Elite PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Elite PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Josef and Brian make long-term plans that have heart breaking consequences.

Isabelle noticed that Josef and Brian were spending a lot of time together. Always the mentor and student match, any other time she would not have noticed, but as it increased she wondered if something afoul was going on. She expressed her suspicions to Beth.
"Usually Josef is quite open with any of his plans, but lately it is as if he and Brian are working on something they do not want known" Isabelle said. Beth was no longer surprised by anything that happened in her community. With Coraline appearing and disappearing, visits from Satan and vampire hunters she simply rolled with the punches.
"Well, if you really think that something strange is going on, I would say speak to Nicole. She may be able to find out what's going on, but I wouldn't worry. I'm sure whatever they are in secrecy about involves money. Mountains of money." She chuckled. Isabelle thought for a moment. That could be the case. Perhaps her worry was for no reason..

Balthazar had feared this day over 1,000 years. He prayed daily that it would never come to this, but steps needed to be taken and stricter rules needed to be implemented. For the first time in many many years, he thought about giving up. It was time for new blood so to speak. Julian perhaps. He was always faithful and loyal. Yes, Julian would do quite nicely.

When Josef was told of Copenhagen's vampire numbers which were zero, the plan formed itself with ease. Things had been going on as they were for some time and now action must be taken. Brian of course agreed. He had seen things get out of control and it displeased him. Vampires turned mortals at an unbelievable rate and took neither care nor time of those they damned. And those vampires in turn would act uncontrollably and murder mortals in large numbers. Things were beginning to become noticed. Mortals were not as gullible as they were in Josef's time, that coupled with all the technological advances made all vampires aware of everything. So the decision was made. In great secrecy. A large percentage of vampires in California would be destroyed. They would try to keep families and coven together if they could, but overall there would be destruction on a massive scale and the ones that remained would relocate to Copenhagen to re-group.

Brian discovered that he was quite pleased with the decision. Although he had been a vampire for a short period of time compared to some, there was none more loyal than he to the vampire community. Order must come into play or mortals would be living on borrowed time.
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Re: Elite PG

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Brian was given the okay to speak with Mick and Beth and give them the news. Beth tensed up. Isabelle's fear had been right all along. Something huge was happening.
"Mom, Dad....the time has come for vampire execution. It is feared that with more and more younger vampires who are not taught properly have been running amuck for long enough. Things are becoming harder and harder to hide. Action has been granted." he started out saying. Mick closed his eyes for brief moment. He too felt that it was just a matter of time before this decision was made.
"How many Brian?" He asked quietly.
"We have current numbers totalling 650" Brian replied. Mick had no idea the vampire numbers had grown that high. Beth said nothing. She just held Mick's hand tightly as she heard the news.
"Effort is being made to keep families and covens together. So while Haley, Nicole, Zoe are still young in their years, they will not suffer destruction. Neither will vampire children like Abigail and Gabriel. Those circumstances are rare and quite valued." Brian went on. Beth stared at him in disbelief. He was speaking about family members as if they were strangers on the street.
"Brian! These are your friends and family you're talking about. You talk about them as it they mean nothing to you!" She screamed. Brian knew that this news would be most troubling for Beth. She was a good and honest woman. To her this seemed to be senseless killings without reason.
"Mom. I understand, but there are large issues at hand. Very soon some student or scientist will start to evaluate crime. And not just crime, but the way mortals have died. That will lead to more studies. Then people will begin to talk. And why they start to talk, they will start to remember things they have seen. I have no choice here. Surely you see this"
Beth was quiet. She did see the reason behind this decision but to her it was still cruel.
"And there is one more thing. Relocation. It has come to the attention of Counsel that the country of Copenhagen has absolutely no vampire population. With it's last dying by Isabelle's hand. Some vampires will be expected to relocate there to reduce the number in California." Brian said finally and stood up.

