1965 Something Nice for Anne PG Forgiveness series

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1965 Something Nice for Anne PG Forgiveness series

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

"Mother, I’m so glad you flew out here for my birthday.

"Well my baby only turns 30 once even though you don’t look a day over 21.

"You don’t look a day over 30 yourself. Sarah said.

Uh oh. Anne laughed. " You must have done something very naughty to butter me up like that.

"Not at all. I’ve been a perfect angel.

"Sarah you were never an angel.

"Mother that’s awful!

But true. Anne smiled.

"You’ll have to come out in a few months for our 10th Anniversary.

"Time flies. Sarah can I ask you a personal question?

"Of course.

"Did you and Charles ever get married? Legally I mean.

"Yes. We had a wedding at City Hall before he turned me.

"So you were never married by a minister?

"No. Charles told me I could have had a big church wedding and then have an accident on the honeymoon. But I couldn’t wait all those months to plan a wedding.

"I would have loved to see you get married. Anne said sadly.

"I’m sorry Mother. I shouldn’t have denied you that.

"Sarah I’m not scolding. I just think it would have nice.

"It would have been except you and Daddy would have killed the photographer.


"No pictures of Charles would have come out.

Why not?

"Vampires don’t show up on film.

"Well I would have had my memories. Anne said wistfully

Charles comes into the library

"Anne I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived. I got caught up with work.

"That’s all right Charles I understand.

"Anne I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I heard you talking about a wedding.

"It’s not important Charles. Anne said.

He glanced at Sarah who nodded.

"If it’s important to you Anne, it’s important. Sarah and I got married on April 25th that’s a few months from now. Do you think you and Sarah could plan a proper wedding in that amount of time?"

"Charles, I don’t know any caterers or florists in California. I don’t even know the nearest Methodist Church.

"I think we could find that out for you. You’ll just have to spend more time over the next few months.

"Where will I tell my friends I’m going? Anne asked

"Have you ever toured Europe?

"Of course.

"It hasn’t changed, tell your friends you're taking that niece from Philadelphia. Plan on staying with us from Mid-March till the wedding.

Anne was glowing. "I don’t know Charles. She said. All this trouble for me.

"It’s not just for you. I wanted a wedding. I was denied.

"Charles you were denied nothing. Sarah said.

"Sarah Anne Whitley! Anne scolded. We don’t discuss those things in public. I raised you better

Sarah blushed. "Yes. Ma’am.

"Watch yourself Missy. Charles said.

Anne looked at Sarah. "Do you want a wedding? It is the bride’s special day.

"I want to see you be the mother of the bride.

"It won’t be the wedding you would have planned Anne. Charles said "You won’t have your friends or family.

"That’s all right. I’ll be there. Sarah who’s going to be your maid of honor?

That depends on Charles. "If you ask Mick I have to ask Coraline.

"Sarah you don’t have to do anything. Charles said. Who do you want?

"I want Hope but…..

"Then it’s Hope and I’ll ask Tom.

"But Mick will be so hurt. Sarah said.

"He’ll be an usher and Coraline will be a bridesmaid.

Wonderful! Sarah exclaimed.

"Who’s going to give the bride away? Anne asked.

"You could do that. Charles said.

Anne shook her head. "That’s too modern for me Charles.

"Sarah do you remember my friend the jeweler?

"John? Joseph?

"Actually he’s using the name Charles Riley now. He’s the right age.

"That’s true. Sarah said. He was 50 when he was turned Mother.

"Then he’s an appropriate escort.

"He’ll be honored Anne. Charles insisted.

Sarah we have a lot of work to do. Anne said. "Charles are you sure you want a Methodist wedding?

"It’s fine Anne. I knew John Wesley so it’s not a…

"You knew John Wesley founder of the Methodist Church? Anne asked incredulously

"I’ll tell you all about him after the wedding.

"I‘ll hold you to that. Come on young lady we don’t have a minute to waste.

"I’ll be right there Mother I just need to ask Charles something.

"Charles are you sure your friend is a proper escort? Sarah asked. I remember he was quite the ladies man.

"Your mother’s a very attractive woman maybe she’ll become his donor.


"I’m not serious. Everyone will be on their best behavior
Last edited by cassysj on Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 1965 Something Nice for Anne PG Forgiveness series

Post by mitzie »

Lovely!!!! :flowers: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :woohoo: :thud: :hearts:

mitzie :mooncat:
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Re: 1965 Something Nice for Anne PG Forgiveness series

Post by cassysj »

Anne's excited. She's been waiting a long time for a wedding
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