Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

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Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Title: Afterglow
Author: redwinter101
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: Just in case you missed earlier warnings, if you are looking for hard edges, you won't find them here.


--- Afterglow ---


They stood, holding hands, drawn to a timeless, simple ritual, the commitment to forever.

"Beth, I will love you, I’ll take care of you and I’ll let you take care of me, because without you I’m nothing. I am yours forever." He slipped the slender band onto her finger, sealing it in place with a kiss.

She looked up to him, hoping the right words would come. "Mick, I love you, now and always. I will try to make you happy and we'll face the future, whatever it holds, together, even when we're apart." He smiled at the feel of the wedding band, familiar, but also a step into the unknown.

“So do I get to kiss the bride now?”

She gave him his answer. "Now, don't you have some threshold to carry me across?"

"But I have one more thing to cross off my list first, Mrs. St. John." Mick stripped, his body glowing in the soft candlelight, and pulled her to him, slipping her dress off her shoulders.

“Can’t people see us?” she whispered, only a little concerned.

“Let them look.”


Bleached eyes snapped open, disorientated, craning for the source of the intrusion. Something had woken him, scared him, but all seemed quiet. Then he picked it up, a murmur of scent, an undertone of agitation. Out of the freezer, swift and silent, he sped to her. It was still dark, pre-dawn, and she slept on, unaware. Mick calmed, focused, placing the sensation that had woken him so abruptly. She was dreaming.

Taking care not to disturb her rhythms, Mick settled on the floor beside her, chin resting on his hands and watched. Beth's face was turned towards him, tousled hair encroaching at her temple, her breathing deep and serene. She had fought off the covers, exposing her breast to the early morning chill. Mick reached out to pull the blanket over her but stopped, his hand hovering over her in a touchless caress.


"I'm here, Beth. I'm here." He resumed his vigil, praying for the stretching of time until she too awoke.

As day sneaked through the first crack in the horizon, he crept in beside her. She stirred, still in the realm of dreams, drawing herself into him, rousing. Throwing her arm carelessly across him, she whispered through her half-sleep, "My first morning as a married woman." A glow in her voice. Clambering on to him, eyes still heavy, teasing her hair across his chest, "I think I'm going to love being Mrs. Mick St. John." Dangerous words, words to wound. Hushed, she relied on her body to speak for her, drawing Mick's hand to her throat, down to her breast as she moved against him, feeling his growl growing deep, a tremble through them both. She bit her lip, running her hands through her hair, stretching, arching, as her hips rocked. Mick rose to her, as she had known he would, seizing her in a kiss, arms over and under her. Rising to her knees, her warm fingers guided him inside her, as she filled his mouth with her gasp.

Mick pulled her deeper, the thrill of his body responding to hers, of her power to make him new and clean and whole. "Beth. Beth. Beth." His soft refrain as he shuddered into her.

She joined him, flushed and breathless.

Stilling, she murmured, "Mmm. I could get used to..." She caught herself. Her head fell forward, refusing to look at him, silently cursing her careless words.

Mick gripped her, his arms tight around her waist, cheek pressed to her shoulder. "It's okay. We'll have time. We will. I promise you, Beth. I promise."

Her eyes filled with tears as she struggled to move away from him. "You can't promise that, Mick. Don't..."

He pulled her back against him. "Stop. Stop it, Beth. Look at me." With a gentle grip on her jaw, he brought her to face him. "I can promise you that. I do promise you that. We will find a way. Trust me."

She tucked herself as tightly as she could, as though to disappear into him, his hands pressed against her back, moving, stroking, offering reassurance where there was none and they held each other against what was to come.

Eventually she pulled away, lying back, propping herself on one elbow, her hand resting lightly across his chest, entranced by the light as it played across her new band of gold. "There's something I need to do this morning, a final goodbye I have to make, and then the rest of the day is all yours." Mick nodded his understanding. "And it'll be my turn to do whatever you want." She got her wish; Mick smiled.


She counted the months since her last visit. Her regrets were not for her absence, but for not thinking of him more. "I'm sorry it's been so long, Josh." She sighed gently. "You deserved better, in so many ways." She glanced down at the shining, new ring that signified the finality of this visit. "Mick and I got married." She couldn't contain a laugh, happiness overflowing at the unexpected joy of it. "Everything's wonderful and I've never been happier. And at the same time everything's turned to shit and I've never been more miserable. I guess that's why I love him. And why it was never going to work between you and me." She glanced over to Mick. Even here, at Josh's graveside, it was Mick who filled her thoughts. "So this is goodbye. I'm sorry I wasn't a better girlfriend and... for everything. Goodbye, Josh." She placed a small posy on the headstone.