The next person Brian had to speak with was Isabelle. She patiently waited for him in his office at Kostan Industries. She stood when he walked in and bowed her head slightly.
"Isabelle. It is time." He said. Isabelle knew what that meant. So this had been the conversation of Josef and Brian. Extermination.
"How many my Lord"
"350." He replied.
"The appointed time will come quickly. Within a couple of days, so be prepared."
"Yes, my Lord" Isabelle said walked out. It gave Isabelle no pleasure that so many would be destroyed, but vampires have become careless. The Cleaners were called upon less and less. Training which is so vital in the first year is very often ignored and newbies are left to fend for themselves. With horrifying results.

When Gabriel and Zoe were called the first thing they did was call their daughters and tell them to stay away from California for a long while. It wasn't safe. Haley and Collin lived outside of Seattle where she ran her own vet clinic and Lisa had dropped out of college to join the army and was stationed in Fort Meade, South Dakota.

Nicole took the news well. It was sad as she knew quite a few newbies, but she agreed that things were really out of control. Abigail had no opinion of such things. She was entering MIT soon to study Quantum Physics having been accepted at the age of 16. Existence would go one and the only change as she could see it is that some very foolish vampires would no longer exist.

Mary Ann was a psychic. Well not really, but she knew how to read the cards and she seemed to do quite well because people still came to her tiny store front to pluck down $40 a reading. It was just on a whim that she read her own cards. What harm could it do? Most tarot card readers frowned on the act of reading one's own cards, but what the hell! She was a vampire. It's not like they read of her dying! But as she finished laying out the cards that's exactly what was shown.

Mary Ann quickly jumped up and shut her front door, locked it and drew the blinds. She sat back down in her chair and nervously overturned another card. Justice. The Justice card signified reaping what one has sowed. She heard a sound behind her and quickly turned around. In front of her stood a young vampire. A very young, very handsome young vampire. The power that radiated from him was terrifying.
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Re: Elite PG

Post by Ella713 »

Akbar Cruz had only been a vampire for 2 years and it was the greatest thing that had ever happened in his life. His family had immigrated here from Costa Rica. At first he hated the United States. For all the freedom they possessed, they did very little with it to help people. They were selfish and so very greedy. And the waste! He never had gotten use to the utter waste of everything. Food, resources...so quick to simply purchase something in it's place. But since becoming one of the undead, he had made it his mission to dispose of all those horrible, spoiled, privileged vipers. The world would be much better without them in his opinion. He spied the young man walking to his car. The cost of the vehicle so astronomical it could fed everyone in his town for a year or more. Yes, he would do nicely he thought as he watched the young man get closer to his car. Suddenly he felt a sudden gash at his throat and he knew he would be no more.

The young man got into his car and drove away never knowing how close he came to death.

Joey James loved being a vampire! At first he wanted to strangle the bitch who did this to him, but once he realized what he was capable of, he felt free. For the first time in his life. He knew that he didn't have much to offer the world. In and out of jail for petty crimes. That's just the way it was for people in his family. His dad died from a shot to chest in a drug bust and his mom was doing a stint for passing bad checks. Some would say his life was meant to be this way. His motorcycle gang The Gravediggers was finally showing some promise. By the end of year they would have all of Southern California under their thumb. Anyone who dared challenged his met a grisly death and Joey loved the power! He sat in the back of the bar looking at the young guy who sat across from him. He didn't look all that tough, but something told Joey this kid could hold his own.
"Ok. Why don't you show me what you can do?" Joey asked. The young man stood up and looked around. Approximately 30 outlaw bikers were inside this room. In a matter of seconds all were destroyed including Joey James. No one would be surprised at his ending.

Jessica Beirs love to dance. All her life dancing was her only motivation. She wanted to be as wonderful Anna Pavlova. But after years of study she knew she would never be the lead ballerina. As much as she practiced there was always something that she wasn't getting. Then coming home from a performance, she was attacked and changed forever. Now stronger with endurance to spare, what she saw as a curse was her ticket to fame. So what if she had to feed on a few of the ones who tried to stand in her way. It's not like anyone knew what she was. And now she had finally gotten her turn. Tonight, she would be the lead in Giselle! Her mind was filled with roses and signing autographs. The taking of her head came swiftly.
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Re: Elite PG

Post by Ella713 »

There was no breaking news. Brian knew there would be nothing of the sort. Vampires especially new ones, like to live off the grid so to speak. What did it matter? Technically, they were dead already. No one knew of their absence, but Marco began to wonder. Everything was as it should be, but he felt a slight shift in the norm. Something wasn't right. He needed to speak with Armad. he would know.

