Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

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Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by Phoenix »


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The plot is the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Characters: Coraline; Lance; plus, Mick and Beth.

Rating: PG-13 for adult themes.

A/N: This story is a mix of canon and AU. In order to create a timeline, I borrowed from my Josef & Emma series. Accordingly, this takes place after the events of The Mortal Cure.

This story is also the third part of the Family Values trilogy, which begins with Family Reunion pt 1, (written as a collaborative effort with Grace for Champagne Challenge #106). Family Reunion pt 2 is currently a work in progress.

Warning: Dark / disturbing themes.

Dedication: For Grace, who started me down this path when she asked me to write about Lance paying Mick an unexpected visit.

Back to Facing Demons.

Six Months. (Champagne Challenge #107.)


I jerked awake at the sound of my name being spoken, and slammed back against the wall of the dungeon. I braced myself against the anticipated impact of fist or blade, but none came.

One of my eyes was still swollen shut, so I knew that little time had passed while I slept.


I almost laughed at myself for musing on such things.

Time had become a capricious concept to me. The only way I could measure its passage with any certainty was by taking stock of how much I had healed from the most recent onslaught of punishment.

I tentatively opened my good eye, but all I could make out was his immense form looming in the shadows. The stench of dampness, blood, and tears overwhelmed all else, denying me my vampiric ability to identify my visitor by scent. Even so, the fact that he had used neither a scalpel nor a red hot branding iron to wake me, narrowed down the possibilities vastly.

“Coraline?” He repeated, his voice was barely more than a whisper.

“What time-” I rasped, then tried again. “What time is it, Lance?”

“Around midnight. I brought you fresh blood. Can you swallow?”

I shook my head. He moved towards me and stopped in a beam of moonlight. I noted absently that the moon must be full.

So another month had passed.

How many was it now?

I focused on my brother. Only half his face was illuminated; his black eye gleamed. Knowing only too well the cruelty our sire was capable of, he had still brought me here. And yet his tenderness was the only reason that I was still alive – to use the term loosely.



It seems that my destiny is endlessly entwined with complicated men.

Abruptly, the flash of moonlight on metal commanded my full attention, but I quickly realised that it was a small tray, rather than a weapon, in Lance’s hand.

The tray made a dull ringing sound as he placed it on the stone floor next to me, but a moment later, the reverberation was gone. The room had been designed to suppress noise. Torture chambers were not supposed to echo, after all. Lance knelt down next to me. He reached out and began to loosen the strands of my hair that were stuck to my face; matted and tangled with my blood.

Fresh water. I could smell clean water in addition to the blood.

Lance dipped a small cloth into the warm water and carefully wiped the blood and dirt from my face.

I appreciated his attempts at gentleness, even though I had forgotten how it felt to be without physical pain.

Oddly though, as days had turned into weeks, I had learned to focus on the physical injuries as a way to dull the other pain.

The pain of abandonment.

I touched Lance’s arm for a moment, and asked, “How long?”

“Six months ... you’ve been here for six months.”

“Mick? Is he...?”

“Yes.” Lance turned until his face was hidden entirely by shadow. With my damaged eye, I couldn’t read his expression, but his voice was stilted. “Mick is a vampire – again – and by all reports he has embraced it this time.”

I wanted to scream at my brother; demand to know what he was withholding from me. But my throat was too damaged for histrionics.

“Tell me ... please,” was all I could manage.

“Your husband has become quite involved with his blonde paramour.”


“He loves her. Please don’t hurt them.” I closed my fingers around my brother’s wrist and held on as tightly as I could. “Please. I don’t want to die knowing you’re going to kill them.”

“Coraline, you are not going to die,” Lance said quietly. We both knew he was lying. Then he turned and faced me with his usual haughty expression. “Your beloved Mick was stupid enough to take me on – twice, in fact – so if I intended to kill him, he would be dead already.”

My good eye closed of its own accord, as my mind’s eye replayed the night in a detached, professional way – as though I’d photographed the scene. The filthy alleyway. Mick, bloodied and broken, lying on the ground. Helpless. Looking on as Lance drove the stake into my chest.

Mick had risked his newfound and precious mortal life, all to protect me.

“Mick is brave – not stupid!” I said as forcefully as I could manage.

“Perhaps.” Lance rinsed the cloth and silently turned his attention to cleaning my arms and hands. “Your fingernails have regrown ... that's good,” he murmured, almost as though he was alone and thinking aloud. When he was finished, he dropped the cloth with a wet plop onto the tray. “Still, Mick wasn’t brave enough to attempt to rescue his wife, was he?”