Mick stood some distance away, shading under a forgiving tree, ensuring he was out of earshot, not wanting to know, waiting. Watching her stride towards him, all life and bounce and gleam, he wanted to run, to reach out to her, careless of the sun's damaging glare. But he waited. As she neared, she stretched out her hand to him, grasping his in hers, smiling her kiss onto his newly-ringed finger. "Okay, husband, I'm at your command. What did you have in mind?" Tipping her sunglasses to the end of her nose, she peered mischievously at him, her load lightened, her final duty completed, owing nothing to anyone but him.

He returned her kiss. "I just want to go home."


Beth settled herself on the couch while Mick made coffee and gathered a selection of leftovers from the previous night's feast. "So this is what you wanted to do today? Serve me?" She thrilled at the light laugh from the kitchen.

"I know my place in this marriage." Mick arrived, tray in hands, barefoot, jeans perilously perched as always, shirt-hem poking out, a picture of relaxation. "Anything else my lady desires?"

"Oh I can think of a few things."

Mick grinned. "Well hold that thought. I'll be back in a minute." And he disappeared into the office to sounds of rummaging, finally emerging carrying a metal box. He settled himself on the floor beside her, placing the box carefully in his lap. "I've got some things I want to show you." He rested his hand gently, tapping out the rhythm of his hesitation.

She stroked the back of his neck, waiting.

"I suppose this is my life." Removing the lid and placing it gently, almost reverently beside him, Mick revealed his box of secrets. Photographs, memories, fragments of his past, his life before her.

He was her guide and she was his rapt audience, smiling at the tender family portraits, laughing at the scruffy scamp, caught in an impromptu moment of mischief, delighting in the images of familial harmony that filled the void of Mick's long ago. Mick paused over a group shot of him, Ray and Lila. "I missed them, both of them, for so many years."

"She was beautiful, Mick."

He smiled, lost in reminiscence. "Yes. She was."

"The three of you look like you're ready to take on the world."

"That's how we felt. God, we were so young. We had no idea what was coming." The next shot was him and Ray, ready to set off to war, expectation and innocence still shining through. Photographs gave way to news clippings, war reports carefully cut out and annotated in a delicate script, his mother's hand. "She scoured the papers, read everything, tracked where she thought I might be. She said it made her feel close. I still think about her every day, you know. I wish you two could have met."

The post-war photographs were different, sad and sparse. The boy was gone, the man had taken his place.

The final photograph was with the band. She flipped it over. "March 2nd 1952."

"That was just before I met Coraline." He looked to her, gauging her reaction.

"You look like you were ready to meet someone like her." There was no anger, no doubt in her voice, just acceptance.

"I guess I was." Wistful understanding had displaced much of his anger over the years. So many strands of life and death intertwined; cut one and the rest fall away. "Without her I'd never have met you."

And then the photographs stopped, replaced with lurid newspaper stories, newlyweds disappeared, murder suspected, the grief-stricken family. Beth knew the story but seeing it reproduced here, the photographs of the bloodied hotel room, still had the power to shock.

"But such a price to pay, Mick." Her tears welled again at the thought of his hurt. "So much pain." He reached to brush away her tears, shed for him.

"It's all in the past. It's gone. Now it's just us."

Apart from the occasional stolen snapshot of his lost family, the remainder was familiar to her, her own story seen through his eyes. She giggled with shame at the gangly teenager, blushed at the college reports and glowed with pride at the copies of her early work he had so carefully saved. And then the box was empty, his past now shared and Beth could carry it with her, as he carried hers. Mick leant his head back against her hip, eyes closed, her hand stroking gently through his hair. A deep sigh, a hum of completion, contentment. "I wish I'd shown you this earlier."

"No regrets, Mick. This was perfect."

"For such a long time I've felt like I was... cursed," he groped for the right words, "that I could never be... never have..." He paused, turning to her. "This. That I would never have this." She shifted her leg, moving to encircle him, stroking his chest gently with her foot, drawing him towards her.

He sought the inside of her knee, his eyes steady on her. A tender kiss and he rested there, the gentle flutter of his eyelashes brushing against her. Clawing the skirt of her dress to her waist and over her head, cast aside, she pressed her thigh to him in wordless entreaty. Stroking circles across her, a blink of silver, a tremor as fang pierced flesh. She moved closer, tighter, wrapping her legs around, holding him as he drew from her. The pull overtook her, his hands splayed across her thighs, holding her steady as her body surrendered. He tasted her gift, her passion, her need.