Armad, for a relatively new vampire, had accumulated much wealth and power in the city of San Diego. He had for years been wanting to tap into the wealth of Los Angeles, but that city belonged to Josef Kostan and those that went against him, were simply no more. So Armad knew to stay away. So when his faithful ally Marco Lorenz came to see him, he was glad for the distraction.
"Marco, it's been way to long" Armad said standing up to greet him. He kissed both his cheeks and motioned for him to take a seat.
"Armad...things are......I'm not quite sure, but do you know of any Counsel decision or agreement recently?" Armad shook his head. Counsel had never been favorable towards him. He was young in vampire years. And while he had accumulated wealth, they thought of him as a risk taker. One not to be trusted.
"You know I am not on good terms with Counsel. Any plans they have are guarded in secrecy and superstition. Why do you ask?"
"Los Angeles, I think....is being cleansed." He said. Armad at straight up. Rigid in his chair.
"Why do think that?"
"My senses tell me that many have been destroyed. I know of two for sure. Jessica Biers the ballet dancer for one. She was dancing the lead in Giselle and didn't show. No word, no call. And I have also heard that Joey James the biker guy. He and his comrades have perished in The Vagabond bar. At first I thought nothing of it. Dancers are flighty and well.....a biker gang has many rivals, but today I was paying a visit to the Medium Mary Ann Peters. Her shop if closed and no one has heard of her ever talking about leaving" He explained.
"Why would Counsel deal with such young vampires not to mention insignificant vampires?"
"I don't know but I feel a definite shift"
"Well Marco, you know there is little I can do. I can't go into Los Angeles and make inquiries. But I am interested in your theory. Do a little poking around and come back to me with your findings." He said finally.

Armad sat back in his chair. What was really going on L.A.?

Marco began contacting other vampires in the Los Angeles area and received some very startling news. At least 100 vampires were either destroyed, or had all taken off at the same time. Marco believed the former. But why?

Brian and Isabelle loved killing. It was who they were and they accepted it. One of the reasons they both lived so quietly and orderly is because they had to. For Nosferatu to run amuck on a blood high, would mean the human race would be no more. Therefore care had to be taken. Her and Brian almost came to blows when she stopped him from tearing through the city after he disposed of biker gang. Her and Brian stepped over the 5 vampires they had just slayed. Brian's eyes were bright as he relished the feel of blood dropping down his face and hands. The other cleaners arrived and disposed of carnage and left not a trace behind.

Brian heard movement behind them. He quickly took off to find out who the culprit was. He grabbed the mortal from behind.
"What is it that you think you're doing?" Brian said in a sinister voice.
"I work for the news. I heard something over here so I decided to check it out" He said, his voice trembling. Brian froze. He recognized that voice. He turned the man around.
"Hello Steve" He said trying to wipe the blood that he was covered in. Steve looked up in surprise.
"Brian! Dude, what the hell happened to you?" He said as he spied Brian covered in blood from head to toe.
"I can't explain right now. Please go speak with Mom" Brian said as he and Isabelle sped off into the night.

Brian left right away for Beth's place.
""Steve! What a nice surprise! What brings you over here?" Beth said with a wide grin. Steve had always been her favorite cameraman.
"Beth. I know. I've known for a long while, so lets get serious" Steve said.
"Steve what are talking about?" Beth said utterly confused by his statement.
"Beth I know you and Mick are vampires."
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Re: Elite PG

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Beth stared at her friend for a long time. She thought of million things she ought to have said but gave up on them all.
"How?" Was all she could manage to say.
"You do know there are a lot of them around right? I've come across a few in my time. Especially in the news world." He explained.
"Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"I guess I was waiting for the day when you would tell me yourself" He said quietly.
"Steve, I'm so sorry. You're right, I should have told you a long time ago." She said her eyes welling up with tears at hurting her friend's feelings. Steve walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay. I understand the who secrecy thing. Wait! Oh yeah, your son Brian and Isabelle were disposing of bodies last night. Believe me, if I can happen up on something like that, anyone can. And they won't have any idea how to handle it." He said handing a a thumb drive.
"What's this?" She asked.
"I was trying to get some photos of a crime scene and I think Brian and Isabelle might be on it. Do what you will with it Beth" Steve said with smile. "I really miss us working together you know?" He finished as he headed for the door. Beth ran over and gave him a big hug. Mick came downstairs and Steve looked up.
"What's up boss?" Steve said casually.
"Hey Steve" Mick said with a smile.
"Well, I gotta get some sleep. See you two around" He said.

