.”

Phelan looked back at his friend, eyebrows raised in surprise. “Deer and elk are ‘exotic’?”

“Around here, they are.”

Phelan sighed and shook his head, turning back to face the pool outside. He winked at a petite redhead that had swum to the side of the pool and was leaning with her forearms on edge of the concrete surrounding the water, watching him with curious eyes. She smiled shyly back at him. He allowed his eyes to drift past her, across the view of LA in the valley below. He hated big cities.

April watched the big red-haired man from the pool. She knew he wasn’t human…..he moved with too much fluid grace…..but he didn’t look like any vampire she’d ever seen either. And his eyes! Such a stunning shade of emerald green! Perplexed, she managed to catch Beth’s glance inside the room, where she sat beside a very irritated looking Mick.

April raised one eyebrow at Beth in silent question, darted her eyes to Phelan, and then back to Beth. Beth smiled, and silently mouthed, “He’s like me.”

April’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. Another werewolf? That was interesting! She wondered why he had come here…… No wonder Mick looked so unhappy.

Beth stood, and gave Mick’s hand a reassuring squeeze, before releasing it and walking towards where Phelan stood in the patio doors. Mick followed her with his eyes as she crossed the room, his brow pinched in annoyance. Josef caught Mick’s eye, and shook his head.

Phelan turned to smile down at Beth as she came up along side him. She returned his smile. “So…..”, Beth began, “……tell me how the full moon is going to feel. How out of control will I be?”

Phelan snorted softly. “Only in needing to shift, dearheart. You won’t be able to stop yourself…..at least not while you’re young. I can keep from shifting…..if I have to…..but I’m over 500 years old. Lots of practice. Even for me…..it’s very difficult to stop myself from shifting when the moon is full. The pull is strong……and we…..our kind…..tend to get alittle giddy during full moons. The urge to run, and hunt, is at its strongest then.”

Mick, Josef, Ben, Simone, and Logan, all watched as Beth and Phelan spoke in quiet voices by the patio doors. The freshie, April, watched from the pool.

Phelan went on to elaborate further on his home in British Columbia, and how much he loved the town of Likely. He talked about the vast wilderness there, the fabulous hunting, the friendly….. and knowing….. townsfolk. Beth listened with rapt attention, enjoying his descriptions almost as much as she enjoyed his Irish accent. She was aware of Mick’s jealousy….the scent of it was strong….. but she decided he was being silly. And besides……his jealousy made her feel desirable.

“Ya know, lass……” Phelan said in a low, conspiratorial voice, “If ya ever change your mind about staying here……in this city……you will always be welcome in Likely! You have a standing invite to enter my territory any time you want.” He winked. Beth grinned.

Before she could answer, she picked up a blur of motion in her peripheral vision, and something slammed into Phelan. She gasped in surprise.

Mick tackled Phelan around the midsection, hurling both of them into the swimming pool outside. Freshies squealed and clamored out of the water, grabbing their towels. They backed away from the water’s edge, wanting to give the combatants plenty of room.

“Mick!”, Beth yelled. “What are you doing!?”

“Phelan!”, Josef bellowed, on his feet and out on the patio in a blur, “Don’t do anything stupid!”

Mick and Phelan grappled under the surface for several seconds, rolling over and over each other. Then……the surface of the water humped up, like a silent explosion had just gone off underwater…… It had. Phelan’s mass had just quadrupled. Little tsunamis fanned out and impacted the pool’s edges, splashing up and over.

“Shit!”, Josef growled through gritted teeth, “Great! Just great!”

Mick popped to the surface and backpedaled away from his opponent. “Fight fair!” He shouted, enraged, “You son of a bitch! Face me like a man!”

The 900 pound red wolf braced his hind paws on the bottom of the pool and rose to his full height, balancing on his hind legs, towering above the water’s surface. He snarled deeply at Mick, and held his forelegs out wide on either side of himself, displaying his large hand-like paws, fingers tipped with deadly, slate-grey talons. His wet, coppery fur clung to him, his powerful muscles rippled as he moved. Emerald green eyes flashed. Gaping his huge jaws wide, Phelan roared at his opponent…..a savage, deep baying sound…..not unlike the roar of a huge bear.