She pulled him up, fumbling at his jeans, awkward and urgent. He hooked one arm under her knee, looming over her, hair in his eyes, twisting, driving into her.

"I want this. I need this. I need you."

"You have me, Mick. You have me." Desperation met desire in their frantic connection. Her muscles strained against him, he poured himself into her. "Forever, remember?"

"Forever." His soft reply.

They didn’t move from the couch, holding each other dangerously close, soft words, memories, desires passing between them as they ignored the relentless sliver of daylight tracking across the floor.


With the inevitable sunset, a restless tension settled in, growing. “I should pack my things,” she mumbled against him. He nodded. “It’s not much. I haven’t even thought about the rest of my stuff, clothes…”

“It’s okay. Josef's taken care of everything.” With a final caress, she stood and picked up her discarded clothes, suddenly awkward, clutching them to her as she headed upstairs.

She stood in front of the bedroom mirror, unsure of the woman she saw reflected. All she wanted to do was release the scream building inside her, but she choked it down, desperate to be silent, to preserve the veneer of strength she needed, for both of them. She had to pack, go downstairs, cherish the short moments they had and leave. Walk out the door and not look back.

She brushed her fingers over Mick's mark, the livid throb in her thigh, the deep bruise already forming.

Pulling out clean clothes she dressed and spread the bag on the bed, gathering her belongings and tossing them in carelessly. She plucked a discarded shirt from the laundry, pausing to inhale his scent, and tucked it inside. She left clothes in the closet, perfume in the bathroom, reminders everywhere, to show Mick she believed she would be back. "C'mon, Beth, You can do this. They only win if you let them win." She forced herself to repeat the words over and over.

Mick heard her words, repeating them silently to himself, praying she was right. Pulling out his phone to set it aside, waiting for Josef's call, he checked the time. He knew what to expect but the display still had the power to shock. Two hours and then she would be gone.

In just a few minutes she was back, tucking her bag into the office, out of sight. He moved to her, matching her smile. "Dance with me."

"He dances too?"

"Yeah, I'm old school, remember?" To the timeless strains of Otis, Ella, Lady Day, Sinatra, the soundtrack of his dancing years, he held her close as she gave her body up to him once more, allowing him to lead her in their dance of farewell. The gentlest pressure of his thigh against her and she moved with him, indivisible. Long after the playlist ended they danced on, lost in each other, shutting out the rest of the world.

The chirp of Mick's phone reverberated like a klaxon; Mick felt her heart rate jump, her temperature spike, the rush of emotion flood through them. Separating from her, he answered with a whisper, "Yes, Josef."

"Five minute warning, my friend. I'm downstairs."

Mick hung up.

"It's time." He couldn't look at her.

She forced out a tiny voice. "I'm so scared, Mick."

He lunged for her, clasping her tight, taking her breath. "I know." He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him, her face pressed into his neck, drawing in his smell, his feel. He inched towards the office, picking up her bag in one hand, clutching her to him with the other, setting her down in front of the door, his hand trembling as he pulled it open.

She was filled with a terrible fear that her body would betray her, that her legs wouldn't move, that Mick would be forced to carry her away. The image of him casting her out broke her heart and she knew she could do what had to be done.

A final kiss, his hand to the back of her neck, the other tightly coiled around her waist, her arms wrapped around his shoulders, all tenderness lost in fierce desperation, wanting it to last forever. Mick brought his hands to her face, stroking, harder, gripping, taking one final taste and pulling, pushing her from him. They separated with a gasp. She stared into him, ran her fingers softly across his face, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, summoning her strength. She grabbed her bag, turned and walked out into the hallway. Walk turned to run, footsteps along the corridor, unable to wait for the elevator, down the stairs and she was gone.

Closing the door behind her, Mick took a couple of involuntary steps backwards. Silence. He waited to be sure she was gone before releasing the barrier, letting his tears flow. He closed his eyes, conjuring the final feel of her, the memory he knew he had to protect.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she stumbled, throwing her hands out to break her fall, a sharp, welcome jag of pain as she landed on hard grit. Josef was there beside her in an instant, helping her. She drew herself up, fending him off, pushing her hair angrily back from her face, leaving a small smear of blood over her eye. She headed for the car with Josef trailing a pace behind, hands out as though expecting her to fall again. Throwing her bag into the trunk, she clambered in, slamming the door, easing herself into the welcome dark, resting her head against the cool window. Josef settled himself beside her as she said a silent prayer that he would keep his comfort to himself. The slender thread of her control was close to breaking.