"What's going on?" Mick asked.
"Steve has saved all our hides" She said walking over to the fireplace and throwing the drive into the fire.

Marco came to see Armad once more.
"It has begun" He said in a panicked voice. Armad stood up.
"You're serious? How many?"
"Estimates are at over 100. Many are choosing to leave Los Angeles for other cities in California. As you are in San Diego, can you offer asylum?" He asked. Armad thought for a moment. He began to see how his power and influence could magnify.
"Yes, I can. Get the word out that any vampire may take rest in San Diego" he said with a smile.
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Re: Elite PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Sir" Brian said walking into Josef's office. "Things are going according to plan, but Armad has decided to offer asylum" Brian said. Josef turned from the window with a slow smile.
"Really? How interesting" He said.
"How would you like this handled?" Brian asked, for he knew that going against Counsel rule would be cause for a brutal retribution.
"Surprise me Brian" Josef said. With a nod of his head Brian left to handle Armad and the rest of the vampires.

Eden was concerned. Even though she had every assurance that due to her advanced age, she would be spared, her concern was for her husband. He was very young in vampire years, coming up on his 10th year since she had turned him. And she had brought him up in the correct way. He knew that discretion was the most important trait of the vampire. He also knew to never spill blood unless his own existence was at stake. Surely Dragos would see this and he would be spared.

So far over 75 vampires had come to San Diego seeking asylum. Some had skills that would be very useful while others were.......dead weight so to speak. But already Armad could see a very definite plan take shape. But for this plan to succeed, they must be ready for battle. Kostan was a very formidable vampire and his co-hort Brian was definitely a vampire you did not want to confront. But perhaps there was some leverage he could gain. Isabelle......he said her name over and over, liking the way it sounded. If she were...say taken, that would give him the leverage he needed. Kostan loved the cleaner and would do anything to get her back. Oh yes! He thought. He would have the upper hand indeed! He decided very quickly what needed to be done.

Armad assembled 10 of his fiercest entourage to take on the task of stalking Isabelle. They had to be very very careful he told them. The cleaners were lightning fast and their senses were unparalleled.

Isabelle knew immediately she was being followed. She hadn't figured out who yet, but she would.
She voiced her concerns to Brian.
"My Lord, I am sure that Armad has sent a small group to kidnap me" She said with amusement. Brian smiled.
"Indeed. In that case, let's reward them with an abduction by all means." He said. Isabelle nodded and walked out. Brian then called Josef and let him know what they were planning to do.

"Make sure you stay on top of this Brian. No harm must come to my wife" Josef said sternly. Brian understood. Isabelle was also his dearest friend and confidant. He would let nothing touch her.
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Re: Elite PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle went through her normal routine and showed neither shock or surprise when she was ambushed. She allowed herself to be taken although she knew that it would have been extraordinarily easy for her to destroy them all.

"I thought this chick was supposed to be tough" One young vampire said as they placed Isabelle into a waiting limousine."She didn't put up a fight"
"Well at least she's smart. She knew that 10 vamps would be too many to take on. We don't even have to use the silver brackets" Another vampire said confidently.
"Damn she looks good" Another vamp said scooting close to her in the backseat, slowly placing his arm around her shoulders. "How about when this is over, you and I spend some time together?" He said with a grin. Isabelle turned her head to face him. Her cool blue eyes sweeping over him.
"That will be impossible, because you will be no more when this is over" She said calmly.

