All About Mick #13

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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by Lucky »

Beautifully said dc... :happysigh: :bmoon:

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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by allegrita »

lafluffy wrote:
allegrita wrote::sigh: :Mickangel:
Hey, sorry about that! :hug: It took forever for me to get the pic on the page so I missed your wonderful defence of Mick and Alex at soul level. Can't say I disagree with you at all! Frankly, if that body belonged to someone other than the guy who played Mick I wouldn't give it the time of day. Sigh. Sometimes ya can't win no matter how you cut it. I see Mick as a whole. I cringe and blush when things go south too much; I'm really not interested in fantasising and don't care to hear others' fantasies (I guess that's why I don't read fanfic- don't hurt me). He's lovely to look at. But as a whole, beautiful body, beautiful soul.

I think the original idea of talking about Mick turned into drooling over pix of Mick. All about Mick (the subject title) is so much more than just the pix. Where did we go wrong? :Mickangel:
Lafluffy, I don't think we've gone wrong. I didn't mean to pick on you...most of us do it from time to time, heaven knows. Mick is spectacularly beautiful, and he's got a heart and a soul to boot--what's not to love? :hearts: It's far too easy for admiration to tip over into objectification. I just think that he deserves more from us, the people who've loved him through thick and thin, rooted for him to get the girl (whichever girl it was), died a little inside when he was staked, cried for him when he failed, cheered for him when he prevailed. We lose sight sometimes of the depth of character that Mick (the character) really has, and we get distracted by the pretty wrapping. :hug: :smooch:

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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Not only are we lucky to have had Alex portray Mick in such a lovely, multi-faceted way, he is darn lucky to have such a strong group of fans behind him.
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by SirenSong »

allegrita wrote:
lafluffy wrote:
allegrita wrote::sigh: :Mickangel:
Hey, sorry about that! :hug: It took forever for me to get the pic on the page so I missed your wonderful defence of Mick and Alex at soul level. Can't say I disagree with you at all! Frankly, if that body belonged to someone other than the guy who played Mick I wouldn't give it the time of day. Sigh. Sometimes ya can't win no matter how you cut it. I see Mick as a whole. I cringe and blush when things go south too much; I'm really not interested in fantasising and don't care to hear others' fantasies (I guess that's why I don't read fanfic- don't hurt me). He's lovely to look at. But as a whole, beautiful body, beautiful soul.

I think the original idea of talking about Mick turned into drooling over pix of Mick. All about Mick (the subject title) is so much more than just the pix. Where did we go wrong? :Mickangel:
Lafluffy, I don't think we've gone wrong. I didn't mean to pick on you...most of us do it from time to time, heaven knows. Mick is spectacularly beautiful, and he's got a heart and a soul to boot--what's not to love? :hearts: It's far too easy for admiration to tip over into objectification. I just think that he deserves more from us, the people who've loved him through thick and thin, rooted for him to get the girl (whichever girl it was), died a little inside when he was staked, cried for him when he failed, cheered for him when he prevailed. We lose sight sometimes of the depth of character that Mick (the character) really has, and we get distracted by the pretty wrapping. :hug: :smooch:
I agree with you, Allegrita, but playing devil's advocate here, if Alex was not beautiful on the outisde as well as having an amazing spirit and depth of soul and character, how many among us would have ever been hooked like we have? So while we eventually saw all of those amazing qualities, if the "pretty" hadn't been there as well, would we have even paid attention to Mick St. John in the first place? Let's get a show of hands of ladies here who tuned in for the first episode because of "the hot guy" on the preview commercials.

I believe our support of the man is evident. People have stated time and again that if he was just a pretty face, the fascination would have worn off soon after the series was cancelled. But I don't think there's a darn thing wrong with appreciating those physical attributes as well. I think the ladies here do a fine job of squeeing a bit without crossing a certain line that I see obliterated on other sites. I applaud Phoenix and the mods for giving us a great playground to roll around in. One where we never leave feeling like we need to have a Silkwood scrubdown afterwards. :?
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by VAsusieQ18 »

Well said, sirensong! :clapping:

I know I tuned in cuz of the hot looking man in the freezer! :snicker: But if that's all it was, then I would not still be obsessing over the actor, Alex, almost a year after the last episode of Moonlight aired. Nope. I'm in for the whole package. But since TPTB know what sells, they are the ones that put Alex out front as a sex symbol, we just happily oblige and shower their gift to us with adoration. Even Alex can't be so out of it that he doesn't know what type of power he has over women. I can respect and applaud his acting talent, which I do every day, and I can also appreciate the sheer beauty that is Alex, both inside and out. :notworthy:
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by wpgrace »

Welllllll... and looks were part of Mick's charm. We've all known the beautiful person... girl or boy... who don't seem to realize they ARE beautiful... that was Mick. He knew of course that he had a certain effect on people... but he had no idea how lovely he was. Now part of that isn't physical... but part of it is. And Mick truly did not understand his beauty.

Alex? Well this is the Mick thread... so I was talking about Mick here...

Does Alex have a clue? He's got to... Mick didn't have an agent and a personal rep... and ad nauseum... I hope Alex does. Mick likely did not get fan mail, except from Mrs. Turner... Alex does. Mick did not have cameras following him and fans posting on the internet (at least not until digital) and Alex does...