Watching her profile, he saw the tremble in her jaw grow to a shudder, spreading through her. Her lips clamped together as she pressed ever harder against the glass, her hand gripping her thigh, dark, spreading circles where her tears fell. He reached out to her, placing his hand softly on her shoulder. "Beth."

That was all he said and she broke. He held her, murmuring gently, soothing sounds, no words, as they sped through the city.

She calmed in his arms. "I'm sorry, Josef."

He handed her a silk handkerchief. "So am I, Beth. So am I." He motioned to her brow and she wiped away the blood. "You're hurt. Your hand's bleeding."

She dabbed at the wound carelessly. "Did Mick tell you, we got married?" She managed a crooked smile.

"He did indeed. My congratulations may not count for much, but you have them."

"This is all so... insane. I just want to scream and swear and hit something, anything."

"A good plan." He couldn't resist a smile. "You need to keep that fight, Beth. Screaming, swearing and hitting is good. But now we have to be practical. There are things I need to tell you and not much time to do it. Okay? Beth, do you understand me?" She nodded.

He handed her a small leather case. "There's everything here that you need to know about your home, your job, money, contacts, everything. You don't need to read it now but you should read it on the plane so you know what to expect when you arrive. You will be met; everything is taken care of. Now I need you to give me your 'phone; there's a new one for you in the bag. All your contact details have been changed and Mick's too." Her head jerked up. Josef smiled sadly. "Who hasn't made a drunken 3 a.m. 'phone call they later regret? But in this case, it could cost you and Mick your lives. It's only sensible. And it's best you don't contact me either."

"Why? Surely they can't prevent that?"

"Who knows? Anything you tell me I wouldn't be able to tell Mick. That would definitely break their ridiculous rules. I may be a good liar, but that's too much, even for me."

"But how will I know? How will I know how he is?" In an instant the fighter was replaced by a helpless child.

"You'll just have to have faith in me. And in him." He watched her struggle not to break again.

"You have to take care of him, Josef. You have to. You're all he's got now."

"I will. That's one thing you don't need to worry about. You just focus on putting one foot in front of the other and leave the rest to me, okay?"

"I'm trusting you with him, with us, Josef. I know it's not fair, but I am. Promise me you'll keep him safe." She had him by the lapels now, emphasising the force of her words with a tight grip.

"I will, Beth. I promise. You can count on me." His steady gaze covered his doubts, convincing her of a truth he didn't believe.

They had arrived at the airport, surrounded by families meeting and separating, normality. "Now we need to get a move on if you're going to make your flight. Scheduled I'm afraid. All the better for confirmation that you've gone, but scheduled nonetheless."

Out of the limo, he ushered her towards check-in. "Josef. Where am I going?"

"Washington. Plenty of opportunities for a talented reporter to make a name for herself and plenty to keep you very busy." He chewed his lip. "It was the best I could think of."

She was surprised and touched to see a flicker of doubt cross his face. "I'm sure you've taken care of everything."

As they approached the check-in desk he faced her. "Well this is where I have to leave you. Now you have to promise me something." She nodded her assent. "You have to promise me that you'll be strong. If you crumble, if you fall apart, then all this will have been for nothing and that simply won't do." He lifted her chin with his knuckle. "Do you promise?"

"Yes, Josef. I promise." A weak smile was the best she could manage, as she gently touched her hand to his cheek. "I don't have the words to thank you, for..."

He cut her off. "Save your thanks for the next time we meet. Deal?"


She kissed him soundly. "Goodbye, Josef." She turned and headed to the desk and from there, through to departures, leaving Josef uncomfortably dealing with the realisation that he too would miss her, and that he had just made a promise he had no idea how to keep. Shaking himself back into action, he waited until she had disappeared from view and with a deep sigh he headed back to the limo. Settling himself, he pulled out his 'phone and dialled.

"Yes?" No names, no pleasantries, just the European accent he still hadn't been able to place.

"It's done." There was no response and the line went dead. Some nights, Josef felt every one of his four-hundred years.


Josef eased himself along the hallway to Mick's door. The emotion rolling through him was overpowering; the lingering scent of Beth, Mick's pain pouring through the walls, the very fabric of the building. There was no sound, no movement within, just Mick. Josef settled himself on the floor, resting against the door. He would not intrude on his friend's grief. Not tonight. Mick would know he was there and that was the best he could do.

Within, Mick hadn't moved. The night rolled on, he remained. He could sense Josef in the hallway and he was grateful. But it wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. Exhaustion won eventually and he sank to the floor, curling up, resting his cheek against the chill, with no thoughts of tomorrow, trying to push away the silence that assaulted him.