The vamp looked at her. He really didn't like the way she said those words. That wasn't a threat. She spoke as if she already knew what was happening. And for the first time since becoming a vampire, he felt fear. True fear. He removed his arm from her shoulders and looked straight ahead and began to think of other ways he could escape. Why stay in California at all? Once he had that thought, it was instantly made. He would leave tonight and go to Alaska. He had heard they a very small vampire population.

Brian knew the moment Isabelle was taken and he began to prepare.

Josef had met with the small group of vampires that agreed to relocate to Copenhagen. Balthazar was already there making preparations. He had agreed to the relocation and handed his position to Julian which he accepted. Josef could understand Balthazar's request. He longed to be back in isolation as was his nature. The rush, the politics of it all had left him unfit and Josef knew that if his request was not addressed, the ramifications would be severe and very hard to explain. He would miss his dear friend but situations were better when accepted.

Helen and Jeff readily agreed to relocate although they were young in their vampire state, they were Brian's family and they would be taken care of. Overall close to 100 vampires were in the process of relocating leaving 150 vampires in California. This low number would ward off The Hunters whose very nature was composed of large vampire populations and that could not happen again. Things would get back to normal Josef thought.

With the relocation in place it was much easier to dispose of the few who remained and tried to hide. A coven of 15 teenagers were located in Lockhart, an abandoned town west of Barstow. Their intention of turning other teenagers was enough to warrant their execution. With the vampire situation under control, it was time to bring Isabelle back.
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Re: Elite PG

Post by Ella713 »

Armad walked in confidently and sat in front of Isabelle.
"Hello Mrs. Kostan. I trust you were treated well by my colleagues?" He asked. Isabelle said nothing to this silly man. "I understand your silence, but let me first tell you what all of this about. We know that vampires are being exterminated and we also know the reasons why. Vampires have become careless. They don't take the time to train or teach the people they've damned. I agree with you 100%. But here in my territory, permission must always be asked and both newbie and sire are under surveillance for 1 year. I don't think you will find such strict guidelines anywhere" He explained looking at Isabelle.

Isabelle didn't respond. It didn't matter to her what the situation was, it wasn't up to her. When Armad slapped her across the face for not acknowledging him, Isabelle still did nothing. He slapped her again harder. Her beautiful face taking a beating, but still saying nothing. She lifted her head up and smiled widely at Armad.

"She serves no purpose, do to her as you will" He said walking out of the room and closing the door. The remaining vampires stared at Isabelle with lust in their eyes. She slowly closed her eyes and waited.

She heard growling and stifled groans and tables being overturned. When she opened her eyes she saw Brian standing over her.
"Isabelle, are you alright?" Brian asked anxiously.
"Yes, my Lord. Armad hits like little girls" She joked easily breaking through the chains that held her.
Brian smiled at her and grabbed her hand.
"Get Armad and let's call it an evening" Brian said to her.
"Of course" She replied. Isabelle found Armad very quickly. He raised his hands in surrender.
"Hey, look Isabelle....I...I know I shouldn't have hit you....okay? I will sign over all my assets to you and Josef....and I go somewhere...somewhere remote and I won't come back and I won't bother you again. Okay? We have a deal? Right?" He begged. Isabelle smiled at him and very swiftly Armad was no more.

Eden and her husband sat in front of Josef, Isabelle and Dragos. She knew that the judgement would come quickly and when it did she would request being destroyed at his side.

"Eden" Brian said as her and her husband stood up. "It has been decided that your husband continue his existence with you." Brian said. Eden and her husband both hugged one another. She had no idea what had happened to change their minds but it must have been something very valuable.

"Oh Marco." She said kissing her husband's face. "I do so love you" She said.
"And I love you" Marco said holding her tightly.
"I do not understand". Isabelle said. "Edens husband was only 10 years if that." She wondered to herself. Josef smiled.
"Yeah he was, but he was smart and resourceful. It was Marco who came to us and told us of Armad's plan and it was he who suggested that Armad offer asylum to the vampires. Marco has proven himself to be extremely loyal. Eden has done well with her husband" Josef explained. "Now that the vampire population has been controlled, we can start taking steps to make sure this never happens again." Josef said. This was a new beginning. A chance to do things the right way. There was a balance that needed to be kept. And now that it was his job, he intended to see it through.

The End
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