I looked up into my brother’s face – but my throat refused to cooperate.

How could Mick have even thought of rescuing me when he was mortal? It would have been suicide to face my sire and Mick must have known that. It’s alright. The only thing that matters is that Mick is safe.

“Glad–” was all I managed to choke out before my voice cracked.

Lance moved swiftly, and cradled me against his chest.

“I know you’re glad Mick hasn’t come here. You keep telling me that.” He lifted a glass to my lips and whispered, “Now ... try to drink.”

I gagged and spat the blood all over his pristine shirt. To my surprise, Lance didn’t say a word. He did, however, lean me back in his arms and dribble blood into my mouth, a few drops at a time. It took forever, but he persisted until the glass was empty.

I felt my body begin the process of healing, but given the amount of damage, it didn’t seem to know where to begin. Although I was acutely aware that my eye remained swollen shut, at least the pain in my abdomen had eased a little, and I felt my thigh bone begin to mend.

Perhaps I would see another sunrise, after all.

“Thank you.” I caught Lance’s gaze and held it. “And Lance ... I’m glad that Mick didn’t risk his life – again – to save me. I love him...”

“I know.” He brushed my hair back off my face. “Try to sleep now. Heal. We both know that he will return soon enough.”

Lance eased me back against the wall, and without another word, picked up the tray and left.

Finally I had the news I needed – that Mick was safe. Not only was Mick safe, but he had realized that being a vampire was a blessing, not a curse. His relationship with Beth was inconsequential; he would come back to me sooner or later.

However, I have to survive the penalty my sire sees fit to exact, first. Still, it’s been six months. He has made an example of me. Eventually he’ll grow bored and let me go.

But in the here and now, my body craved sleep, so I curled up and gave in to the darkness.

Abruptly, I regained consciousness to the smell of burning skin and the sound of a woman screaming in pain – and I realized that the woman was me.

My sire had returned.

Mick! I have to focus on Mick. I have to survive to see Mick again. Nothing else matters...

Despite that belief, my mind went blank as another scream tore from my throat.

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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by darkstarrising »

It seems that my destiny is endlessly entwined with complicated men.
How true for Coraline. Indeed this is a dark picture you paint, but a realistic one. As Lance said, there would be have shown us what those are.

You hint that Lance has something in store for Mick.....anxious to see where you go with this. A quick, simple death wouldn't warrant Lance's time.

Even in her agony, Coraline defends Mick. Why he didn't / couldn't protect her in the alley any more than he did and why he should be allowed to live. Why? Because she still loves him. The belief that he would someday return to her is all she has to keep her going.

Perhaps she is right.

edited to remove an incomplete sentence
Last edited by darkstarrising on Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by Phoenix »

Thanks, DSR. :hug: I realize that was not a happy read, but it was a part of the Moonlight story that is seldom acknowledged. However, it needed to be. Coraline must have known what she was facing when she gave herself up to Lance. Her story - and the aftermath - deserves to be told.

Six Months is actually the third part of a trilogy, although the events take place before the events of the first two stories.

Family Reunion pt 1 explains what happens after Coraline is released, when Lance pays Mick a visit.

Family Reunion pt 2 (when Mick faces Coraline) is currently a work in progress. :quill:
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by cassysj »

It is tragic that Mick would let this much time pass. Coraline doesn't know Mick returned to vampire in a week and if Lance knows he kindly doesn't inform her. I always found Lance a fascinating character and am glad to see this "softer" side of him.

Wonderful story.
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by allegrita »

Phoenix, this is a desperate, dark, and agonizing story--and Lance's contempt for Mick drips through it like gall. I can see and feel how angry he is at Mick for deserting Coraline, although even he doesn't dare to do more than barely keep his sister alive and functioning while she undergoes the punishment decreed by their sire. Most of all, Lance's love for Coraline shines through. He's definitely a complicated man, and his motivations are never pure, nor easy to figure out. He's obviously riskng their sire's displeasure by doing what he does. And yet it seems obvious to me that the sire doesn't really want to kill Coraline, or he wouldn't allow Lance to do it. So he's playing Lance, too. Or is Lance in cahoots with the sire on one level--is he doing this by permission, to try to get Coraline to break, and divulge some information that the sire wants?

That's why this is so fascinating to me. On the surface, Lance's motivations seem to be one thing, but they could be so much else, too.

