Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

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Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Lilly »

This is a follow up to "Moonlight Becomes You," although it is not necessary to read that piece in order to follow the story here. The third piece "Somewhere in Between" can be found here: Link

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight - or its characters. Every once in a while I like to take them out to play, but I always try to return them, none the worse for wear. No copyright infringement is ever intended.

Pairing: Josef/Sarah
Rated: PG-13

First published: 6/2008


“I’m waiting.”

Josef sat smugly, smoothing the lapels of his pin-striped jacket. A few quiet moments had passed since he pulled the door of the limousine closed and motioned for the driver to proceed. His gentle challenge broke the silence.

“Waiting?” Sarah asked feigning innocence. “For this?” She leaned in kissing him lightly on the cheek and then added playfully, “Or this?’” as she gently placed one hand on the side of his face and pressed her red lips fully to his, letting them linger there until she felt the tension leave his body.

“Not that that wasn’t worth waiting for…” he grinned. “But I mean the questions. I know you.”

The night before, he had all but admitted his true nature to her and he fully anticipated an interrogation the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the Spanish Inquisition. But once again, she was oddly quiet. He could have reassured himself with the thought that she was at peace with the revelation. He could have - had he not been well aware that there was a vast difference between accepting the truth and just plain ignoring it.

“All right,” he continued, “then I’ll ask you a question. Last night you listed some reasons that led you to reach certain - conclusions.” He raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly for emphasis. “Now, sweetheart, even Clarence Darrow couldn’t have made much of a case with those little tidbits. I mean, it’s a damn big leap from “night person” to – Dracula. So?”

“There was something else,” Sarah admitted as she absently fondled the gold heart she wore around her neck. “Remember the cocktail party after the gallery opening two weeks ago when Betty cut her hand really badly on that broken martini glass?” Pausing not long enough for a response, she added, “Of course you do. We were standing just a few feet away and I was so sure my knight in shining armor would step in and take charge. But, your back stiffened and you went so ghostly pale. You moved towards her for just a second before turning and rushing off to the bathroom. That wet rag Lawrence Randolph snickered and made a snide comment that it figured the “golden boy” would faint at the sight of blood. I was about to see how he’d react to the sight of his own blood - but then I swear I saw something in your eyes just before you closed them and turned away. The blood affected you, didn’t it? Just not the way Lawrence thought.”

Josef nodded ruefully. “I never get caught off guard. Unfortunately, it had been almost two days since I had the chance to…” He broke off before saying more than he thought she was ready to hear.

“To – eat?” She purposefully placed her hand on top of the one he had rested on his thigh, interlacing her fingers with his. “It’s OK – you can say it.”

As he turned his head toward the window, Sarah saw the reflection of his face illuminated intermittently by the passing city lights. The curious slow-motion strobe punctuated the change in his expression from sardonic grin to sober contemplation. His voice almost inhumanly low, he allowed, “It’s not like in the movies, babe.”

“Then show me.” Now, she had issued the challenge and she couldn’t help but imagine that whatever he revealed would more thrilling than anything she had seen on the silver screen.

He wanted to show her. He wanted to strip away the mild-mannered “golden boy” façade and bare the glorious, powerful, passionate creature that he was. She had assured him that whatever he was didn’t matter, but vampirism was as yet only an abstract concept to her. He wondered if she were ready to confront the reality of it. All she knew up to this point was what she had witnessed on paper or celluloid, neither of which mediums presented a picture that was useful for anything more than a few laughs with his equals. There was no “How to Love a Bloodsucker” manual – although he had to admit, he had never been averse to giving private lessons.

No. He shook off the temptation. Sarah was different. She had asked him to trust her. Oddly, at this moment, that was infinitely less difficult than trusting himself.

She saw the reflection change in the window first. Without warning, his shaded eyes flashed a silvery hue. Slowly, he swung his head around with cat-like grace and fixed her with the icy heat of his gaze.

Sarah drew in a quick breath and her pulse immediately quickened.

Josef closed his eyes, coaxing them back to brown, and when he spoke, his voice was husky and raw, “Sarah - I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you…”

“It’s not fear that’s making my heart race, Charlie. It’s you.”