Josef glanced sidelong at Beth. “It’s nothing, Beth. Don’t worry. It’s just a guy thing.” He returned his attention to his large, shaggy friend. “Damn it, Phelan! Knock it off!”

Phelan roared again, and glanced at the pretty blonde beside Josef out of the corner of his eye. This should impress her…… Wow! Her eyes were the most dazzling shade of blue he had ever seen…..had they been that blue before?

Josef heard the sudden ripping of seams…..dozens of them…..all bursting at once. He knew what he would see before he turned his head……

Where Beth had been a moment before, there now stood a 700 pound golden wolf, balanced on her hind legs, the size of a small horse, and larger than most grizzly bears. She dropped forward onto all fours. Impossibly deep sapphire eyes glowed with fury. Beth’s clothing lay in tattered shreds around the she-wolf’s feet.

“Beth! Wait!”, Josef began. It was no use…….

The golden wolf crouched and launched herself across the water. She landed with a tremendous splash in between Mick and the towering red wolf. Beth rose out of the water on to her hind legs, and wheeled away from the red wolf long enough to grab Mick around the waist with her large hand-like forepaws.

Mick grunted as he was caught up out of the water, and thrown towards Josef. He tumbled through the air, spinning and righting himself in midair, like a cat, water spraying from his clothing as he did so. He landed gracefully on his feet beside Josef.

Josef grabbed Mick’s arm to stop him, or he would have plunged right back into the pool. Mick wrenched free, only to collide with the immovable object that was Karl. As usual, the big guy seemed to have materialized out of nowhere. Karl held him firmly. Mick struggled, furious, “Let me go! Dammit! Josef! Do something! He’ll hurt her!”

“No……he won’t.”, Josef answered softly, “It’s a wolf thing, Mick. Let them work it out. Phelan got stupid, and started thinking with the wrong head….. Now he’s got to pay for that mistake. A large serving of crow awaits him……. He menaced a member of Beth’s Pack….her mate…..in her own territory.” Josef sighed, and shook his head. “Really dumb…..”

Mick grew still…..understanding……and watched as Beth turned back on Phelan in the pool…..roaring in ear-splitting rage.

Phelan drooped his ears, and lowered his head, as he backed up…..even though he outweighed Beth by some 200 pounds. This wasn’t what he had in mind at all! He had wanted to impress this female…..show off his size and power……not start a fight with her! He had really screwed up…… He should have realized this would happen….. He had sensed the love between the she-wolf and the vampire! What had he been thinking?! He had no idea……..

Snarling deeply, Beth advanced and lunged at the huge red wolf, back-handing him hard across the muzzle. Rocked by the sharp blow, Phelan staggered back away from the furious golden she-wolf. Beth pounced, shoving Phelan under the water. They roiled in battle…..each time they broke the surface…..terrifying roars and snarls split the night air. Water sprayed wildly in all directions. Those few freshies that had lingered to watch now scattered, grabbing up their towels and running for their rooms. Only April remained, wrapped in a beach towel, cowering in a corner of the patio, watching with wide, frightened eyes.

Logan, Ben, and Simone were all watching the battle from the doorway behind Josef. They looked like they were witnessing a train wreck…..eyes wide and horrified. Simone’s hand was over her mouth.

Phelan kept backing away, trying to dodge blows, as Beth pressed her furious attack. The massive red wolf crouched and launched himself out of the water, clamoring onto the concrete on the opposite side of the pool from Mick, Josef, and Karl. The smaller golden wolf followed, climbing out of the water, fangs bared, sapphire eyes blazing with rage, and locked on Phelan. Water drained from their thick coats, splashing onto the concrete beneath them. Neither one paused to shake themselves dry.

The red wolf hung his head and clamped his half-tail against his rump. His tall triangular ears drooped further, and he angled his long body side-on to the golden she-wolf’s approach, crouching slightly, lowering himself. His posture was unmistakably submissive…… the classic, I’m-a-bad-dog-and-I’m-in-trouble, look.

Beth snarled, jaws gaping open, muzzle wrinkling as her lips pulled back further, displaying her impressive canines. She stalked towards the red wolf, her long legs stiff, her hackles raised.