And Coraline--she is so strong, she's survived so much in her life, including healing from being burned by Mick. But she's nearly broken now. How long can she possibly keep her sanity in the face of endless torture and near-starvation? Only her love for Mick keeps her going. Her thoughts are only for him, and she is so forgiving of him. She begs Lance not to hurt him (or Beth!), and I can tell how hard it is for Lance not to tell her that he was re-turned so quickly. He's right not to tell her, because I'm afraid it would make her lose hope utterly to know that Mick had regained his powers so long ago, yet did nothing to rescue her. Lance knows that she's using Mick as an anchor to keep herself sane, and he won't take that away from her.

Coraline takes the long view. I guess it's the only way you could go through the hideous torture she's enduring and not go insane. My heart breaks for her. She has certainly suffered for her love of Mick. More than he has!

I am looking forward very much to the third part of this trilogy. Thank you for giving Coraline a voice during this terrible time. She deserves that.
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by Phoenix »

cassysj wrote:It is tragic that Mick would let this much time pass. Coraline doesn't know Mick returned to vampire in a week and if Lance knows he kindly doesn't inform her. I always found Lance a fascinating character and am glad to see this "softer" side of him.

Wonderful story.
Thank you, Cassy. :hug: Lance does know that Mick was "re-turned", and Coraline does find out eventually (in my AU), but it's not until she's back in L.A. Lance and Coraline have a pretty odd relationship, but he does love his sister.
allegrita wrote:Phoenix, this is a desperate, dark, and agonizing story--and Lance's contempt for Mick drips through it like gall. I can see and feel how angry he is at Mick for deserting Coraline, although even he doesn't dare to do more than barely keep his sister alive and functioning while she undergoes the punishment decreed by their sire. Most of all, Lance's love for Coraline shines through. He's definitely a complicated man, and his motivations are never pure, nor easy to figure out. He's obviously riskng their sire's displeasure by doing what he does. And yet it seems obvious to me that the sire doesn't really want to kill Coraline, or he wouldn't allow Lance to do it. So he's playing Lance, too. Or is Lance in cahoots with the sire on one level--is he doing this by permission, to try to get Coraline to break, and divulge some information that the sire wants?

That's why this is so fascinating to me. On the surface, Lance's motivations seem to be one thing, but they could be so much else, too.

And Coraline--she is so strong, she's survived so much in her life, including healing from being burned by Mick. But she's nearly broken now. How long can she possibly keep her sanity in the face of endless torture and near-starvation? Only her love for Mick keeps her going. Her thoughts are only for him, and she is so forgiving of him. She begs Lance not to hurt him (or Beth!), and I can tell how hard it is for Lance not to tell her that he was re-turned so quickly. He's right not to tell her, because I'm afraid it would make her lose hope utterly to know that Mick had regained his powers so long ago, yet did nothing to rescue her. Lance knows that she's using Mick as an anchor to keep herself sane, and he won't take that away from her.

Coraline takes the long view. I guess it's the only way you could go through the hideous torture she's enduring and not go insane. My heart breaks for her. She has certainly suffered for her love of Mick. More than he has!

I am looking forward very much to the third part of this trilogy. Thank you for giving Coraline a voice during this terrible time. She deserves that.
Thank you, Allegrita. :hug: If it's any consolation, Lance and Coraline's sire is almost through making an example of her. Their sire wants her alive to serve as a cautionary tale, so to speak. As for Lance, he is, in many ways, an evil man - yet he doesn't see himself that way at all. He knew that Coraline would suffer terribly at the hands of their sire, however, he didn't think that the punishment would go on for so long. (Lance also expected Mick to try to rescue Coraline...) Their sire did know that Lance was comforting Coraline, but whether or not Lance had ulterior motives is another matter.

Coraline, too, is complicated. Brave, ruthless, selfish, loving, cruel, and forgiving [of Mick]. Fortunately Lance's love for his sister prevented him from revealing the truth about Mick's re-turning. Coraline is a pragmatic and self-assured woman. She doesn't perceive Beth as being a serious rival, so she bares her no ill-will. Also, Coraline knows that Mick loves Beth, so she doesn't want Beth to become "collateral damage". As always, though, for Coraline it's mainly about Mick.