As the plane reached cruising altitude, Beth blessed Josef for the first-class seat and summoned the stewardess. "A very large gin martini." Only when it had been despatched, followed swiftly by another, did she search her bag for her iPod, hoping for distraction. Fumbling, she felt something unfamiliar. Hauling the bag onto her knees, she trawled within, pulling out a large oddly-shaped envelope with "Beth" written in Mick's hand. With shaking hands she eased it open and tipped the contents into her lap. She should have waited, but she couldn't. Three items fell out. A photo of her and Mick, taken the previous day by a kind passer-by as they hugged each other in the warm afternoon sunshine. Mick's watch. The battered leather strap smelled of him. New holes had been cut in to fit her slender wrist. She discarded her own and fastened it just as the date counter clicked over. April 7th. 12:01. Finally, a letter. She steeled herself to read it, wiping her eyes, gulping deep breaths.


I have shown you everything that matters - who I am, how I feel and what you mean to me.

Every day we're apart I will wake knowing that you are my wife, my lover, my soul.

Be strong.

I love you.


Through free-falling tears she whispered, "I love you too, Mick."

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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

I'm crying now. Can't believe this is really happening to them all! :cry:

Off to the next part.

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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by coco »

You got me again. Sobbing my little heart out here :cry:

Poor Mick :(
Within, Mick hadn't moved. The night rolled on, he remained. He could sense Josef in the hallway and he was grateful. But it wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. Exhaustion won eventually and he sank to the floor, curling up, resting his cheek against the chill, with no thoughts of tomorrow, trying to push away the silence that assaulted him.
Poor Beth :(
She forced out a tiny voice. "I'm so scared, Mick."

He lunged for her, clasping her tight, taking her breath. "I know." He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him, her face pressed into his neck, drawing in his smell, his feel. He inched towards the office, picking up her bag in one hand, clutching her to him with the other, setting her down in front of the door, his hand trembling as he pulled it open.
I'm relying on Josef to see them through.
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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

*hands out tissues*

If it's any consolation, I made myself cry a bit with this one :(


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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Moonlightsonata »

I hadn't read this story previously so it is all new to me. I wanted to stop after reading the first 5 chapters to tell you how much I am enjoying this story. The Mick/Beth romance was a major factor in what made Moonlight so special to me. It is the only show where, at the ripe age of 60, I became involved with a fandom. Your words are capturing what made the Mick/Beth story so very special and I wish I had the words to tell you how much this story is meaning to me.

Now that I have found some new (for me at least) fanfic to read, I will try to be more patient with writers of other stories I was reading. Thank you.
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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Thank you so much, Moonlightsonata - it's so lovely to have a new reader! I hope you continue to enjoy the story (and I have lots of stuff in my back-catalogue... just sayin' :whistle: ).



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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

...gulp.... sniffle....

I think Beth was chosen to go rather than MIck because she's the stronger of the two. She'll be ok in Washington.
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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

You're right, Luxe. But also, it just never occurred to Mick and Josef that it would be any other way. Beth is definitely much better equipped to cope with separation than Mick. He's gonna find it hard. Very hard indeed.


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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by greenleaf9 »

:hankie: :hankie: :hankie:

It is times like these, with stories like this one, that I curse the horrible inadequecy of language.

There are no words from me red, just emotion.

*gl9 sobs*
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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Oh you did just fine, sweetie. Just fine. Thank you. :rose:


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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by helloeeze »

This is a great story and this chapter has really brought to life Mick and Beth's spirtual connection with each other. They are one and now torn asunder. Beautiful writing. So so sad that Mick has finally totally revealed himself and accepted such an intense love and now they are separated! Very romantic and soul stirring story. This story is definitely filling that Moonlight hole in my heart. Thanks for writing.
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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

helloeeze!!! Long time no see. Thanks for stopping by to check out this story - I couldn't see a way that the course of love would run smooth for Mick and Beth, hence snatching tragedy from the jaws of happiness. But then true love's worth fighting for, right?


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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by fairytoes »

Red, this is just one amazing story, I really don't know how I missed it so far!
Free-falling tears, yes, yes that's me......... :hankie:
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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Thank you so much, fairytoes. I'm so glad you like it - even if it is making you cry... :hankie:


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Re: Afterglow, part five (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

:hankie: :hankie: :hankie:

One thing that struck me was, that at least they were given time to say goodbye properly...even if that made things that much harder.

I look forward to continuing in this story. As always, dear Red...the quality of the prose is outstanding.

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