Sarah’s face flushed and the scent of her excitement suddenly assaulted his senses. Her reaction to him was so unexpected that Josef was caught up in the moment. His eyes flashed back to silver blue and he drew back his lips to reveal the tips of two gleaming white fangs. As she reached out to touch this wondrous new face, he leaned into her wrist inhaling deeply. Then, just as suddenly as the vampire appeared, he turned away again and was gone. It had taken every ounce of restraint Josef could summon to keep from acting on his baser urges there in the close confines of the car. But that was not who he wanted to be with Sarah – he told himself it was not who she fell in love with.

It was his second lapse in less than two weeks. He had always had to straddle two worlds, to blend in with the mortals, but totally denying the vampire was taking its toll. It was obvious he was off his game. Hell, he was in love with a human. He couldn’t get much more “off” than that. Get a grip, ‘Fitzgerald.’

“Charlie?” Sarah spoke first, hoping to ease the tension that had displaced their usual playfulness.


“Sweetheart - it’s so much better than in the movies.”


Very little changed for them after that night, except that Sarah now held a mesmerizing image which she carried with her every waking moment, and which at night carried her away in her dreams. They still danced around the subject, never actually talking about the “v”-word, until a common turn of phrase changed everything.

It was just an off-handed comment. “I’ve got all the time in the world.” Yet, something about Josef’s oddly timed smirk prompted Sarah to delve deeper.

She looked at him quizzically. “All the time?”

“I’m older than I look, babe.”

“Well, I knew I was seeing an older man.” Sarah mused. “Just how much older?”

“Let’s just say that 1599 was a very good year.”

Sarah’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, my g--,” she gasped. “That means you’re…”

“Very experienced.” He waggled his eyebrows, grinning impishly.

She shook her head, beaming at him. “I never had any doubt.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him sweetly, but left him taken aback when she suddenly pulled away. The damn had burst.

“Oh – my - gosh. Charles Fitzgerald, you haven’t studied history - you’ve been part of it! Three hundred and fifty years?? I want to know everything. Where were you born? Where have you lived? What incredible things have you seen? Who have you known? How did you get here? Are there many others? Three hundred and fifty years!

‘Easy, babe, “he chuckled, “we really do have time.”

“But Charlie,” she asked, growing thoughtful, “Does this mean you’ll never die?”

“I’ll never age.” He chose his words precisely. “Whether or not I die -- depends on how careful I am.”

He wrapped his arms around her reassuringly and pulled her close to him. There was so much he needed to explain. But at least it was finally on the table. This first of many nights spent talking late into the evening, Josef opened himself to her as he had never done with another soul – either living or undead. He patiently answered every question and did so with more candor than he thought himself capable of.


Not many weeks later, on the night of her twenty-first birthday party, Josef stood off to one side of the spacious living room idly nursing a glass of John Whitley’s finest single malt, as he watched Sarah glide effortlessly among the well-wishers, equally at ease with her father’s business partners as she was with her former schoolmates. From time to time her uninhibited laughter rose above the steady din to fill the room like joyful music. She was a shining star amid a constellation of fireflies – vapid young socialites who flitted about the room trying too hard to be seen. At another time, he might have netted one or two for his private amusement, but everything had changed – he had changed - when he met Sarah, and he marveled that anything so vibrant could have graced his undead existence.

As the festivities wound down and she had said to goodbye to each of her guests, she finally collapsed with a heavy sigh onto the living room sofa where Josef waited, reclining with outstretched arms, his legs extended and crossed at the ankles.

“You know, I’m going to keep having these,” she sighed.

“Parties?” Josef teased, his eyes twinkling. “I love parties.”

“No. Birthdays.” She frowned. “The next five, maybe even ten, won’t matter so much, but sooner or later – they will.” She allowed her head the comfort of his shoulder as she wondered, in a hushed tone, “What‘s going to happen then?”

“Nothing will change, babe.” He punctuated the reassurance with a kiss on her forehead.

“You won’t. But I will. Things will change – unless…”

Josef narrowed his eyes at Sarah. “Unless what?”

“Could you – I mean, is it possible – for you to make me like you are?”

A thoughtful look momentarily crossed his face before settling into a frown. “It’s not who you were meant to be.”


“End of discussion.”