Phelan knew he had messed up badly……he had grossly offended this pretty she-wolf. He had to cool her youthful rage now…..he had to convince her that he had meant no harm…..no offense.

“Would it do any good to point out that your friend started it?”

Beth’s loud, blistering snarl was the only response to that remark…… She stalked closer….Phelan retreated further…..side stepping away…..

“I meant no harm, dearheart!”, Phelan implored, “I wasn’t going to hurt your vampire! I swear it! Calm down, please……. It was stupid of me! I’m very sorry…..I was just fooling around……I meant no harm.”

Beth kept coming, undeterred. There was only one thing left to do. Phelan let himself slump over like a falling tree, his wet bulk impacting the concrete with a splashing thud. He rolled half way onto his back, one foreleg stretched out towards Beth, beseeching.

The golden she-wolf stood over the much larger red wolf, her posture tense, her ears pricked forward, oriented on her opponent. Beth was surprised to feel her rage quieting to a manageable level. She could think now…… But, she still felt driven….. there was more to do…..

Snarling……she planted one forepaw on the red wolf’s chest where he lay, unmoving, before her……. The red wolf was avoiding eye contact now…..looking away…..

Beth’s jaws gaped open and flashed downward, closing around the red wolf’s throat. She heard several gasps of horror…….the freshie, April…..Ben…..Simone…..Logan…..and surprisingly…..even Mick.

Phelan remained perfectly still while Beth held his throat in her jaws. Moments passed in silence. Beth continued to hold Phelan’s throat, both of them motionless.

Abruptly, the golden wolf released the red wolf’s throat and lifted her head high. She turned her back on him and sauntered away, pausing only for a moment to kick her hind paws back at him, as though flinging invisible dirt onto the red wolf. The creamy white talons on her feet scraped the concrete as she did so. She then shook herself, pool water spraying, and trotted to where Mick stood with Karl and Josef. Mick threw his arms around her neck and hugged her fiercely. Her tail waved back and forth.

Phelan stood slowly and cautiously, watching Beth out of the corner of his eye as he did so. He also shook himself now, and more pool water sprayed. He approached the group slowly, keeping his head and his tail low. The she-wolf seemed placated now.…..but he knew he had really stepped in it……and she was young, hot-headed. He would have to be careful, and very respectful, from now on. Clearly…..this was HER territory…..and HER Pack. He was a visitor, and his presence would be tolerated only if he was not seen as a threat to that Pack.

Beth eyed him as he approached, but didn’t react.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Mick said, tugging on Beth’s silky ruff, “Let’s get you back into human form, and we both need some dry clothes.” Clearly, part of his motivation was wanting to get Beth away from the big red wolf before another scuffle could break out. The golden wolf allowed Mick to lead her back into the house. Ben, Logan, and Simone parted like the Red Sea to make room for them to pass through the doorway. Mick and the Beth disappeared around a corner inside the house.

Phelan slinked up to Josef, who turned a disapproving glare on the huge red wolf. “Smooth, Phelan……”, he groused, “Very smooth…..really nice! I would have thought your social skills were better than that! You definitely don’t spend enough time with your own kind!”

“Sorry…..”, the red wolf muttered, “Do you want to pin me to the ground too?”

Josef sighed, and glanced at the shredded remains of Phelan’s clothing, now floating on the surface of the pool. “You need something to wear……. Karl is the only one who’s big enough to have any clothes that will fit you.”

A faint expression of horror flickered momentarily across Karl’s impassive features….. And then the mask of calm indifference returned.

“No…..”, Phelan replied, “I’ve caused enough trouble for one evening. I have a couple changes of clothes in my duffle bag.”

“Alright, good.” Josef replied, “Karl? Please escort Phelan to one of the upstairs guest suites.”

