Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Breathtaking. This literally steals my breath. I had to remind myself to exhale while reading this, so captivated was I. The fact that something large is hanging over their happiness frightens me, yet makes these moments so much more important because of that fact. Josef bargaining to give Mick and Beth what they want, versus what will in all actuality happen--wow.

And the way you wrote their reuniting---oh my GOD. Uber-romantic. To the nth degree.

This is one line that stole my breath:
He craved the absence of feeling no more.
Loved that. Loved it to death. So simple and yet wholly defining. Brilliant.

Gorgeous. As grace stated previously, there is so much here. Between Josef's knowledge of the situation, to Mick's feeding to Beth knowing there is more to what is going on---I will be reading this again.
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by jenstc2003 »

Awesome job, Red! I don't imagine that I'm going to like the next chapter, but this one was absolutely lovely.


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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by seamus3333 »

It is thrilling when a talented writer who loves Mick, acknowledges the monster...after the hunt and kill "Mick felt more than satisfaction, it was pleasure, almost sexual". Most published vampires are musclebound "heroes" who run around rescueing damsels in distress and having torrid sex every third page. Mick is a complex creature. We're not in Kansas anymore, girls.

This is a scary update, tears of joy are premature. What has Josef promised?? Josef closed his eyes," a futile attempt to block out the images of the future, of what he must do, of the pain he would bring." Beth knows he is hiding something, Mick is clueless. But Beth is grounded; like Scarlet O'Hara, she will worry about it tomorrow. Her attitude is, bring it on! I never appreciated her more than I do in this story.

The love scenes are beautifully written, showing the joyful meeting of two halves and their blending into the whole they are meant to be. In their bliss they do not notice the two laser beams of aimed rifles on their foreheads...Josef, Josef, what have you done???
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by janicevictoria »

Red, like Fleur I too was holding my breath throughout this chapter....I feel a sense of dread for whats to come in the near future for Mick and Beth. Josef knowing about it, just makes it more complicated and sad. :hankie:
Still the reunion between Beth and Mick was moving and beautiful although their happiness might be short lived...I'm hoping it's not :fingerscrossed:
Brilliant stuff, Red :heart:

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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Moonlightsonata »

This was a beautifully written chapter. It was wonderful that Mick and Beth had the opportunity to be together like this after the year apart - but it will come at a significant price. So much has been said that I don't have much to add other than I definitely agree with your comment that the final four episodes lacked something that was in the earlier 12 and it was delightful to have all that touching back here. Now I need to get ready to hide because of what is to come. Thanks again Red.
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Wow, Red. I don't quite know what to say. The tears flowed steadily through this whole chapter. The tears of joy for Mick and Beth's reunion, absolutely beautifully written, were tempered by the tears of sadness over what Josef has done (and sacrificed?) and what is to come. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm thankful it wasn't in this chapter. I really do wish this was the final one! I am so afraid of what you have in store.

Aw, heck, I'm still crying. :hankie:
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

What a beautiful and frightening re-union! Beautiful because of the very special and unique love they show for each other, frightening because of knowing that this re-union will cost all of them dearly!! :hankie: This entire story transcends time and space and every bit of it is real to me! What has Josef done??!! :bmoon: Part of me doesn't want to know, but the part of me that does want to know can't wait to see what happens in the final chapters of this amazing and expertly written story!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hearts: :heart: :fingerscrossed: :gasp: :clapping: :clapping: :eyes: :dizzy: :juggle: :chair: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :worship: :rose:

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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Moonlighter »

Stunningly beautiful, Red. Everyone has hit on so many highlights, I won't repeat them, but the reunion between these two was just phenomenal. After a year apart, they are where they are supposed to be (and promised they would be) -- married and in each other's arms once again. But the underlying fear of what is to come is almost unbearable -- I have a feeling I will be coming back to this chapter just to remember that they did get their dream realized once...

What has Josef done? I know whatever it is, he did it for their benefit, but maybe in the interim he can revisit the deal and make...adjustments? I don't know, but I'm scared!
:chair: I know it will be good, Red, but please don't break our hearts too much. I don't know that I will be able to take it!
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Thanks so much, Lisa. There was an awful lot to cram into this chapter - I'm delighted it's going to pull you back for a re-read! Just don't forget to breathe, k?
jenstc2003, blankie time is coming soon :giveup: . But I had to give them just a little happiness along the way. Thanks for the kind words.

seamus, :curtesy: thank you. I do love Mick - all of him - and try never to forget who and what he is. By the end of the year, he is coming apart at the seams and falling back on anything that will ease his pain, no matter how temporarily. Because there's only one way he's ever going to heal - and that's to have Beth back with him. Love the laser-sight analogy; very apt.

jv, thank you - and I think dread is what Josef is feeling too....

Moonlightsonata, thanks. The power of touch is so strong and I loved imagining Mick and Beth reconnecting in that way.

MLC, *more tissues for MLC* Tears of joy are the most wonderful, wonderful compliment for a chapter like this. Thank you. Although I do worry about how you're going to feel after the next two chapters...

mitzie, what a lovely comment. Thank you so much. Not far to go and then all will be resolved, one way or another.

Moonlighter, as always, Josef has more to consider than just Mick and Beth, but even he has found himself outgunned here. But he still made sure they got their big moment of happiness. Now, as for that deal....