It was, in fact, not the end of the discussion. Sarah brought up the topic up frequently. And just as frequently, Josef had to remind himself that her tenacity was one of the things he loved about her. Eventually, he allowed himself to consider the possibility of turning her, or at the very least allowing her to venture further into his domain. Perhaps, he reasoned, a closer look would be enough to change her mind for good. At least he told himself it would be for the good.

When he felt that he had sufficiently prepared her to step foot into his world, Josef brought her to one of the feeding dens that dotted the underbelly of New York vampire society. It was not an unsavory place, per se, but certainly one that would showcase the harsh reality of his existence. If she were seriously going to entertain the thought of becoming what he was, then she needed to understand beyond a doubt what that existence would entail. As they entered the dark underground “club,” he waited for her human eyes to adjust to the crimson red light that played against the shadowy recesses. He studied her face for any sign of repulsion as she took in the sight of dozens of vampires co-mingling with willing human “hosts.” He kept his arm wrapped tightly around her as she leaned into him, his tight-lipped smile softening as he noted the fascination in her eyes. Even so, that night he kept the vampire in check, Sarah’s comfort more pressing to him than his own thirst.

On their second visit, however, at Sarah’s insistence, he fed from a hostess. Sarah was captivated as he slid his fangs easily into the brunette’s small wrist and mesmerized by the girl’s response. Sitting by his side, Sarah pressed her warm body against his as he drank. She closed her eyes, resting her cheek against his shoulder, and imagined that she felt the strength renewed in his body as this blood from a living donor nourished him. If he had had dreams, even the wildest ones he could have conjured would not have included this kind of selfless love. There was no hint of jealousy and he wondered to himself if he would have managed the same.

The next evening, when they were alone together, Sarah offered Josef her wrist as she had seen the petite brunette do. He had never before in the centuries he had traveled hesitated to take blood offered so willingly. Even though he knew well that he could make the experience as pleasurable for her as it would be for him, his usual confident swagger failed him. The ancient vampire was momentarily reduced to an awkward schoolboy, in spite of the fact he had never attended anything remotely resembling the modern day interpretation of a school.

Over the weeks, he had to admit, it had grown increasingly more difficult to keep her at arm’s length. It wasn’t that he was afraid of hurting her –his finesse was too great for that. As much as he wanted to share this intimacy, the thought of treating her like one of the thousands of conquests that had come before her strangely disturbed him. She was not like anyone who had come before. And yet she stood before him clearly wanting this as much as he.

He lowered his head as he tentatively took her hand and raising his eyes to hers, asked in a low voice, “Are you sure?” She answered him with a kiss and a radiant smile.

Watching his metamorphosis, she asked softly, “Does it hurt much?”

“The bite?” He was surprised she had waited this long to ask.

“No – I mean, does it hurt you when you - change?”

“It’s a rush, babe.” His glib response belied his true reaction to her question. He was moved more deeply than he could have imagined. Here she was offering him her blood – her blood – yet her only concern was for him.


Clearly his plan had backfired. She wasn’t going to be dissuaded. The more of himself that Josef shared with Sarah, the more she wanted to be part of his world – forever. Admittedly, she would make a ravishing vampire. She already possessed an irresistible self-confidence and a fluid grace, not to mention the delicious audacity with which she pursued whatever she wanted completely unabashed. Yet, Josef was not convinced that she had thought through her request to its inevitable conclusion.

“What do you want out of your life, Sarah?”

“To be with you.”

“If you had never met me.”

“I had to meet you, Charlie. I would have surely withered away if I hadn’t. It was destiny.”

He was still waiting for an answer.

“What do I want?” she sighed. “I want to do something important. I want to make history – not plan socials for the historical society. I want to go into business. I want to make deals and decisions – not pastries and pot roasts. And I want to be someone that folks admire with their minds – not just their eyes. I’ve asked Daddy over and over to let me join his business, but he says it’s not the place for a young lady. Mother keeps telling me that every successful man needs a steadfast, loving woman standing behind him. I don’t want to stand behind anyone, Charlie. I want to stand beside the man I love.”

Josef mused silently that is was just as likely that she would grab the man by the sleeve and lead the way, dragging him along behind her.

“With you, I could be so much more than I could be otherwise.”