But we love the actor because he's a great actor but also because he is just lovely. It's a world that rewards physical beauty. We're guilty... but we're also normal in that regard. And H'wood is full of beautiful... I don't think there is a single Alex fan who a) doesn't think he's beautiful on the outside, b)doesn't think he's beautiful on the inside and c) doesn't think he could compete with Sir Lawrence himself. We have the complete package in this man... this actor... and we're very happy about that.
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by darkstarrising »

OK, I tuned in primarily because of the nature of the show - I find vampire stories fascinating and this one looked interesting.

That said, what hooked me was the way the characters were brought to life by the various cast members and the fact that there was a wonderful chemistry among them. You could have had a great looking cast, but if their individual talents and the group chemistry didn't exist, the show would never have worked.

Does it hurt that the Alex and Jason are attractive men and Sophia and Shannyn are beautiful women? Nope, not a bit. But as Susie said, it's the entire package that makes it work and engenders enduring appreciation.

And SirenSong, I fully agree about having a playground that you don't need a Silkwood scrubdown. I couldn't have said it any better...
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by VAsusieQ18 »

I would like to clarify/expand on my previous post. I fully recognize that this thread is all about Mick, and that the comments and pics posted are also all about Mick (for the most part). But its very difficult for me, at least, to seperate Mick from Alex, especially now that we're almost a year removed from the last episode of Moonlight. Others may not have this dilemna, but I do. Alex is Mick and Mick is Alex. So when I talk about their beauty, its ususally with both of them in mind. Does that make any kind of sense? :snicker: Both the character Mick St. John and the actor Alex O'Loughin are beatiful, inside and out. Just one is fictional and one is very much alive and kicking. :giggle:
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by PNWgal »

When I saw the first commercial for Moonlight (CBS was still calling it Twilight), I turned to my man and said "Hey look. New vampire show on CBS." I didn't turn on the show because of the "hot guy" playing a vampire. I tuned because it was a vampire show and I'm a vampire girl. The fact that Alex was beautiful was icing, but the first episode left me cold - lucky for me I gave the show another chance and Alex completely hooked me in OOTP. To me, Alex WAS Mick - no other actor could have pulled me so completely.

Here's a thought: If a bunch of guys were talking about Sophia and Shannyn the way we sometimes talk about Alex (and on occasion, Jason), how insulted would we as women be that they were objectified and not appreciated for their talent?

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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by SirenSong »

PNWgal wrote:When I saw the first commercial for Moonlight (CBS was still calling it Twilight), I turned to my man and said "Hey look. New vampire show on CBS." I didn't turn on the show because of the "hot guy" playing a vampire. I tuned because it was a vampire show and I'm a vampire girl. The fact that Alex was beautiful was icing, but the first episode left me cold - lucky for me I gave the show another chance and Alex completely hooked me in OOTP. To me, Alex WAS Mick - no other actor could have pulled me so completely.

Here's a thought: If a bunch of guys were talking about Sophia and Shannyn the way we sometimes talk about Alex (and on occasion, Jason), how insulted would we as women be that they were objectified and not appreciated for their talent?
Who here is not also appreciative of Alex's or Jason's talent? As we stated above, if it was just a pretty package with no substance, we would have all moved on eons ago.
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Same thing for me, Pgal. My daughter and I bonded over Twilight and I saw this new show about vampires premiering and told her that we needed to check it out. It's so difficult to say if I would have continued watching it without Alex in the lead role---I just can't imagine any other person as Mick, so I can't comment to that. However, the love story and the plot of the show is what initially hooked me. I became enamored of the vampire world as represented in ML, then fell in love with Alex.

Again: Alex=Mick Nuff said.
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by wpgrace »

I never saw ads... all of y'all saw those "Interview" commercials. I don't watch much tv and surely do not watch it in the summer... so totally missed those. Kinda jealous of y'all who saw them...

I found ML by channel surfing. I surfed into BC... and was entranced by the handsome but subtle actor playing some guy named Mick. DId not know he was a vamp... tho I LOVE vamp stuff (except for Twi... cannot get into the Twi... no offense to the Twi lovers, truly!!!) Found out a bit later in the ep he was a vamp... but for the first few minutes I thought maybe he was a vamp hunter... I kinda surfed into the Mick/Terrence moment... one could see how I would make that mistake. Buffy and all... And btw... thought it was a Halloween MOVIE... did not realize this Mick would be back on tv the very next Friday night... until the credits at the end... (THAT was a cool realization!).

So I do believe all the sisters here when they say... they came for the handsome guy... WHO THE HELL WOULD NOT?
But they stayed for the acting. And once you see his acting... well of course you'd stay. Compelling. Mesmerizing.

Complete package. Frankly, Mick AND ALex. They both had it all. Well... Alex still does. Mick...he's now in only found in fanfic. Yay authors! But we have to imagine his scenes now... which is its own kinda pleasure... :biggrin:
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by SirenSong »

Perhaps a couple of visuals of that amazing Mick allure are in order....


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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Thank you SS!! You saved me a trip to Photobucket.
And your b & w's are incomparable.
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Re: All About Mick #13

Post by wpgrace »

Nice choice, SS! And in b/w no less... :thumbs: Total allure!
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