Karl nodded curtly, and gestured for Phelan to follow him. The damp, horse-sized red wolf trailed along behind the towering vampire, following him into the house.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

Great chapter, very exciting!! I'm surprised someone as old as Phelan would make such a mistake! Beth is just so beautiful and in control when she is the wolf. I love this story and can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :woohoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :slappy: :getclue: :yahoo: :juggle: :evillaugh: :groupwave: :hearts: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart:

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by coco »

I love this more and more with every chapter lions :clapping:

Well lets hope no one else messes with Beth or her pack :thumbs:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Oh, man--what a way to get introduced to the family, huh?! :snicker: Lions, I absolutely love this chapter. You've done your homework on wolf behavior, I see! Wow--and I just swooned when Mick launched himself at Phelan... :melts: although I was a little nervous as well. Mick is ever the dashing, brave, but sometimes overzealous hero. And Beth is not to be messed with anymore, is she!? :cheer: Girl power!

Talbot is certainly getting an eyeful, isn't he? Why do I get a feeling that he's cruising for a major bruising?? Or at least an attitude adjustment. And Josef had tons of wonderful lines.

From the hilarious encounter with the chef to the incredibly tense scene poolside, this chapter was gripping, funny, romantic, exciting, scary, and... did I mention funny? Because it was really funny...

Wonderful job!!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Alle! :hug: :rose: Thanks so much! :notworthy: Your encouraging praise keeps my muse well fed and productive! :yahoo:

Hi CoCo! :hug: Thanks! As far as no one else messing with Beth's 'Pack'? :evillaugh: Remember.....The Legion is still out there, conspiring to 'Cull' LA's vamp population! :swords: :chair:

Hi Mitzie! :hug: Yup....Phelan may have alot of age & experience....but he's still a guy....and he tends to not spend that much time with other werewolves. His 'Pack' is a town of humans, and he likes it that way. He dislikes 'Pack Politics' with other werewolves. And yes.....Beth rocks as a wolf! She is strong, brave, determined, and protective of the people she loves. She is not to be trifled with.....something the Legion may soon find out the hard way! :evillaugh:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by MSJ_sunglasses »

Great chapter! Phelan won't make that mistake again :no: :snicker:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Sunglasses! :hug: I'm glad you enjoyed!
I gather from your Avatar that Alex is going to be on Criminal Minds this month?! Cool! I'll be watching that! :yahoo:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Love it.

This line sums up this chapter

“Well, well…..what have we here now? You certainly have a mixed household, Josef! Vampires, werewolves, and humans……all peacefully dwelling together. I love it!”

I love it, too.

Phelan did cross the line but I don't think it warranted the reaction that Mick and Beth delivered. Grow up, people. Or whatever.

Amazing chapter. Thanks, Lions


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Jen! :rose: :curtesy:
Yeah....both Mick, and then Beth, massively over-reacted to Phelan's flirting and showing off! :giggle: Despite poor Josef's efforts to keep everyone calm. :rolling: But....boys will be boys! And wolves will be wolves! :laugh:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


:bump: :bump: :bump:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

This was a wonderful chapter! You gave us a lot of information here--Phelan has arrived, and Beth has been superficially charmed, but she loves Mick and when Phelan unwisely flirted with Beth, he put himself in a bad position. All in all, a lot of good information has been received and they will all be the better for it.

Phelan is the perfect teacher for Beth. While Josef is perfect as the surrogate sire, he is a vampire and Phelan can teach her things that Josef will never be able to.




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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Fabulous chapter, proving once again that just because you have lived for centuries doesn't mean that you can't do stupid stuff from time to time.

I miss Smokey the cat.



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 21---The Reunion. (PG-13)

Post by francis »

allegrita wrote:Oh, man--what a way to get introduced to the family, huh?! :snicker: Lions, I absolutely love this chapter. You've done your homework on wolf behavior, I see! Wow--and I just swooned when Mick launched himself at Phelan... :melts: although I was a little nervous as well. Mick is ever the dashing, brave, but sometimes overzealous hero. And Beth is not to be messed with anymore, is she!? :cheer: Girl power!

Talbot is certainly getting an eyeful, isn't he? Why do I get a feeling that he's cruising for a major bruising?? Or at least an attitude adjustment. And Josef had tons of wonderful lines.

From the hilarious encounter with the chef to the incredibly tense scene poolside, this chapter was gripping, funny, romantic, exciting, scary, and... did I mention funny? Because it was really funny...

Wonderful job!!

I'll just quote what she said. Wonderful!!! :hyper2:
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