How was it, he wondered, that she was always able to see something good in him? He had put her on a pedestal and, against all reason, she had pulled him up there beside her. And she was beginning to make him believe that somehow this could work.

“I don’t have to turn you for that to happen.” He assured her, “I want to be with you as you are.”

“Charlie, you wanting to be with a human - ” she retorted, “ - it’s like some ‘Joe Blow’ courting the Blue Plate Special. Sooner or later, it’s going to get stale.”

His eyes opened wide. He was about to admonish her - to swear he never thought of her as food - but the absurdity of her statement suddenly overcame him. He shook his head, as they both dissolved into fits of laughter. God, he did love this woman.

"See? Now, didn’t that feel good? You don’t laugh often enough,” she chided. “Do you ever feel completely free when you’re with me?”

“Babe, I’ve told you things I’ve never told another soul.”

“OK – you can talk to me. I’ll give you that. But can you ever really let loose the passion that’s in you?”

“I love you. That’s enough. I don’t need to let loose,” he lied.

“Well, maybe I need you to.” She paused, growing serious again. “Charlie, don’t you see? We can never truly be together unless you are completely free to be yourself with me. Your real self.”

“We’re different, sweetie,” she continued. “Not who we are, but what we are. But you can change that. I’m asking you to change that.”

“Sarah, there’s so much you’d have to give up.”

“What would I be giving up? The sunlight? I’m fair-skinned and I burn much too easily. Steak and chocolates? Well, I can still drink champagne.” There was a small change in her face with the next sentiment. “My friends and family? Most of my so-called friends are acquaintances of convenience, people who move in the ‘right’ social circles and say the ‘right’ things. There are a couple I would miss, but I’ll have you. My family? My father may claim to love me, but I feel more like his precious pet. Mother loves me dearly – and I her – but she doesn’t understand me any better than Daddy does. But, I do know this – more than anything, she wants me to be happy. And, Charlie, you make me so very happy.

“I know it won’t be easy, but you’ll be there with me. We’ll be together – truly together. Please don’t treat me like Daddy does. I’m not some helpless, innocent young thing. I can be so much more. We can be so much more.”

With the tears welling in her eyes, she grasped both of his hands and squeezed them like she was holding on for dear eternity. “I’m begging you, Charlie. Please say yes, please say you’ll turn me.”

In less than a year, she had kindled in him the desire to transcend who he thought he was, to be more than he thought he wanted to be and to give more of himself than he had imagined possible. But what she was asking him to do was almost more than he could bear. Yet, he wanted it more desperately than he dared admit.

He had sired many times. He had made vampires of lovers, but never before of his true love. It was the difference between turning a playmate and transforming a soul mate. Of all the amazing, wondrous, and terrible things he was capable of doing, he didn’t know if he could to do this.

“It’s not going to be easy.”

“Nothing worthwhile ever is.”

She was right. She was always right.

“Sarah - There’s one more thing you need to know…”

“What could you possibly have to tell me that you haven’t already?”

“Just this - my name is Josef. And I will love you - forever.”


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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by ari »

Love it!! Lilly you really are an incredible writer!
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Lilly »

You are an incredible reader, ari -- thank you so much for commenting!

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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by greenleaf9 »

Lilly, this is beautiful....again, I am struck dumb by your incredble talent.

I could quote the entire thing back to you...but this passage really gave me the shivers...
He had sired many times. He had made vampires of lovers, but never before of his true love. It was the difference between turning a playmate and transforming a soul mate. Of all the amazing, wondrous, and terrible things he was capable of doing, he didn’t know if he could to do this.
....just wow. wow. wowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwow...... Turning a playmate and transforming a soul mate...oh...I'm :hankie: you've got me all choked up. Sarah is Josef's true love, and he loses her--it is so heartwrenching. :hankie: This is so bittersweet, because we know what's going to happen...and Josef's worry here is so poignant because his fears become reality. How terrifing! How tragic!

The way you envision him and Sarah in this is exactly how I have always pictured their relationship. Sarah--a strong, confident young lady--Josef would be attracted to this Sarah. :rose: I could gush about this story for days, and still not exhaust my love for your way with words.

Truly beautiful. Truly captivating.

*standing ovation* :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Thanks so much for posting this!! :hug:
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by allegrita »

Lilly, I could've sworn I'd commented on this story. Maybe somewhere else...