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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Liana »

Red, can you please stop right there and make it happy ending?! :chair: :snicker:
They are finally together, finally one!! :heart:
He closed his eyes, head tilted; she was close. It wasn't a scent or a sound - he could feel her. Eyes still closed, he started to move, forward, a little to the side, guided by his own magnetic north, his pole star. He stopped, breathing quickened, every nerve alive and aglow. Reaching out, mere inches, his arms circled, drawing her into his embrace. Warmth, life, her, like autumn rain on parched earth, flowing through cracks and crevices, reaching into his corners, washing him clean.
This was such a perfect moment of MickBeth! If only I could stop crying now...

The moment of hesitation in the limo, and then this
"Everything has gone as planned. The clock starts now,"
Felt like Josef was guiding Beth to Galgotha... I'm scared what deal he had to make to give them this perfect moment!!! I doubt Mick would survive if Beth dies... I have a feeling of déjà vu... we already witnessed one vampire love "till death..." literally... please, don't go there!!!

Can't they just turn her?! Mick and Beth both want forever, so what's the problem?! I don't see any other way out of this situation...

Darling, your writing is beautiful, so eloquent and full of impression... Well, there is no other way to write this beautiful couple! Thank you! :rose:
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Ah, Liana, honey, have a :hug: .

I'm afraid turning is simply not an option - if Beth gets turned, they both die (one more vampire would definitely break the Legion's rules).

I hope that there's enough interest here to make you come back for the final two chapters, even though you would love it if the story ended right here. They have their happiness, they are together - and that makes them powerful. But, there is still that deal hanging over them - Beth suspects something (and is prepared to accept whatever price may be demanded of her), Mick is completely in the dark, and Josef, well, he's the only one who really knows what's going on.

Not too long to wait to find out. Although I warn you, the next chapter has an evil, evil cliffhanger...


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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

Mixed emotions when I read this one Red..... YAY! that Mick and Beth are back together, but... little frowny lines about the deal Josef has struck. Whatever it is, is bound to be baaaad.
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Raven »

I don't know why, but somehow, I have a vague feeling...that Josef, poor Josef sold himself...somehow...
"How? Well, I'll keep that story for a rainy day. For now, it's over. You're safe. You're both safe. She's coming back to you, my friend." Mission complete, Josef stood and headed for the door.
The vagueness has been replaced with assuredness...oh lord, what has Josef done...Josef sacrificed...*cringe*...himself? What? Oh...
Harsh words wrapped in a soft tone as he tried to hide his wish that she would do just that and save them all from the heartache that was to come.
My elation that Mick and Beth are free to be together is tempered with anxiety for Josef.
I adore Beth's relationship with Josef and this beautiful sequence is a reflection of how special it is. Only Beth could know...feel...that Josef has been as much a victim as she and Mick...if not more....
Josef interrupted, "Beth, just let me ask you one more time. Are you sure this is what you want? Because after tonight, there's no going back, you know that?"
She blanched. "What are you asking me? There's something. I knew there was something you hadn't told me." She stood, planting herself in front of him. "What is it? What have you had to do to make this happen?"
He turned away. Her direct questions harder to avoid but no less painful than Mick's trusting acceptance. "You're right." He hesitated. The words were slipping out; he tried to hold back. "I-"
"Stop." She pulled him round, pressing her fingers to his lips, urgent and imploring. "Is it anything that will stop me marrying Mick tonight?" Josef shook his head. "Then don't tell me. I don't need to know."
Josef took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. "Mick's a lucky man."
"Yes, Josef, he is." She searched his face. "You look..."
"My age?"
"Something like that. This year has taken its toll on all of us." She brushed her fingers lightly across his cheek, thumbing the edge of his sad smile.
So lovely...
Warmth, life, her, like autumn rain on parched earth, flowing through cracks and crevices, reaching into his corners, washing him clean.
Oh, how perfect!
"Hey." It was all she could manage, and it was enough.
My favorite passage...not expected and so, so perfect for Mick...
He had expected the vampire to roar but his desire was all him, all human. In the fire of her embrace, he felt like a man, a husband once more.
One part of the deal was done. The remainder would not come to pass so easily. Sinking back in his seat, he allowed his eyes to close, a futile attempt to block out the images of the future, of what he must do, of the pain he would bring to bear on those he loved most.
Oh, wait...this is my favorite passage!
Now, that just leaves something blue. Hmmm. Let me think what that could be. If the way you and Mick were looking at each other when you arrived is anything to go by, I don't think that's going to be a problem." :lol: :lol:
Oh, Red...I ache for Josef. I never in a million years thought that when Mick and Beth were once again united, I'd be aching for Josef!
Tremendous emotions, beautiful writing...a reader's dream. :hug:
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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Luxe, mixed emotions are definitely the order of the day here. Not for Mick - but for everyone else.

Raven, :blushing: :blushing: thank you. I love your concern for Josef; in spite of Beth's assurances in the last chapter, and Mick's in this one, he is the one carrying the heavy burden. So much rests on his shoulders - has he found a way out? Time to wait and see... And I hoped someone would appreciate the "something blue" :giggle: .


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Re: Afterglow, part ten (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by darlingcat »

What a wonderful chapter! :rose:
He closed his eyes, head tilted; she was close. It wasn't a scent or a sound - he could feel her. Eyes still closed, he started to move, forward, a little to the side, guided by his own magnetic north, his pole star
Love the way Mick's connection to Beth is described; physical, spiritual, absolute.
Warmth, life, her, like autumn rain on parched earth, flowing through cracks and crevices, reaching into his corners, washing him clean.
Just so tender, poetic! :happysigh:

I could go on and on quoting almost every sentence describing their reunion but don't want to repeat what many others have already said.
I am sitting on pins and needles about the secret deal Josef has made. I hope he is not putting himself or Mick in danger!
Lovely writing, Red. I am hooked!
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