In the third part you mentioned, (Family Reunion pt 2), Coraline is safely living in L.A., and to all outward appearances, she has healed. Mick and Beth are a couple, and Mick and Coraline are developing a friendship the likes of which they never enjoyed through their 33 yr marriage. Coraline has long-term plans - as always. And the time has come for Mick to face up to his choices...
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

OMG, Phee, this is so visceral! I am not a Coraline fan, but I do think she did everything she did out of love for Mick, albeit, IMHO, a love that was egocentric. But I don't think she is a bad woman or vampire, and to hear of this kind of torture, and her relief that Mick would not risk his life for her (even if it meant he was in the arms of another woman) is heartwrenching. You're not going to stop here with this story, are you? Will Mick come for her?
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by librarian_7 »

This does indeed paint a dark picture of what awaited Coraline after the Mortal Cure...but she's a survivor, and that comes through. She will endure, and she will gain something from the experience. Not sure what, but something.

Excellent writing, Phee.

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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by Phoenix »

wollstonecraft61 wrote:OMG, Phee, this is so visceral! I am not a Coraline fan, but I do think she did everything she did out of love for Mick, albeit, IMHO, a love that was egocentric. But I don't think she is a bad woman or vampire, and to hear of this kind of torture, and her relief that Mick would not risk his life for her (even if it meant he was in the arms of another woman) is heartwrenching. You're not going to stop here with this story, are you? Will Mick come for her?
Thanks, Woll. :hug: Coraline is a woman (vampire) of light as well as shadow. She is most certainly not above playing mind games with Mick, but I always believed that she loves him.

No, the story doesn't finish here, although it is being written all out of order. In linear time, this is the next "scene". Family Reunion pt 1 Part 2 is currently being written. And to answer your second question, no, Mick does nothing to save Coraline.
librarian_7 wrote:This does indeed paint a dark picture of what awaited Coraline after the Mortal Cure...but she's a survivor, and that comes through. She will endure, and she will gain something from the experience. Not sure what, but something.

Excellent writing, Phee.

Thanks, Lucky. :hug:

Yes, it is very dark ... but accurate, I believe. Coraline is a strong woman. Any vampire who survives longer than a normal human lifespan would have to be as resilient mentally as they are physically. This story is a back-story of sorts to my AU series, so Coraline does get out alive, makes her way back to L.A. and finds a new friend in the most unexpected place. She is about to have the dubious pleasure of hearing Mick explain why he did what he did - or rather why didn't do what he didn't do. :confused2: (Which is going to be interesting...)
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by mitzie »

A very dark and desperate six months for Coraline! I feel so bad for her!! :bmoon: I was really surprised that Mick didn't try to rescue her in the show!! :gasp: It would have been the Mick thing to do!! :yes: A part of him still loved her. Beautifully written!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :nosee: :eyes: :eyes: :slappy: :giveup: :sink: :island: :scarycat: :help: :bmoon: :sigh: :sigh: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :rainbow: :heart: :flowers:

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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by coco »

Oh this is excellent, Phee. :clapping:

A dark situation for Coraline to be in indeed but from that moment she went with Lance on the show, we knew it wouldn't be sunshine and roses for her. Why Mick didn't go after her is something I've always thought about as it would have been the Mick thing to do. I really like the constant belief that Coraline has here that Mick will eventually come back to her - that is very much a Coraline thing - her belief in her and Mick was always strong.

Just wonderful. :heart:
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by Phoenix »

mitzie wrote:A very dark and desperate six months for Coraline! I feel so bad for her!! :bmoon: I was really surprised that Mick didn't try to rescue her in the show!! :gasp: It would have been the Mick thing to do!! :yes: A part of him still loved her. Beautifully written!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :nosee: :eyes: :eyes: :slappy: :giveup: :sink: :island: :scarycat: :help: :bmoon: :sigh: :sigh: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :rainbow: :heart: :flowers:

mitzie :mooncat:
Thanks, Mitzie. :hug: Mick should have gone after her. It never made sense that he didn't. :noway:
coco wrote:Oh this is excellent, Phee. :clapping:

A dark situation for Coraline to be in indeed but from that moment she went with Lance on the show, we knew it wouldn't be sunshine and roses for her. Why Mick didn't go after her is something I've always thought about as it would have been the Mick thing to do. I really like the constant belief that Coraline has here that Mick will eventually come back to her - that is very much a Coraline thing - her belief in her and Mick was always strong.

Just wonderful. :heart:
Thanks, Coco. :hug: In this situation, I think Coraline's stubborn belief that she and Mick will be reunited, (at some point in the future), is the only thing that allowed her to keep life and soul together for six or seven months.