I'm so impressed--you're the first person who's managed to make me believe that Josef could really fall head-over-heels in love with Sarah! You've created a Sarah who's believable in terms of the era, but vivid and smart and open-minded enough to captivate Josef. And Josef in the guise of Charles is a little more open, a little more carefree--somehow, a little younger than Josef Kostan as we know him today. He's like an M&M with a only a very thin candy shell. :snicker:

And knowing how he is now makes that more open, hopeful Josef so very poignant. :sigh:

The progression of events in the story is absolutely believable, as is the progression of Josef's love for Sarah and hers for him. Watching Josef gradually moving closer to the idea of turning Sarah is utterly bittersweet. We know what will happen, but we are carried along on their cloud of love and hope. :cloud9:

Rereading this story is like watching Romeo and Juliet for the umpteenth time--I keep hoping it's gonna work out this time. You make me believe along with Josef that there's a chance... :hankie:
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Albra »

I wish I could write as fine comment as Allegrita wrote. :pray:
But, sadly :sadface: , I can't ...
Thank you Lilly for another beautiful, touching story about Josef's love
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Lilly »

allegrita wrote:I'm so impressed--you're the first person who's managed to make me believe that Josef could really fall head-over-heels in love with Sarah! You've created a Sarah who's believable in terms of the era, but vivid and smart and open-minded enough to captivate Josef.
Alle, you pay me such a high compliment. That is exactly what I hoped to do. :rose: When "Sleeping Beauty" first aired so many people said that it was "out of character" for Josef to fall in love with Sarah. But they said that without knowing who she was. I took it on faith that if Josef fell in love with her, then there was good reason.

Albra, believe me, I treasure every single comment I receive. And I do understand. Sometimes when I read other writers' work, I find myself at a loss for words, as well. It doesn't mean I appreciated the story any less than someone who wrote a longer comment. So, thank you, truly. :hearts:

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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by allegrita »

I just had to stop by for another read, while I was here... :hearts:
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by RangerCM »

I'm sure I commented on this somewhere else too, but it's been a while. This is even better with a re-read. I think about the only difficultly I have with SB, is that we have so little time to get to know Sarah and find what it is about her that makes her extraordinary enough to capture Josef's attention and heart.

This one-shot accomplishes that task perfectly. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Lilly »

:hug: Thank you so much for stopping back, Alle.
RangerCM wrote:... I think about the only difficultly I have with SB, is that we have so little time to get to know Sarah and find what it is about her that makes her extraordinary enough to capture Josef's attention and heart.
I agree, Ranger. SB should have been a two-part episode. The first half dealing with the attempt on Josef's life, Mick's reaction to his friend's apparent death, and everything leading up to Josef opening that door in New York and revealing Sarah. In my perfect world, Part 2 would have opened there and included much more flashback and insight on their relationship, continued with Martan's intrusion and finished with more closure with Whitley.

Rational thought often has little to do with why we fall in love with one person or another, but after all the women Josef had known in 350 years, there HAD to be something about Sarah that softened his heart so. She HAD to be more that the innocent young thing her father described.

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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by jen »


This is absolutely stuning.

Emotionally rich, detailed and beautifully written, it is a wonderful look into Josef (Charles Fitzgerald)'s relationship with Sarah.

You are such an artist!!!

Thank you!

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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Lilly »

Thank you, jen. :rose: These two have a special place in my heart. I truly appreciate your kind words about my peek at them.

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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by tucutecats »

an absolutely delicious story, you caught the essesence of Joseph. and the heartbreak that was to come. you did good my girl.and I thank you for it. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by Lilly »

Thank you, tucutecats. :hug: It is sadder knowing what's to come, isn't it? :sigh:

Your comment made me realize that I never linked to the third piece of this trilogy. I've updated the first post and am including the link here: Somewhere in Between

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Re: Interlude - Josef/Sarah - PG13

Post by maggatha3 »

Lilly :rose: . I have read ''Interlude'' right after ''Moonlight becomes you'' and it was an amazing, non-stop reading. So much in the Josef-Sarah story that we haven't been told about, and it just feels so right that their relationship evolved just like that, and now I feel I understand a lot more where Josef comes from when he advises Mick on relationships.

Thank you. :rose:
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