And as I've said, ad nauseam, the Mick I knew and loved would have gone after Coraline. I never forgave TPTB for deserting Coraline the way they did. Mick did not desert people. He has too much of a knight-in-shining-armor thing going on to be that way. :whistle:
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by wpgrace »

You posted! And THANK YOU for the dedication. :heart: I played no part in this one, whatsoever, just so everyone knows. This is alllll Phee.

And d@mn! This WAS dark... and scary... and while I have on occasion envied Cora for her time with Mick... not so much this time. :chair: Man! How wonderfully you imply the horror without actually showing it. Thank Bob.

But it had to be this bad, didn't it, for she and Lance to have made like it was such a big deal in TMC? And she loved him so much to have made it. And I think that is partly why I identify with Cora... her great love of Mick. A selfish love? I dunno.... maybe. She's a vampire; what is the standard? But a great love nonetheless. And do not we all get that? Else why are WE still HERE?

This is a very moving piece and so very welcome, to fill in blanks left by the show. And I loved both Cora and Lance... so to see them this tender with one another... he's a jerk, but again, he's a vampire jerk; what IS the standard? And he saved her... and gave her a reason to live, without revealing how LONG the Mickster had been a vamp again, or why. So he's sorta the hero-jerk of the story. And I love that. Makes it all blurry, the good guys and the bad guys. Which is which here? Seems right for vampires. Perfect, Phee... just perfect. And Lucky is right... written beautifully. :happysigh:

And I SO look forward to part 2... oh I truly truly do! :devil:
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by Phoenix »

wpgrace wrote:You posted! And THANK YOU for the dedication. :heart: I played no part in this one, whatsoever, just so everyone knows. This is alllll Phee.

And d@mn! This WAS dark... and scary... and while I have on occasion envied Cora for her time with Mick... not so much this time. :chair: Man! How wonderfully you imply the horror without actually showing it. Thank Bob.

But it had to be this bad, didn't it, for she and Lance to have made like it was such a big deal in TMC? And she loved him so much to have made it. And I think that is partly why I identify with Cora... her great love of Mick. A selfish love? I dunno.... maybe. She's a vampire; what is the standard? But a great love nonetheless. And do not we all get that? Else why are WE still HERE?

This is a very moving piece and so very welcome, to fill in blanks left by the show. And I loved both Cora and Lance... so to see them this tender with one another... he's a jerk, but again, he's a vampire jerk; what IS the standard? And he saved her... and gave her a reason to live, without revealing how LONG the Mickster had been a vamp again, or why. So he's sorta the hero-jerk of the story. And I love that. Makes it all blurry, the good guys and the bad guys. Which is which here? Seems right for vampires. Perfect, Phee... just perfect. And Lucky is right... written beautifully. :happysigh:

And I SO look forward to part 2... oh I truly truly do! :devil:
Thank you, Grace. :hug: You know, when we first joined forces on Champagne Challenge #106, and you asked me to write a meeting between Mick and Lance, my initial reaction was :confused2: then :chair: then :quill: But the one thing I never imagined was it turning into a trilogy of vignettes. The more I write about Lance, the more intrigued I become with him. He is ruthless; cruel; polite; selfish; dangerous; yet compassionate according to his own rules. (He could have killed Mick, but he didn't, thank goodness.) :phew:

I did my best to distill the essence of Coraline's experience at the hands of her sire into one scene. I'm pleased that you seem to think I hit the right balance. Because Coraline returned to L.A., (in a series of mine), the idea of what she suffered has haunted many hours. (Although I had previously said that I'd never write about it.) I've seen it all - in my mind's eye - and it's not always clear how much to put in, and how much to leave to the imagination.

Fortunately, Lance's love for his sister was stronger than his disappointment / dislike of Mick, so he was very careful how much he revealed to her. Lance did get his revenge - in a way - when he visited Mick in L.A. (Family Reunion pt 1.)

Grace, Family Reunion pt 2 is in the works now. :quill: (After Lance's surprise, Mick is trying to defend the indefensible to Coraline, and it's not going all that well...) :noway:
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Re: Six Months (challenge #107) PG-13 see warning

Post by bluedahlia3 »

Oh Phee, this is lovely. It seems strange to say lovely with such a dark fic but you have written the pain so well. The pain of losing her Mick, the physical pain, even the betrayal at the hands of Lance. And then there is the desperation. And the hope that he was able to have some time as a human. This is gut-wrenching. Thanks for the emotional ride. Just beautiful. Dark, but beautiful. :bat:
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